How The World Was Born and Magic Began Myth in Kerawa | World Anvil

How The World Was Born and Magic Began

Sit down young children, let your Oma tell you a story:   When time began and nothing was created, sparkles of light manifested into the void. These sparkles of light shown so brightly you turned your eyes away from them. The lights filled the void and the area started heating up until it burned so hot your clothes would melted, leaving you vulnerable to the spirits. Then, sounds of wings filled the void until your ears burst with the sound. Pressure from wind of the wings burst upon your skin leaving behind raw nerves and exposed wounds. You feel as if you were the smallest particle of dust. The light, wind, heat, and sound would build upon your person until it erupted in an explosion.   Once settled, the explosion left behind our world of Kerawa, and a beautiful orange butterfly. It is believed that the butterfly was the one who cradled our world in its wings, bringing it into the void, so that we would have a place to live, grow, love, and die. Our world settled into the void, attaching itself under auspice of the butterfly.   It's said that when its wings flutter to move us around the sun, it causes magic to sprinkle down to Kerawa. This is why we will never use up the innate magic of the Kerawa, as the Butterfly of Creation will rain down magic onto the world.   This is also why there is less sun from late fall to early spring, because the Butterfly of Creation is moving its wings less as she glides past the sun. During the late spring to early fall, she is flittering its wings, so there is more sun and more magic.
— Every Village Oma


The Butterfly of Creation carried Kerawa with its wings to the void, and placed it into place. Now, the Butterfly of Creation carries Kerawa around Zuva, which causes its wings to flutter, sprinkling magic onto Kerawa.

Historical Basis

When Heksaro became the first Heks, she created the myth to help explain why it got dark for so long from late fall to early spring. They believed that lived under the wings of the Butterfly of Creation, and that was why they were rich in magic.


This myth has been spread throughout Kerawa by the Wixen, as part of their teaching.

Variations & Mutation

There have been many oral retelling of this myth over the years. Each of the Wixen families tells a slightly different version.

Cultural Reception

This is considered a myth, and taken as allegory. Other cultures and ethnicities have different myths.

In Literature

This myth was the first fictional written Wixen document, and has been translated in every language on Kerawa since the Wixen started putting things on paper rather than only having an oral tradition. Every writer creates their own version of this tale.

In Art

At some point in their life, each Wixen artist will create a piece of art reflecting this myth. It's a tradition, and is used a lot to complete the either their Coming of Age project or Journeyman project.

Butterfly of Creation

Date of First Recording
4183 years ago
Date of Setting
At the Beginning of Time
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