Solinn Species in Keverynn | World Anvil


They're very finicky about things like corpses and death and don't like to be near either one. They hate it and it takes a good deal of convincing to get them near it, except if it's one of their own.

Basic Information


These dragons have a soft hide covering their bodies. Their heads sport a three pronged crest that looks more like three horns. One prong runs over the top of the head while the other two run above the eyes and reach to the back. All three prongs curve downwards slightly. Their forelegs are shorter than their hind legs and they are skilled at walking on their back legs, though they can’t do that for long. The hands have five claws that act like hands while the back feet have four clawed toes. The wing arms have three thin bones that run down from the hands, segmenting the wing into four sections. Each hand has a single claw on it.

Humanoid Form: They look mostly human, but have a distinctive tail. They have yellowish skin and light blond hair. They retain their solidly colored, liquid eyes. They are unable to retain clothing through their changes and should remove clothing before they resume their dragon shape as some clothing can cause them injury during the change.

Genetics and Reproduction

These dragons woo their potential mates with presents.
Golds tend to be promiscuous in their favors and don’t keep their mates past the hatching of the eggs. Both parents take turns guarding the eggs and caring for them until that point, however. Gold dragons lay their eggs in marshy areas to keep them warm. The color blends in nicely with the marsh muds.
Eggs are pale yellow with a smooth texture.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Gold dragons can speak all languages, whether they be humanoid or animal.
They breathe fire that is produced by a volatile chemical secreted by a glad at the base of their throat. When that chemical contacts the air, it ignites.

Civilization and Culture

Relationship Ideals

Gold dragons aren’t overly fond of choosing riders.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

There was a time when Choosing a rider was considered aberrant behaviour for gold dragons

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

They don’t really get along with silver dragons, or many of the other dragon species for that matter. They’re quite fussy about who they like and don’t like.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
700 years
Average Height
115 to 131 feet (35-40 meters)
Geographic Distribution


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