Cyberimp Species in Kingdoms of Peregon | World Anvil
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General Appearance

  Sometimes, brute force and heedless loyality is not everything. The Cyberimp is there when the Dire Imps do nothing but increase the morale of their foes, by dying in heaps. Their arms are a fair bit shorter, which doesn't mean much as they're completely removed and replaced with robotic parts, with steel claws that can penetrate plate and burst flames from their palms. The Cyberimp also has steel plating all over it's body and implants on it's knees which allows it to jump even further distances than normal Imps   Their eyes are also changed out for robotical ones, that can see the vitals and warmth of blood within people, accompanied with an antenna for the right ear that allows them to hear orders directly from their demonic master on long ranges.   The Cyberimp also has a cloaking device built into it's spine, which allows the creature to go invicible for shorter durations of time, before it unleashes it's ire on mortal souls. Accompanied with this is also the tail at the end of the spine, which is coated in metal so that it can be utilized as a spear.  


  While the Cyberimp is far more expensive and takes much longer to create than the Dire version, they still have a very versatile and efficent use if deployed correctly. Cyberimps start as the evolved Dire version and is slowly operated full with cybernetical augmentations which both increases it's combat prowess and survivability. Though, unlike it's counterpart, this version isn't lobotomized since the demons take full use of their sinister, cruel and cowardly nature.   The Cyberimp is often used as an assassination sort of unit. Since it can hold it's own rather well against a single mortal warrior, but is swiftly overwhelmed by any warmachine or elite unit and cavalary. Instead they specialize with in and out tactics. Swiftly sneaking around to take out groups of ranged opponents or attacking enemies in the back, before swiftly retreating when the first of their numbers fall or get wounded.   Though this cowardly nature has also been tamed, by installing remote bombs inside of their bodies, which makes the Cyberimp forced to re-engage if commanded to do so. The only backside with using this form of demon to fight their battles, is that if a single Cyberimp is shot in the bomb, the whole crew will soon follow along in a shower of gore that takes anyone close to them along to the grave.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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