Food in Keverynn | World Anvil


Meals are a communal affair. Everyone in the household eats together. Household tables are usually round to avoid the appearance of favouritism. A person must be introduced by the host to the others present before they may speak. Tables at these events are longer and sometimes oval shaped, but can be rectangular as well as a sign of high status. The number of foods imported from outside the Valley isn’t necessarily a mark of a gathering’s status but simply of how much money the host was willing to throw around. The meal’s social status in siathi culture is determined by the quality of guests a host managed to attract and by the length of the event itself. A short lived event is a poor one.   Siathi utilize three pronged forks and a kind of spoon with a serrated edge.   A typical upper-class meal begins with a light fruit juice served with cheese followed by a soup in cooler weather or a salad in warmer seasons, a large meat dish with heavy bread and vegetables paired with a wine or cider, and a sweet dish to end it.   Most of their guests are either wolflings or humans and their dietary needs are fairly similar. They don’t need as much food as an average siathi, though, so the main courses served to those races tend to be smaller in portion size. Wolflings are also served less vegetable matter as their pronounced canines make chewing some kinds of vegetables a bit difficult.   Different chairs are also kept handy to accommodate species who don’t have wings. While the backless chairs and stools preferred by the siathi aren’t uncomfortable for others to sit on, they’ve learned the hard way that other people prefer to have some kind of back support.   They’ve had to adjust their social protocols as not everyone has the same introductory rules as they do. Wolflings also tend to eat a lot with their hands, something the siathi find crude.   Water is safe to drink. Most people get their water from wells as there is only one significant body of water in Salcreria.   At the table, the place of honour is beside the head of the household, seated to their dominant hand. Most often with siathi this is to the right, but 25% of the population are left handed and this can be confusing to outsiders.   There’s a common rodent called a geshu that is technically edible, but no one would even think of eating one. Some people keep them as pets even though they aren’t all that smart. Siathi will also never eat things like pigeon or duck. They find it difficult to eat things that can fly. Chicken is only barely acceptable and then only because it’s one of the few things that’s easy to raise in Salcreria. It's typically considered a poor man's food and is never seen in high society.   There are some who refuse to eat it anyway. Pork, goat, and sheep make up the bulk of their protein.


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