Hastor, God of Air, wind, and sky Organization in Kealladius | World Anvil
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Hastor, God of Air, wind, and sky

Name: Hastor the god of air (the winged elf)
  Holy symbol: a tornado spiraling around a cloud
Hastor holy symbol
Alignment: Lawful good
  Domain(s): Air/wind/sky
  Favored Weapon: as a storm makes wind turn so does the chain. Hastor favors a chain as a weapon because of the way it flies through the air.
  Favored Race: Hastor favors the winged elves because they were made in his image.
  Favored class: His favorite class is either the rogue or the acrobat because of the ease and skill with which they move through the air around them. Both are nimble and silent and make movement appear as easy as breathing or eating.
  Background Story:
Back during the times of the old gods, there was one god who controlled water, wind and fire. This god went down to earth and created three minions, one from each of these elements. First he created the good obedient minion of air named Hastor. Next he created the indifferent child of water named Poseidon. Finally he created the wild and unruly creature of fire known as Vulcan. Each of these minions he made masters of their respective elements but he also made them reliant on one another. For fire to survive it feeds on air, and if it gets out of control it can be simmered down by water. Air can go as far as it wants but when fire is in the room it starts to eat all of the oxygen that it can and water relies on the air to take it through its normal processes. It needs air to take it into the skies and create clouds so that it can feed the land and stop a fire. Underneath the watchful gaze of their creator the three siblings remained in control and went throughout their duties in piece. But then something unexpected happened, the fall of the old gods. Upon the death of their master the three minions rose to the position of godhood, each having ultimate control of their elements, but each wanting more. They knew that their now deceased father had found the ways to control all elements with an iron fist so they followed in his footsteps and created the elemental chalice. The drinker of this chalice is granted complete domination of the elements and would become the master of all; here is where the conflicts started. Hastor felt that he should become the all mighty because the elements must be ruled for the good of all and must be controlled with rules and morals. Poseidon claimed that the elements must exist in neutrality and be unbiased on whether it aids or harms any group of people. Vulcan felt differently than both, he saw the elements as the gateway to control of all. He wanted to unleash the combined furry of all three elements and bend the world to his will. As the argument furthered they finally hit the point of open warfare. This started the war of the elements. The three siblings sent their armies against one another. Tornadoes, hurricanes and wildfires raged across the lands. Elementals of all types met in open battle around the war, and supporters of all three did what they could to eliminate their rivals. This war went on for hundreds of years until one day an unknown figure snuck into the grand temple of the elements, the home of the grand ruler for each elemental temple (the only place where the three elements exist in piece), and stole the Elemental Chalice. They stole it and fled, hiding this most powerful of items in a place that none of them knew. With the loss of their gateway to power, the war subsided and the three brothers came to a temporary stalemate. Ever since then they have searched the world tirelessly, waiting for the raise to power and domination of the elements.
  (The chalice was stolen by the follower of Jax known as Holy Defender Camilla and it has been hidden deep within the Banishment of the Crows temple. She was ordered to steal this by Jax for the protection of all, fearing the power of one god that could rule all elements. Only Jax, Camilla and Alejo know of the Chalices location or how to enter the room in question. They have never revealed this act to avoid open conflict with the elemental gods, this is a secret that none can know, and if they have their way none besides these three will ever know.) Achievements: Hastor favorite achievement is the creation of his beloved winged elves. They look identical to Hastor himself and he will always favor them. Other than that he has created two extremely powerful items which he has placed in two of his sacred locations. He doesn’t care who carries these items but demands that they be of Lawful good nature. Worshipping: Temples: Hastor has temples scattered around the world. His high temple is The Temple of the Winds. This is located in the middle of a grassy plain and is forever encompassed by a massive windstorm. His only other major temple is the one sharesd between himself and his brothers. The Grand Temple of the Elements is the one place that the brothers’ forces can meet in peace. This is the home of the Grand Rulers of all three elements so that they can keep an eye on one another. Along with these rulers is the elite guard that follows them around. Other than that he has two sacred areas; Hastor’s Maze and The Ruins of Hastor. Hastor’s Maze is a Labyrinth created out of skyscraper size hedges and roofed in by stormy black clouds filled with lighting. Being blessed by Hastor himself the hedges are indestructible. Hastor created this maze to house his prized possession, Hastor’s Strength. He decided that a weapon of this stature is to powerful for any normal person and so he locked it in this maze where he placed all sorts of powerful creatures. The Ruins of Hastor on the other hand was the location of his birth. This was where the old god went to gather the wind and spiritual essence to creat Hastor. It’s located in the bottom of a deep canyon where the wind never relents in its furry. The old god created a sturdy old fashion tower that rises up 25 stories. After the old god died, Hastor was the only god that mourned his passing and decided to make something to show how much he carred. And so Hastor’s Skin was created and placed at the top of this tower. He then filled this tower with all sorts of his most prized minions such as air elementals. Surrounding the base of the tower is the first tribe of winged elves that he had ever created, forever sworn to protect their creators item untill someone worthy comes along and passes their test to enter the tower.
