Queen Eriphyle the Swift Character in Khthon | World Anvil
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Queen Eriphyle the Swift

Queen Eriphyle the Swift

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Most kings and queens of Leboton take a new title upon defeating their rivals and ascending to the throne, but as the second child, Eriphyle had already been "the Swift" for nearly a decade and decided to keep it even after coronation. She enjoys making a game of tying the title to every positive attribute she can think of, telling different stories about its origin or agreeing immediately and enthusiastically when a visitor makes a guess or assumption. No one native to Leboton, however, would ever mistake it: Eriphyle is perhaps the most skilled human equestrian alive. She holds several records, including being the only rider in the history of the city to win one hundred races consecutively. In all her life, as a young girl, as a royal princess, as a candidate for the throne, and even in the few races she's been able to participate in since her coronation, Eriphyle has won every single time. Her undefeated career and enormous charisma made her extraordinarily popular among the people of Leboton, and among potential suitors, both advantages she pressed all the way to the throne. There were also significant political victories and administrative achievements propelling her forward, but it's an open secret among the nobility that those were the work of her older brother rather than the result of her own talent.   The queen has ruled for less than a year, but she has already steered her people through significant hardship and into great prosperity. Not a day goes by that one side or another of the brewing war doesn't seek to get a Lebotonian commitment to their side, or at least to stop entertaining the other. Every day, Eriphyle makes the representative feel important, appreciated, and as though they have been heard. Most of the time they leave believing another delay is in their own best interest, occasionally even that it was their idea. And all the while, Leboton continues selling horseflesh to both alliances at staggeringly inflated prices.


Eriphyle attended the University of Oros' College of Crowns, and spent significant time at the College of Cavalry as well. Since returning home to Leboton, she has arranged for tutors and professors be brought to her and continued her education. She is on track to graduate the full program of the College of Cavalry as well within the year.


Prince Thon the Quiet

Brother (Vital)

Towards Queen Eriphyle the Swift



Queen Eriphyle the Swift

Sister (Vital)

Towards Prince Thon the Quiet



Lawful Good
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
22nd of Ophlû, 169 Knight
Current Residence
Palace Regnant
Light blue, wide
Shoulder length, wavy, brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Slightly pale
120 lbs
Orthodox Orionism
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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