Ares Tyr Olympia (a.k.a. Mars, Tyz, Tiwaz)
Mental characteristics
Personal history
"How in the great gooses of Georgia O'What did Ares become a Scandinavian deity!?"
Child, there was a tremendous amount of history which occurred before you were born. Mayhap you could do to read some?
Try Agapemache.
"... hey Dad! Am I allowed ta..."
"Woa! Nope! Not for you! Not... Book, you know she's not old enough to read that one yet."Apologies, Judge Caleb. I am getting tired of the sheer amount of questions coming from her pre-adolescent mouth. Have you tried quiet time? I hear the Carthusian monks are allowed one brief conversation per week, in the courtyard. You could start her there.
"Easy there, Bookums."Bookums!?
"Alright, Kari. Settle in. You know how Ares left Olympus, right? Well, he didn't stay exclusively on Midgard. At one point, he and Dite took the kids and trecked up North, found their way to the Rainbow Road and ended up in Ásgard. So, the Alfather asked him to stay a while. There really is no more to it. For the rest, you are going to need to read the book, when you're older."
Mental Trauma
As far as can be told, Asgard was a healing place, for the troubled former Olympian. A place where his family was safe, his children grew and trained and were allowed to be as they were, a place where Aphrodite thrived in her own right. There was no link to the past, no reminders of Zeus or Hermes or Apollo. No antagonism from Athene. In the fjords and waters of Asgard, Tyr found he was more than Zeus' attack dog. As Themis once counselled him, Tyr was also a deity of justice and law. Of preserving order, not destroying it wholesale.
By the drift of time before the Alfather nudged him back to Midgard, Tyr became the rededication name of the god, his secret soul. Like the Romans prior, the Asgardians proved Tyr was more than a warmonger.
The honour of a man, who kept his word, even to the loss of his hand...
"Are-ah... Tyr didn't really lose his hand, did he? I've seen him, he's got two last time I counted."Tyr's hand was gobbled up by a giant, intelligent wolf... have you not also met Hephaestus Vulcan Olympia? Do you think after they reconciled, Hephaestus wouldn't build a prosthetic for his brother?
"I never thought about it."Try. Try thinking. About this and other things. Think and then get back to me.
"You need a freaking nap, Book."