Aurum Physical / Metaphysical Law in Kaot | World Anvil
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Aurum is an invisible radiation that emanates from auric organisms. Directed by the will of these organisms, aurum can be converted into any other form of energy to create effects or change. From summoning fire to improving the mind, from shedding light to levitating objects, from cooking food to fortifying the body, much is possible with the use of aurum. It is found in Skeyll, Merse, and Humans, as well as a handful of animal species around the world, including Dragons.      

Auric Laws

Like any fundamental force, aurum is governed by certain laws. These laws apply to all auric organisms, with a couple notable exceptions, but will be mostly explained in the terms of sentient casters.      
  1. The Law of Abundance - No casting can be performed without sufficient aurum.
  2. Law of Resistance - The body will resist repeated castings as Veyd Sickness develops.
  3. The Law of Reach - A casting requires greater aurum across greater distances.
  4. The Law of Overreach - Too grand a casting will inevitably create a Veyd.
  5. The Law of Understanding - To cast, the caster must first understand the casting.
  6. The Law of Limits - No casting may accomplish the impossible.

Law of Abundance

Aurum converts directly into whichever energy is needed to create an effect and can be depleted, though it will gradually regenerate. Most notably, the First Auric Law works in concert with the Second and Fourth Auric Laws. Since casting in rapid succession increases the energy required for each subsequent casting, auric effects tend to become weaker over time. However, the Law of Abundance also applies to the elderly. Nearly all auric organisms produce less and less aurum as they age. As a result, casters regenerate aurum slower, cast less often, and are limited to weaker castings as their aurum decays. The rate of decay varies somewhat from one organism to another, but it appears to remain constant across species. A common solution to the limits of an individual caster is group castings, in which several casters focus their aurum toward a common goal. Even this method is limited by the Third Auric Law, however.    

Law of Resistance

Over a short period of time, each subsequent casting will require increasing amounts of aurum to perform. This is actually one of the key symptoms of Veyd sickness. As the use of aurum afflicts the body, causing the transformation into a Veyd, more aurum must be poured into a casting as the body tries desperately to retain it. A useful analogy is lifting rocks. A person may be able to lift a sizable rock over their head once with some effort and otherwise be fine. But if they lifted the rock overhead several times in a row, each time the exercise would become more strenuous and require more strength and stamina than the last time they lifted it. The same applies to holding the rock overhead continually. Usually, the Second Auric Law is explained in these terms, but in truth, it applies to each and every casting. A body naturally resists the manipulation and expense of its aurum and Veyd sickness begins anew--or worsens--with each casting.    

Law of Reach

The amount of aurum required for any given casting is directly proportional to the square of the distance between the caster and the furthest point of the casting's effect. In other words, the cost of a casting increases exponentially the further away the casting extends from the caster. The caster's reach, or the maximum distance at which they can cast without transforming into a Veyd simply by casting anything at all, is difficult to determine in any concrete fashion, since it depends entirely on the amount of aurum a given caster possesses. A caster's reach is also technically not static for the same reason. Older casters tend to have shorter reach than younger casters. A fresh caster usually has greater reach than one who has performed several castings. Usually, though, when referring to their reach, a caster means their reach when they are fully rested. Sometimes older casters will refer to their younger reach or comment on how their reach has shortened over time. A common rule of thumb across all of Kaot is to gauge a caster's reach, regardless of age, in arm lengths. This is, however, an incredibly subjective system of measurement for many reasons.    

Law of Overreach

Expending too much aurum at once will transform the caster into a Veyd. The same change can also occur gradually in conjunction with the Law of Resistance. That is to say, the final stage of Veyd sickness is transformation into a Veyd. This law is why casting duels, while not uncommon across Kaot, are usually brief.      

Law of Understanding

Every caster must have at least a basic comprehension of the underpinning physics behind their desired effect. A more thorough understanding does allow the caster to create more complex and/or accurate effects. For example, to create fire, the caster must at least understand that thermal or "warm" energy must be put into an object to heat and eventually ignite it. A greater understanding of thermodynamics and the three ingredients necessary for fire (fuel, heat, and an oxidizer) could create hotter flames or require less aurum.          

Law of Limits

Castings cannot break the fundamental laws of physics such as the laws of motion or the laws of thermodynamics.

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