The Crimson Guard Military Formation in Kelbonnar | World Anvil

The Crimson Guard

When the deity Meletiah first commanded Ephraim & Shalisha Shemariah, their chosen representatives on the Material Plane of Kelbonnar to travel far and wide in their name, they did not do so with the same level of naivety that some of the gods and goddesses of Kelbonnar have been guilty of. They knew that the Material Plane is a dangerous place and that regardless of the gifts that they might give their chosen, the Twins would still encounter many situations where their lives were threatened.   To counter this, Meletiah requested the help of the god of forge, fire and industry Franar and the help of Menara, the Goddess of ingenuity, craftsmanship and manufactured beauty to create a small cadre of tireless, elite warriors, the Crimson Guard, who could unerringly protect Ephraim & Shalisha Shemariah in the deity of pleasure and luxury’s holy work.  

The Nature of the Crimson Guard

  The Crimson Guard are not flesh and blood creatures like most normal soldiers or their charges, nor are they the animated corpses of deceased creatures as would be employed by more nefarious groups such as the Corpore Mortis. Instead, the Crimson Guard are constructs, carefully shaped and moulded out of metal and brought to life by the ingenious magic that Franar and Menara wove into the fabric of their very being.   As a result, the Crimson Guard have no need of rest, do not need to eat nor drink and can withstand environments ranging from the cripplingly hot to the most freezing cold. They are also fiercely loyal to their charges Ephraim & Shalisha Shemariah, and though people have tried to work out ways of altering their programming or stealing them altogether, none have been able to shake them from their mission to protect the Emissaries of Meletiah in their work.   The only known weakness of the Crimson Guard are spells that break magical affects, or things that inhibit the use of magic all together. However, even in this case, it would require an incredibly powerful effect, most probably one emanating from a deity to completely destroy them.   Despite their supernatural prowess, the Crimson Guard have been designed to appear like normal humanoids so that they do not stand out too much from their surroundings. However, when viewed together a keen eyed observer may notice that they are all exactly the same height.



Only 6 Crimson Guard were ever made and it is said that on realising the power of what they had created, Franar and Menara jointly agreed to destroy the instructions and method that they had developed, lest anyone repeat their work for more nefarious purposes.   This means that no more Crimson Guard can be created, but fortunately, part of the magic that was imbued into their form allows the Crimson Guard to rebuild themselves when damaged, and they are able to do so in spite of grievous harm, though the more severe the damage the longer this process takes. It is even said that the only way to truly destroy one of the Crimson Guard is to destroy every single atom of their being, something that is nigh on impossible.


As the very being of the Crimson Guards are constructed out of metal, they wear no additional armour, though they do carry shields. They will often carry with them an array of additional items that might be useful in a combat, rescue or escape situation, items which are intended more to help their masters than themselves.


The only obvious offensive weapon that the Crimson Guard carry is a scimitar, however, as their very being is made of metal, they are capable of dealing devastating unarmed strikes if this is called for.   In addition, each of them carries small, innocuous looking bottles, that contain chemical mixtures that are used variously to confuse or damage opponents, or shield their escape, or the escape of their masters by creating a smoke cloud.


The Crimson Guard have no discernible command structure, other than that they take orders from Ephraim & Shalisha Shemariah and no one else, and they appear to regard one another as equals, as much as one can fathom emotion within constructs. When the need arises in combat, they can clearly all communicate telepathically with one another, as they seamlessly work around one another, and they adapt to changing circumstances with ease.


Thankfully, as far as the rest of the world are concerned, the Crimson Guard were not designed to be an offensive force, but are instead a defensive one. This does not mean that they are incapable of offensive action, and woe betide anyone who naively believes that they won’t come to the rescue of their masters. What it means in practice, is that their primary stance is to act defensively, to get their charges out of danger. Often this will revolve around a series of strategic withdrawals, with the Crimson Guard slaying any who get too close, until their assailants give up or are all dead.   Two crimson guard escort both Ephraim & Shalisha Shemariah at all times, with the additional two either going with whichever of the siblings is deemed to be in the most danger, or going to the most threatening place, or being on hand to run errands for one or the other of their masters as necessary.


Logistical Support

As the Crimson Guard are constructs they are completely self-sufficient.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Origin of their Name   The Crimson Guard derive their name simply from the fact that they are dressed in robes that are a specific colour of crimson, which is often used to represent the deity Meletiah.

Cover image: by Chris Pyrah


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