Gabriya Scentellio Character in Khyren | World Anvil
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Gabriya Scentellio

Gabriya Tiriel Scentellio (a.k.a. Gabby, Gab-Girl)

“A song, Gab-girl?” the old man next to me asks. His face is even more creased and exhausted than my own lovely visage. “Oh, I’m tired, Jonesy,” I try, but a little hand pulls on my sleeve. I look down and see Pink frowning at the scrap of brown fabric that came away in her hand, and I smile. “Falling apart, right?” You and me both. I tell the sky as Pink drops the scrap. “A song?” she whispers. I want to say no, but her namesake cheeks are so pale and gaunt that it feels wrong to deny her this. “All right,” I say, eliciting a gap-toothed grin. “What shall it be?” “Fire in the Furnace,” A man says gruffly from my left. “Please, Gab.” he adds. I look down to Pink for confirmation, and she nods vigorously, taking my hand as we continue our long walk in the country, as the masters call it. Masters of satire, more like. The old man gives a drink from his precious canteen, and I begin.   ************************************************************************   I swallow. “Jonesy always wanted to take care of you, Pink. That always real important to him. He wouldn’t have wanted you to risk getting your legs blown off just to see where he was.” “Did Jonesy get his legs blown off?” she asks, looking closer to tears than ever. Dammit. Sometimes the hardness in my heart reaches my mouth, and there’s nothing I can do about it. “I’m sure Jonesy’s all right, wherever he is.” I say, my conscious twinging. But it doesn’t count as a lie if she knows it’s not entirely true. “Where are we going to go, Gab?” I want to go home, Gabriya. I press the cloth harder against my temple, closing my eyes as the pain runs down my body in a smooth stream. Never again.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Scrawny with a breathing condition. Wiry strength.

Body Features

Very fair skin with black, matted hair.

Facial Features

High cheek bones, smattering of pale freckles, dark brows

Identifying Characteristics

Dark hazel eyes with gold flecks

Physical quirks

Walks with head slightly curled over, constantly frowning with her forehead

Apparel & Accessories

Ragged and faded; baggy trousers and a grey top with the sleeves cut off. Occasionally a leather hood when it rains.

Specialized Equipment

Bag of small tools for harvesting, building, or mining.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Female; she/her/hers




Slave, member of the Unbelonging

Accomplishments & Achievements

Rescued Pink from a road explosion Became the unofficial singer of her regiment Survived the burning of her citadel

Failures & Embarrassments

Failed to rescue Jones from the road explosion Captured by the Masters Separated from her mother in the citadel

Mental Trauma

Trauma from attack on her home

Intellectual Characteristics


Morality & Philosophy

Practical, with a strong but sometimes confused sense of right and wrong


Never harm an innocent.

Personality Characteristics


Defend her young friend, Pink, and make her way to freedom. Unconsciously wants to help others do the same.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Good at quickly assessing situations and finding logical solutions; skilled with several types of manual labor; somewhat capable in regard to self-defense; excellent singer and a passable dancer. Cannot draw to save her life; cannot sew or cook; raised well, but became unpracticed in personal appearances.

Likes & Dislikes

Loves singing and warm food. Hates working with blades and being forced to make hard decisions.

Virtues & Personality perks

Honest, conscientious, loyal, intelligent, faithful (religious)

Vices & Personality flaws

Unpolished, distrusting, sometimes insensitive


Few opportunities to take a bath: dirty and calloused feet, matted hair; she keeps clean as best she can, but she really can't.


Contacts & Relations

Father unknown SIngle mother of low nobility Forbidden love with a lord

Family Ties

Mother, but at an unknown location

Religious Views

Cochaui; monotheistic

Social Aptitude

Kind to the downtrodden and a reliable protector; outwardly meek and unnoticeable, but confident and potentially rude in one-on-one situations.


Stares straight ahead, good posture

Hobbies & Pets



Clear and eloquent, but is slipping into a regional dialect

Wealth & Financial state

Born into a comfortable situation, then captured and became possession-less
There’s a fire in the furnace, Red like Moses’ bush It crackles like any other But it doesn’t look like much It’ll grow and grow This I know And burn the forest down And maybe in the ashes We’ll find a silver crown
My kind of forgetting is the best. When you’ve marched as far and long as I have, moving so, so slowly despite the masters’ yells and whipcracks like God’s thunder above a cowering world… well, we have to move slowly, don’t we? Unless they want half their workers lying on the side of the road, never to move again; that is, if the poor bastards are lucky. They lie trampled beneath their herd of shuffling companions if they’re not, the living’s foggy eyes barely recognizing the hands and faces they tread on. Whether it’s out of sheer boredom or trying to prevent your eyes from noticing those blistered feet sticking out of a ditch, your mind lets you forget. You stop thinking about how much your own feet hurt in their shoes more fit for a dog’s mouth. You stop feeling your hair, overgrown like a ragged mane, matting around your ears and catching in your slightly open mouth. Your tongue stops running over your teeth because you forget how filmy those pearly whites are now, how stained and broken in places. You just forget.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Year of Birth
1854 EH 18 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Single mother
Current Residence
Nomadic, questing, etc
Hazel with gold flecks
Black and tangled, overgrown
110 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Character Prototype
Kind of a bedraggled Snow White with an attitude. Attracts the small and helpless.

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