Carneloid Species in Kingdoms of Peregon | World Anvil
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Basic Information


Carneloids have a humanoid shape with two arms and two legs like most other intellectual and sentient beings. They are however by norm smaller but a bit denser in muscular structure than their human father and elven mother races. Furthermore their forms are often incredibly symetrical with legs and arms stupidly appropriate to their length, with an exception of their organs that are on the large side.   To compensate for these larger organs, the Carneloid has developed a second heart and rapidly coagulating blood that can patch up holes in organs such as the lungs, or repair a liver. Along with this liver, the Carneloid is also gifted with an incredible digestion system which allows them to survive on very little nutrients, while they can devour food rapidly, are near immune towards alcohol intoxication and resistant towards rotten and spoiled meat. A side effect to this is also an immunity towards collecting fat. For better and worse.   Unlike humans, the Carneloid have 58 teeth, 32 on the front rows with 26 on the second one, which are harder and more dense to allow the carneloid to bite through objects such as softer metals and bone. Their canines are also thrice as long as a a humans, with the female having slightly larger ones rather than the other way around, combined with an extendable tongue that can reach up to their eyes.

Biological Traits

While the female and male Carneloids don't have much physical differences to one another, besides of the obvious humanoid traits, the females tend to have slightly larger canine teeth, brighter eyes and more curves, while the males have bigger chestmuscles, wider shoulders and more defined facial features.

Genetics and Reproduction

A Carneloid can reproduce just like any other human or elf, though with a twist. Their child will never be born another Carneloid unless they are concieved in hell, unless both partners are Carneloids. Even then there is one fifth's chanse that the child will still be either a Human or Elven born, depending on their parents legacy. There are however a few very rare cases of human and elven halfbreeds being born from Carneloids and cases that could be uniques were a dwarf or other speices not even remotely alike it's parents have been birthed.   The reason behind this unlikely phenomena can be attributed to a corruptive force within the hells that, while technically unharmfull, has evolutionary effects on unborn children that turn them slightly demonic. A corruption which seems to be reverse engineered as the pure magical forces of the mortal realm would cleanse it's own inhabitants to a form fitting for their own world.   This cleansing can not undo demonic corruption when the harm is already done to a body, although as most mortals still within the hells are humans or elves either enslaved by daemonic invaders or remnants of survivors lost from the main force of the Hellcrusades, generations of Carneloids born from their parents survived much better due to the demonic influences and soon became a race of their own. Hence why races like dwarves who are compatable to create halfbreeds with humans and elves could likely also be part of their mess of a genetic pool.

Growth Rate & Stages

Due to the demonic corruption, the growth of a Carneloid is both sped up and slowed down, where they reach full maturity only at their 18th year, but are not considered old until the ripe age of 120. It's believed that a Carneloid can live near two hundered years though they will barely grow anymore past their sixteenth year.

Ecology and Habitats

The Carneloid doesn't have much of an optimal enviroment. They're known to be able to survive some of the most rigorous locations that both carry deadly seasons, scorching heat or bonechilling cold. Though even if they're considered master survivalists and among some of the most, if not the most adaptable humanoid, they would still always prefer to settle for a peacefull, moderately temperate beach somewhere subtropic.

Dietary Needs and Habits

A Carneloid could technically eat almost any creature, though they refrain from cannibalism or gorging on most other sentient races, with demons excluded. Mostly their diet consist of meat from hunted animals or demons, where they take advantage of pretty much everything, with again the exception of the humanoid parts of demons which they let rot away.   Normally, they'd also scavenge anything that is even remotely edible that they can find. Be it plants, insects or even rotten caracases. They do however not enjoy to eat rotten meat because it's disgusting and they do have a dignity, though considering that their internal systems wouldn't complain to feed from a putrid and maggot infested corpse, survival is survival.   Normally though, meat and veggies alike are stored either naked in the snow, or burried into saltmines. Along with the bones and organs that are often eated or boiled broth from.   As a fun fact: The Carneloid got their name as a degredation of their eating habits of rotten scraps and meat which their demon masters threw to them, before they realized that they could just dine on their rulers instead. Ever since the word Carneloid has inspired a similar fear into demons as the tales of Trolls putting people in cookpots have for humans. The only difference being, it's not beyond a Carneloid to do that, while trolls are mostly kind vegetarians.

Biological Cycle

While fully optional, a Carneloid who has the opportunity could easily eat thrice their own bodymass and will hence enter a stage of hibernation where they can sleep for a full week on end. This nearly never happens though as it is a completely pointless part of their evolution through demonic corruption. It could also be considered incredibly dangerous since they as a species are nomadic and hunted throughout all of the hells.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Carneloids social structure is directly linked to age. The older the Carneloid, the longer they've managed to survive in their harsh would, thus they are worthy to follow. Beyond that, they have little structures beyond the Reapers nomadic lifestyles and rather just adapt to their circumstances to live another day.

