Ice Sea Rocket Vehicle in Khandar | World Anvil
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Ice Sea Rocket

The Ice Sea Rocket is an enlarged Labarean Paddler that hails from Baloodi and is used to trade in the Ice Sea area. As is customary among Labarean vessels, the ship was named after its first main trip. During this trip, it became stuck along a floating ice platelet while carrying alchemical goods destined for the Kingdom of Laeryll. The gnome captain of the ship responded to this obstacle by using alchemical concoctions and metal pipes to temporarily rocket-power the ship through the ice.   The Ice Sea Rocket currently trades between the Labarean Empire and Thellur. In Priar 904 LC, the ship entered Lake Olt, where an inspection by the Qosidian Fleet revealed a large shipment of weaponry. The wood elves were worried that the weapons were shipped to engage in hostilities against the whole Kingdom of Laeryll and imprisoned the main crew members: captain Yarno Gablooza, commander Goba Clammershank and slavekeeper Theodorius Battlewheel. During interrogations outside of the view of fleet officers, the latter was gruesomely murdered by Bor Durlyne, in the presence of Gablooza and Clammershank.   The interrogations revealed that Gablooza had been approached by a group of Suru in Baloodi. Their leader, who introduced himself as Brokotrik, made a large payment to receive the weapon shipment in a cave west of the Oltswamp.


The Labarean paddler is propulsed by six manually operated paddlewheels for upstream river navigation, complemented by sail. Up to forty chained orc slaves power the paddle-wheels via a system of cogwheels.

Weapons & Armament

The deck of the Ice Sea Rocket is equipped with six multi-loaded crossbows and shielding that can easily protect on-deck gnomes. The ship itself is scaled with thin metal sheets with protruding spikes.
10 m
50 m
2.5 mph
Complement / Crew
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
100 tons