Dusty Fireflies Species in Kelunbar Forest | World Anvil
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Dusty Fireflies

As the flowers reach their peak during the season of Birth and near Lake Paho, a delightful insect emerges from their winter homes deep in the bark of trees. These so-called dusty fireflies are nocturnal and emerge in the evening with a beautiful light show used to attract mates.  

Friend of Flowers

There are a few species of firefly in Kelunbar, but the dusty firefly is unique for its important role as a pollinator. When viewed up close, the insect is generally coated in pollen and so has the appearance of being dusty. The dusty firefly feeds on the flower petals of many species, and as they fly from flower to flower they spread each flower's pollen to the next.   Dusty fireflies are not picky about which flowers they eat, but they do seem to have a particular fondness for spitweed. This ground covering plant is named such for the large amounts of digestion fluid left behind by dusty fireflies. It is mostly clear with a bluish tint, and has a sticky consistency. It is unclear whether dusty fireflies feast off of spitweed more than other flowers, or if they simply produce more fluid to digest the plant.  

Light Patterns

Since there are multiple species of firefly in Kelunbar, mates differentiate each other by having unique light flashes recognizable to others of the same species. The dusty firefly has a quick pattern, flashing briefly every few seconds. Females have a slightly more yellow color, whereas males have a slightly more red color.
1 year
Average Length
1/2 inch

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Cover image: by Toan Phan


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