Aurann Ethnicity in Keverynn | World Anvil


Aurann’s flag is shaped like an octagon. It is black in color with three crescent moons in the upper left area. The crescents are red, silver, and blue in color.

  Racial Groups
Aurann is typically comprised of a blend of humans and Wolflings with the latter being the dominant species.

The Auraniann Lord, or Tal’jeerann, is chosen from among the council of elders and rotates through the Five Tribes. There is an equal chance of the Lord being human as there is of he or she being a Wolfling.


Culture and cultural heritage

An anomaly among the Nomads, they are casual in their belief in the Mother Goddess and this is the extent of their beliefs. Even before the Old Ways fell out of practice, they were quite casual regarding their religious practices.

Common Dress code

Aurann is one of the two places in the Nomad Territories where long skirts can be found in regular use. Typically, most women wear neel (knee length pants) instead of skirts, but the more traditional garb for women (an’duhann) consists of andulinn (a scoop necked, short sleeved, thigh length dress made of thin, light material), sha’alinn (a stiff leather bodice worn over the andulinn), ja’la’ad (the under skirt made of a heavier material than the andulinn but lighter than the ala’ad. This skirt falls to the ground uninterrupted), and ala’ad (the top skirt made of a heavier material than the ja’la’ad, it is slit from the top of the front to the floor and from the knees in the back to the floor).

Footwear for both genders consists of stiff boots that are nearly knee high and lace up the front. These are called con’sala.

Men’s traditional clothing is called Zin’polem. It is comprised of a ve’nath (a shirt with long, detachable sleeves that leaves the sides exposed from the waist down), al’jenn (overlapping belts that are thin at the waist and thicker down at the thigh), yarenn (garters), nilvar (baggy leg covers worn over the jiin and held up with the yarenn), and jiinn (snug pants worn under the nilvar). A man’s shirt with the sleeves detached is referred to as a tai’nath.

Major organizations

Encompassed species
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