The Medos Ocean
It is the heart of the world, the pump that makes civilization thrive in this otherwise hostile world. It is for good reason that most inhabited lands lie on its shores: roads are scarce, expensive and dangerous, and most hinterlands are full of horrors. If you want to trade, or to flee, you better have a boat or a ship ready to take to the sea.
However, you best keep close to the shore, preferably within visible distance. The open ocean is a hinterland too, and only the best equipped and most skilled navigators dare cross. If the unpredictable weather doesn't take you, make sure you are prepared for seamonsters, underwater nations, uncharted shoals, or the Churn maelstrom. Don't trust your map either, as landmarks and certain islands are known to move around. In short, don't go out there.
The Medos Ocean is the cradle of civilization and center point of the known world. At its height, the Kampos Empire controlled most of its shores and islands, maintaining a somewhat stable peace over the span of a millennia or so.
While some say the ocean is shaped like a pear on its side, ancient legend says the ocean is the imprint of Tiri the world dragon as she rose from the land and flew away to form the eponymous moon.
The ocean has a powerful clockwise current, The Churn, that can at best mislead sailors as they are driven off course, and no one has ventured to the center of it and returned to tell the tale.
In the north, the otherwise calm Ripe Bay is a hotbed of pirates and raiding barbarians, a constant headache for the city states that line its shores, and an always-present danger for travelers.
In the far east, by the Dragon's Maw, a peilous narrow strait allows passage to the worldwide ocean. Almost no one ever travels through here, except if they for some godforsaken reason have business in the dense jungles on the Emerald Coast.
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