Elements in Keverynn | World Anvil


Keverynn's magic is based on the four elements: earth, air, fire, and water. There's a little known and understood fifth element known as spirit.    
The hotheads. They are restless, decisive, take charge kind of people. Many are fiercely competitive. They are very dignified and rend to act spontaneously. Their fierce courage challenges that they meet and it is this that brings them mastery of life. Self-reliant, and have high strength of character. The odd one is happy-go-lucky and easy going. Fire people hold grudges for a very long time.
They work independently and have a strong point of view, they will argue relentlessly to put their point across. They hate criticism and take it personally. The one thing fires don't like to do is hurt another, but often do simply by not being aware of other's.
They need to be far more aware and respectful of the energy that resides within them. Too much fire can burn out an individual, leaving you feeling completely worn out.
Fire, oddly enough, gets along pretty well with water, as they are perfect foils for each other, each capable of destroying each other. However, they don’t get along with earth most of the time.
The opposite of the gruff Earth-type is gentle Air. They are often in possession of a rapid understanding of fact and can be critical and exact. They are kind and friendly and have a refined, placid disposition. They, however, like to be free and independent, often doing sudden and drastic things. They are sociable and get on well with people because they seem to understand the next person's point of view because of their detachment.
Air people create ideas that later create form and dreams to come true. Fire signs project their will to get what they want. Air signs use their mind. Air people can sometimes over estimate there own skills, thinking they are correct without the need for other ideas or opinions to be tested. This attitude can cause an individual to become too occupied with grandiose ideas and can exaggerate all sorts of eccentric behavior. This mental force is such a strong influences that they don't take kindly to disagreements and can take this personally.
Air tends to get along with earth and water, but is wary of fire.
Earth people tend to be more ‘down to earth’ kind of people. They tend to be fairly crude, gruff, and earthy. They like things that bring them self-gratification, and value life in terms of what they have or have accomplished. Some have quick, engineering minds and are brilliant talkers. They are very logical, patient, persevering, hard working, thrifty, reliable and solid. Earths are dependable and quietly easygoing. The only thing that will anger this person is if their security is violated or a family member has been hurt they will therefore defend them selves. Once these individuals have made their mark in life they feel 'now I can settle', they don't take to changes easily and would rather enjoy the life that has already been made secure.
They understand the world they live in, fit in well and are able to bring to them selves whatever it is they need, these practical beings adjust quite well to the demands of work or loved ones, have patients and strength of character to see things through.
Earth gets along well with everyone but fire.
The artistic ones. Water is the element of the mother's protective instincts that understand how you're feeling and comforts every need. This is the element that is in touch with feelings as well as those of other's. Life can be fearful for these people because they understand just how and what others are feeling, they can feel the environment if something isn't right they know it.
Those under this element all have some form of musical talent, whether it be whistling like birds or playing an instrument. They are very motherly and gentle, more so than Air-types. They are very sensitive and have a tendency to worry. Some tend to be nearly emotionless, while others express emotion constantly.
  Waters may not always be aware of their energy that flows into all that is around them, they may feel uncomfortable and wonder what the problem is, in not realizing that they have picked up others emotions that is bringing them down.
  Waters are the eternal peacemakers because they get along with every element type.
Unlike the other four, it's not possible to test whether or not an individual has an affinity for this element. People who have the ability to manipulate it have a primary element that they have an affinity with. Effects of this element vary widely.


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