The Necromantic Ancients Organization in Kal'shar | World Anvil

The Necromantic Ancients

An ancient trio of Necromancers who still hold fear within the world to this day, the Nectromantic Acients, also known as the Betrayers, were responsible for countless deaths centuries ago. When the Kalka'shar and Shifters lived and mixed among each other, long before The First Great War, the land was ruled by three powerful mages. They protected the land and its people, welcoming the Kalka'shar when they first entered land and aiding them in their journey to gaining physical bodies.   But not all was as it seemed. Over time, those who lived closest to the Nectomancers grew weak, losing their power. Some died early, while others lost their mobility and strength. Mothers died in childbirth; children died before birth.   One day, the skies darkened, and from the darkness came the Ancients. They had grown more powerful than ever, an undead army at their flank. People regonised their mothers, their fathers, their parents and brothers and sisters and children. The Ancients were pleased with their bounty, claiming that a new era was dawning in the great power of their undead king; that all who choose to follow him would gain power beyond their Ken.   Darkness lay over the land for weeks thereafter, all forced to bow to the Ancients and their undead king or be absorbed into his ranks. Monuments were being built in their name, stone by stone. Families gave all they could to appease their unseen monarch.   But a handful of those resistant to the Ancients' rule banded together, Kalka'shar and Shifters alike. They grew stronger in secrecy, praying to their gods and growing stronger in their own faith. One day, they rose up as a group against their masters, lighting the sky with combined holy light, religious divides ignored. The Necromancers shrunk away from the divine power, their eyes burning in the heat of the skies' flame; their bodies shriveling. Their undead army crumbled to ash, and as the strength stolen from the people was slowly returned, more joined their power in prayer: forcing the Ancients back and away, never to be seen again.   It is widely believed that the Necromantic Ancients are dead, burned to dust in the holy light, but it is unknown if their undead king is still alive -- or if he even existed at all. Nonetheless, their actions cast a dark shadow of fear over the land, and Necromancy is an outlawed practice to this day, considered an abomination and punishable by death.
Secret, Occult
Alternative Names
The Betrayers, The Undead King's Chosen


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