The Mystic War Military Conflict in Judge of Mystics | World Anvil

The Mystic War

Midgard. Realm of the Human species and midpoint between all other Mystic Realms. Fought over for their ability to empower beliefs, the Humans were unique amongst the Creatrix's sapients. Realms spanning a multitude of dimensions wove their way through the Green Man's roots and branches for a taste of the power of being worshipped.

Of being made relevant to more than themselves.

This led to an uneasy hesitance. What would Realms do, when their prestige among the humans was threatened or usurped?

For eons, the tension was a mood in the room, a shadow or sparks of thunder and light. Some Realms banded together, others drifted. Some ceased to be worshipped at all. Left to their own, their Realms dimmed from their majesty, until they were either absorbed or drifted to a sickly end of a dying branch.

The Conflict


Among the children of Thor Odinson & Sif, was born a screaming, premature infant the night of Baldr's death (See: Son of Abel).

Out. Send the brothers out.
— Mimir's Head, Son of Abel

At Mimir's behest, Odin Borson bundled up his infant grandson and his adolescent brother Magni Einridsen, and cast them out of Ásgard. Raised in Midgard, Modthi grew in anger and upset. He soured at every Bløt and scorned the worship of his kin in the Norselands.

In 778 AD, a Frankish Priest and his fellows crashed upon the shore, after being caught in a wild and unnatural storm. Bricius became friend and compatriot to the lonely Aesir, and then the unthinkable.

Bricius converted Modthi to the Theosian way of Christianity. Modthi revoked his name, and took up Raynar Einridsen. Arguably the first of the Mystic War, the skirmish which ensued between Magni and Raynar was vicious, and shook the foundations of the world.

Blessed of the Theosians, Bricius pushed Magni back, and fled with Raynar and their companions. Raynar awoke to the blessed chorus of angels, who sent him upon a path to the Byzantine Empire.

Raynar met Ares Mars Olympia, rebellious Olympian and the adopted Aesir & Vanir dubbed Tyr. Firmly in the Theosian corridor between the Bogatyrs of the Caucasus, the Theosians, the Hellene, and the Fae, Magni caught up with his brother.

This battle, fought by multiple Realms, conflagrated into the Mystic War.


Belief was changing, for the Humans. Many turned from the traditions of older days, how gauche, how not humanist. By the end of the conflict, the rise of rationality began to de-power Mystic Realms. They didn't need assistance any more, they were, if the Realms believed it, quite grown up.


It remains an ironic sort of fitting that the war was begun by the Brothers Thorson, and so ended. The birth of Raynar's son Caleb Mauthisen finished it. We had our Judge.

The Mystic Truce began around the Altar of the Axis Mundi, as goddesses from the Realms took turns to feed the tiny godling. As they cared for the child, they talked. Through these conversations, women engaging with women, the push for peace took place.

Most called for Ares to take Kingship of Midgard, as he and Jase were the gods who longest and most viscerally inhabited the Middling Plane. Jase walked the world as a carpenter and mason, but Ares? He was commander of armies, warmonger and the champion who quelled the Fae Lord Finnegan's rage.

All which remained was Ares' maddening crown, but he would not take it.

"I will not be my father's son." He set his weapons upon the Altar, reinstated his mother Hera as Queen of the Hellenes and went home to his spouse Aphrodite and their lover.

The War Was Over

A centuries-long conflict for the soul of Midgard

Conflict Type
Start Date
780 AD
Ending Date
December 21st, 1863 AD
Conflict Result
The installation of the Mystic Truce


The entirety of the dimension known as Midgard, or, the Middling Plane. Few locations on Earth were uneffected by the War, aside from hold-outs where Realms refused participation.


Aesir & Vanir










These are the names of those who were not annihilated, or absent during the War.



Mystically gifted with the fount of the Creatrix's original power, the Fae were the least numrous but one of the most deadly of the conflict. Due to the relatively low growth rate of Fae, they relied most on their Changeling population to protect the ancients, who held the magic capable of shifting the tides of battle. The strongest of all was Finnegan, who in an outpouring of rage, created the Rastenivitsya curse to make up for Fae losses.


Entire lines of trees, bushes and shrubs went extinct during the centuries, the deforestation of Midgard a lasting blow to the Fae. In the end, they both lost the most of all, and gained considerable influence.


The Theosians

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The various heavenly and demonic hosts of the Theosians equated to the most prolifically numerous of all sides in the conflict, in no small part due to the overwhelming number of Humans who set their belief systems on interpretations of the Theosian domain of The Spheres.


It could be said the Theosians had the most to lose in the Mystic Truce, since their dominion over the Middling Plane waned the most in intervening years.





The Aesir

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