  Commandments: Hastor has similar commandments to his brothers. He demands that his followers continue to search for the Elemental Chalice, but unlike his brothers he desires this item to protect the world from the horrors of his brother Vulcan. Other than that he demands that his followers always be good and obey the law (be lawful good). The final thing that he requires is that once every five years his followers make a pilgrimage to the Temple of the Winds. Once there they must commune with their god and get their divine mission which is to be accomplished within the next five years. Devine missions can be anything from destruction of a Vulcan shrine to remaining in the Temple to teach future disciples.
  Omens and Signs: Feeling wind but having no signs of wind around you (rustling leaves ect), hearing whispers on the wind, raging storms and tornadoes.
Hastor’s strength: a chain created by Hastor. There is a strung gust of wind constantly swirling around the wielder of this weapon. This weapon deals massive wind damage as well as grants the wielder the ability to control the wind or air in his/her general area. The chain is covered in razors and is regardless of its appearance is light as a feather. Currently hidden in Hastors maze. Can only be worn by lawfully good characters.
Hastor’s skin: a suit of hide armor that grants the wearer unimaginable speed and the ability to walk upon the air for a limited time. It has slightly improved armor than most hide armor not by much. Currently hidden in the Ruins of Hastor. Can only be worn by lawfully good characters.
The most important ceremony for followers of Hastor is the ceremony of the mission. This is where a follower prays to Hastor once every five years to receive their divine mission. His other ceremony that is of utmost importants is the Swail. This is where the highest members of his following come together and all commune with Hastor at the Temple of the Winds. This is done everytime the Head Hastorian is changed. Upon completion of this ceremony Hastor himself will grace the temple with his presence and let them know who the new Head Hastorian will be and what the overall mission of the temple must be. Hastor’s only Holiday is the Day of Tornadoes. This is the holiday to celebrate the birth of Hastor. On this day all of his followers take a day to relax and do things that celebrate the air and wind. They do things like play flutes and fly kites as well as have friendly parties in the temples.
Wind Walkers: This is a faction of Hastor’s who are the main hunters of the Elemental Chalice. They dedicate their lives to wandering the world, going wherever Hastor’s winds lead them in order to find this most sacred of items. They are currently being led by the winged elf Mateo Primo. (lawful good)
Head Hastorian (leader)
Hastorian searcher (commanders)
Hastorian (officers)
the walkers (everyone else)
Storm Slingers: This is the Faction of Hastor’s that is in constant conflict with Xiomara’s ascension, a cult which seeks to replace Hastor with their leader Xiomara. They are locked in an endless battle as they attempt to eliminate the threat to their beloved Hastor. The leader of this group is the human warrior Ramiro Prudencio. (lawful good)
storm hunter (leader)
Wind Launcher (commanders)
Stormers (officers)
Slingers (everyone else)
Xiomara’s ascension: This faction is dedicated to the destruction of Hastor and the Ascension of their leader Xiomara Florencio to the position of the God of Wind. They are currently researching all of the old ruins insearch of ways to kill a god as well as doing everything they can to eliminate his followers. (lawful evil)
Xiomara Florencio (there can never be another leader)
Xiomara champion (right hand man)
Xiomara knight (left hand man)
Xiomara defender (officers)
Xiomara soldiers (everyone else).
  Aphorism and Words of Wisdom: “May the wind guide you”, “Hastor is our strength”, “Hastor, the one true ruler”, “May Hastor have mercy on you.”
  Notable Minions or NPCs:
High Hastorian Mateo Primo: He is the high hastorian for Hastor. He has dedicated his life to Hastor and no lives in the Grand Temple of the Elements so as to keep an eye on his lords enemies. He is a winged elf. He has jet black hair to match his wings and eyes. Upon seeing him you might picture him as an evil character but you would be sourly mistaken. He is one of the kindest and most lawful good people in the world. He fights in hide armor and uses a chain in honor of Hastor.
Storm Hunter Ramiro Prudencio: He is the leader of Hastor’s Storm Slingers. He is in a constant conflict against to followers of Xiomara and will stop at nothing to eliminate them in name of his god. He is a giant of a man standing at 6’7’’ and weighing 315 pounds of all muscle. He’s bald and covered in tattoos that are holy symbols of Hastor. He wears heavy armor that has been blessed by Hastor to be as light as a feather and he fights with duel wielded war hammers.
Xiomara Florencio: She is one of, if not the, most powerful battle mage the world has ever seen. She is amazingly skilled in the mixture of melee fighting and magic. She fights with a longsword and cast spells at the same time. She is so skilled with magic that she is able to hide the fact that she is a lich from any but the most powerful of adversaries. She heard about the Elemental Chalice and suddenly her lifes path was set in stone. She heard that only a god could drink from this chalice and so she set out on the mission to become an elemental god. In order to become an elemental god though there must be a space for you, her target became Hastor since her views so radically changed from hers and she knew she could never bend him to her will. And so she created Xiomara’s Ascension, a group dedicated to helping her rise to godhood so that she can become the ultimate elemental goddess.
  made by Logan
Religious, Pantheon


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