Like much of the Altayih's industry and transportation, the Bašmu relies on uniquely suited animal life to move. In its particular case, it relies on the genuinely unreasonable hardiness (and abnormally high shoulder height) of the aurochs. The herd that carries each block of the enormous vehicle on their backs like a series of interconnected palanquins is perhaps the largest on Khthon, only potentially eclipsed in the lost lands of the giants.
Armor and defense
Though the primary consideration in the Bašmu's construction was insulation, ten foot thick walls with significant bronze on each side protecting that insulation will protect from a great many hazards. The aforementioned insulation relies on another unique creature, though not on the usual friendship the Altayih build with their animals. It was discovered that, with only mild alchemical treatments, a lava darter's pulped corpse maintains its nearly supernatural resistance to extreme temperature so long as it can be kept moving. The outer walls of the Bašmu contain pipes constantly pumping this alchemically enhanced sludge to regulate its internal temperature. This is not quite a lossless process, and maintaining a small population of the insects to replenish the supply was one of the most expensive aspects of its construction and the most difficult tasks to maintain it.
Additional & auxiliary systems
In the Bašmu's initial design, each block was an identically sized cube and all were specialized. It was quickly realized that 30 foot by 30 foot spaces could not accommodate every need and the sameness became oppressive, so the actual vehicle now consists of many differently sized blocks formed from removing the contiguous walls between adjacent cubes. Some of these larger blocks are not specialize, but serve multiple functions within the same walls, though others In places where it is not obscured by furniture, equipment, or decoration, these junctions are still noticeable due to the differing construction of the floor and walls for flexing and bending, allowing the vehicle as a whole to maintain its maneuverability.
No one knows how long its journey will be, so the vehicle was designed to be a self sustaining closed ecosystem. There are agricultural blocks growing food for the people and creatures aboard (and the aurochs outside), residential blocks for those people to live in, industrial blocks to make and repair tools, husbandry blocks for raising replacement aurochs, butchery blocks to make use of dead ones, kitchen and cafeteria blocks for eating, recreation and leisure blocks, and on and on.
Creation Date
183 Knight
Owning Organization
Current location
50 ft
3 km
50 ft
8,593,750 tons
1 ft/s
Complement / Crew
1 captain, 7,500 crew
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
15,000 passengers