Stag Species in KELLDORIA (DRAGON REALMS) | World Anvil
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The Stag is the dominant Male of a herd of Deer, often larger than other males and almost twice the size of the females.    

The many Species of Deer

  All Deer or true deer are hoofed ruminant mammals. The two main groups of deer are the Cervinae, including the Elk, the Red Deer, the Fallow Deer, the Reindeer (Caribou), the Mule Deer, and the Moose.   Female reindeer, and male deer of all species grow and shed new antlers each year. In this they differ from permanently horned antelope, which are part of a different family (Bovidae) within the same order of even-toed ungulates.    

Art and Heraldry

  Deer appear in art and they have played a role in mythology, religion, and literature throughout history, as well as in heraldry.    

Uses and Byproducts

  Their economic importance includes the use of their meat as venison, their skins as soft, strong buckskin, and their antlers as handles for various weapons including Swords and Daggers and general use items.    
A White Stag by dandwiki

Basic Information


Beast (Mammal): Stags, Deer and Elk all have the same standard body structure of; Torso, A long neck ending with the head, often with antlers extending from the crown of the head. All have four legs ending with a Hoof.

Genetics and Reproduction

Pregnancy term of six Moons (6 Months), ending with a live birth.

Growth Rate & Stages

Foal (from birth to 1 year), Fawn (from 1 year to 5 years), Buck (Male) or Roe (Female), (Adult, 5 years upwards).

Ecology and Habitats

Living in Herds of between 8 to 20 beasts, roaming Grasslands, Tundra, Hilly regions and Wooded areas.

Dietary Needs and Habits


Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Their economic importance includes the use of their meat as venison, their skins as soft, strong buckskin, and their antlers as handles for various weapons including Swords and Daggers and general use items.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Passive Perception 10
A Stag by dailyrecord
8 To 15 Years (Averaging 10 years)
Average Weight
300lbs To 800lbs (Averaging 400lbs)
Average Length
3ft To 6ft (Averaging 5ft)
A Stag in the Woodlands by laminatedposters

Cover image: A Stag by dailyrecord

Stag CR: 1/4 (50XP)

Large beast, unaligned
Armor Class: 10
Hit Points: 13 (2D10+2)
Speed: 50 ft


16 +3


10 +0


12 +1


2 -4


10 +0


6 -2

Senses: Passive Perception 10.
Challenge Rating: 1/4 (50XP)


If the Stag moves at least 20 Feet straight toward a target and the Hits it with a Ram Attack on the same Turn, the target takes an extra 7 (2D6) Bludgeoning Damage. If the target is a creature, it must Succeed on a DC 13 Strength Saving Throw or be knocked Prone.



Melee Weapon Attack: +5 To Hit, Reach 5ft, One Target. HIT: 6 (1D6+3) Bludgeoning Damage.  


Melee Weapon Attack: +5 To Hit, Reach 5ft, One Prone Creature. Hit: 8 (2D4+3) Bludgeoning Damage.


Author's Notes

Original Article on Wikipedia

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