Rings of Ur Geographic Location in Kaiur Reclamation | World Anvil
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Rings of Ur

One of the most notable celestial bodies of Ur are its rings that are fixed around the atmosphere. These rings, while massive and are arrayed around the planet, are almost nearly completely transparent or glassy in appearance. The possible hypothesis within the scientific and religious communities of the NKC vary, wildly.    Leading Technologist from across the NKC believe the rings were set in place by the Kaijin Prime sometime after or during the Great Exodus. These beliefs are fairly new, to within the past hundred years as the Divergence Wars ended. Since that time of calamity reports from across isolated locations make claims they've seen debris falling from the rings that appear to be Kaijin Prime technology or material at the impact sites.   Though this has not been widely confirmed to the public, the NKC has recovered such objects from impact sites though it has never been recorded or confirmed these objects originated from the rings. Such technology could be remnants from the Great Exodus or debris from battles long past during any of the many global conflicts in the Resurgence Era or Divergence Wars.   The foremost hypothesis on the rings themselves are varied to include a wide range of beliefs including that the rings are defensive mega structure meant to protect Ur and the children of the Kaijin Prime from an external threat in the Cosmos they currently are battling to the more grim thoughts that the rings are meant to contain the Kaiur. More theological organizations believe they are simply manifestations of the Kaijin Prime divinity and to oversee the Kaiurs works upon Ur until they will one day return to Ur and return the planet to being a paradise for its people. To most they don't spare it a second thought and believe it is just a part of Ur as a natural structure like any other island, mountain or titanic feature.   No matter the beliefs the truth of the rings remain unknown, despite great effort and cost over our written history. All attempts to uncover the truth have resulted in failure from lost expeditions to catastrophic disaster trying to breach the heavens to reach the rings. These disastrous results have led to more than a few conspiracy and mythos to intensify on the nature of these rings of Ur; from Primordial Gods thwarting the mortals of Kaiur to more mundane conspiracies that all attempts are sabotaged by the powerful and influential Kaigenesis Covenant.


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