Custodiat Obscura Tradition / Ritual in Khalar | World Anvil
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Custodiat Obscura

Custodiat Obscura is a Traticean tradition where the head of a household, either on their deathbed or when ready to step down as the head of the household will take their successor into their confidence- divesting every secret that has been gleaned about the family's allies and enemies. This isn't done out of any desire for absolution, but to "arm" the next generation for another round of feuding and intrigue. The secrets will help ensure the family's political strength, expose potential weaknesses in allies that must be defended against and possible points that can be exploited in rival houses.


The origins of the Custodiat Obsucra are lost to time, but it is rumored that the First Emperor himself started the tradition with his own son, in a small tent out on the frontier of his expanding Empire.


The ritual doesn't require much in the way of scenery or setting. All that happens is the former head of the family and his or her successor is closeted in a secluded area and all doors locked. Guards are (if possible) posted at the exterior doors. Ideally, those guards are members of the family as well- second or third sons, so that if anything should be overheard it still wont' leave the family unit.


The Patriarch or Matriarch of a family and their successor are the only ones allowed in the room itself, while other family members stand guard outside. No one else is allowed to participate.


Custodiat Obscura is not tied to any special calendar dates or calculation, but the lifespan of the patriarch or matriarch of a family. When dying- or as part of their retirement from leading the family in an official capacity- they simply call the family together and explain what is going to happen.   A patriarch/matriarch will never resume their position of direct leadership of a family after this ritual, so it is not called lightly. However those who "retire" rather than perform this on their deathbed often hang around and become advisors to the next generation.

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