Facial characteristics

Most Carneloids have softer facial features often described as cute or innocent. with short buttonlike noses, thin lips and tall near elven ears that curl just the slightest at it's sharp looking tips. They are also attributed with odd spots of demonic skin which can run down the eyelids to their cheekbones and noses, or between the eyes and temples. These parts of hide are thicker than their normal skin and goes by the name of hellspots.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Carneloids mainly stick within the hells, as a majority of their kin are part of a group known as the Reapers. However many yet serve willingly as stewards, butlers or servants to Daemon masters who enjoy having mortals around them. Others yet serve unwillingly as slaves and workers though.   Only a small minority of Carneloids ever flee the hells to the world of Arcathia, though most of them can be found either in Peregon, Diestria or elven lands. Though they are not always well recieved on the human lands due to the monstrosities that hide behind their lips.

Average Intelligence

Carneloids have an intellect which matches most of humanity, though they are unable to properly concieve both the concepts of magic and are found lacking in a social intellect. Although the latter of the two can be more accustomed to the extreme cultures which are born from hell.   They are incredibly crafty though, and easily understand weird technology and science. They are also highly sharpened intellects when it comes to survival, crafting, cooking and alchemy with a penchant for adapting different tech's like Coiltech into makeshift weapons. So important has this become to them as a speices that the art of scrapping is considered a unique intellect called Scavenger intelligence. This Scavenger intellect is directly linked with their word Scavtek which in short is a mess of combinations from everything that can be put together to aid further survival.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Due to their evolution in the darker hells, the Carneloid as a nocturnal humanoid have gained larger, rounder eyes with big pupils that allow them to see in the dark, although can be a bit of a hinderance at night. The Carneloid also see more colours than the average creature.   Beyond sight, they are also an empathic race which can both smell and taste emotion on the air or from other people, which is believed to be an evolutionary trait of their tongues. Their tongues are also capable of eating spells to then breathe the effect back out of their jaws. Although this probably has nothing to do with a digestive system, as much as form of sensitivity on their tastebuds that allow them to taste the context of the spell and thus both stop it in motion, and recast it back with second wordless command.   As a spell of irony though, their ability to eat and then hurl up a magic ability is the exception for the race's further complete lack of magical affinity.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Unlike most creatures, Carneloids are immune towards most symbiots and parasites. It is well recorded that, parasitic species which may try to invade their bodies are at instant assailed by their violent digestive system which tears the parasite apart and devours them along with whatever slab of meat they tried to hide within.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

For Carneloids, smaller forms with larger and more defined hellspots are seen as attractive and beautiful. People who are on the shorter and leaner side are believed to take up less resources in their mind, and are also harder to notice while in hiding. The hellspots are also directly linked to age where the more years a Carneloid have on them the more attractive they get.   It's also common that the men find the taller canines of the women a sign of beauty, while in return the women enjoy scars on the men. This is believed to be more of a cultural thing among the Reapers though, rather than attributed to them as a species.

Gender Ideals

Considering death and violence often follow in a Carneloids footstep, wether they're the aggressor or having to defend their existence from various demonic threats, they've come to be protective of their women due to reproductional benefits. However, they don't do this by keeping their females out of harms way.   While it's the men that generally do the hunting, cooking and form the main force of their killteams, the elder of them usually stay at home to tend to the young ones and train the women into being masterfull crafters and assassins. As a result of this mindset, many females have turned into lone survivors as males sacrifice themselves for a chanse of their race to keep fighting on. Those who survive this trial become so called Hellwalkers, while the rarer male equivalent of them being called Hellwanderers.

Courtship Ideals

Thanks to the survival aspect, Carneloids have developed to become either heavy matriarchal or patriarchal, with little room inbetweens, which only the largest Reaper clans afford to make exceptions from.   For the patriarchal groups, a Hellwalker will be taken into a group run by a single male leader and accepted as his wife and right hand. Thus ensuring she's the second highest ranked within their society and also tasked with ensuring the women of his group are trained into deadly hunters.   For the matriarchal groups, a Hellwalker will form a group with at least three other females and one Hellwanderer, who serves as her personal bodyguard and servant, while the other three women work to expand the group, by coupling up with other males and freeing slaves both.

Relationship Ideals

As far as relationships go, Carneloids whom do not venture alone are usually placed into a relation of their leaders command, generally to ensure all of their young adults are coupled with a compatable partner, both in genetics and personality to ensure newborn are healthy and strong, while still attempting to give them a lasting and meaningful relation to one another.   While this may seem heartless, it is still common that personal preferences are valued and the leaders will listen to concerns and suggestions to avoid internal conflicts. Still, it's not out of the norm, but rather encouraged that older Carneloids split away from their main groups, either with their loved ones if said handpicked relation works out, or they are free to persure a love interest from either a lone wanderer or another group. Though in both cases they'd leave to form a new sub-group of their own.

Average Technological Level

It's hard to pinpoint exactly where the Carneloids as a whole are in technology, as they will use anything from bows and arrows to highly advanced mechanical weapons to survive. Much of their buildings, tools and casual clothing can be considered as tribal, while their weapons, armour, military arts and hunting techinques are on par with goblins, if even a slight bit better.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Scientific Name
Homo Infernalis
170 years
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Physique
Due to their near nonexistential bodyfat and weathered bodies, Carneloids are often considered to be highly attractive by most standards, as they are slightly curved with exposed muscles and flat chests. It also helps that they stay in the same fit shape as their mid twenties through 60-70 years onwards without being targeted by age.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The hellspots grow with intensity by age and their colour are directly linked to enviroment, which implies cooler colours like blue may imply they grew up in the cold, while darker red ones imply they grew up in a warmer region.


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