Papa Lovech Character in Kaevil | World Anvil
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Papa Lovech

A servant of Lord Hazreth who came to Hrafburg posing as the leader of a circus in order to seek revenge on the killers of his master and perhaps to restore him to dreadful life.   He is a tall man with an animalistic presence, a feral grace about him. He is lean and lithe and his movements speak of grace and strength held in check. He appears to be in his late thirties and he has a shock of black hair worn with a couple of braids framing his face when they are not tied back. His clothes are colourful, deep reds and midnight blues, and he is extensively tattooed over arms and chest with symbols of wolves and moons and runes of various kinds. He’s a loyal servant of Hazreth and comes from a long line of Shamans in the East and can roam the dreamworld as a great dire wolf. In extremis he can physically transform into that beast.


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