Cimmerian Species in Jiwenia | World Anvil


“They had many names: the dark ones, the evil spirits, the murks. No one knew why they did it, some believing that they fed on souls to survive while others speculated that they did it simply to strike fear, to conquer, and for their personal delight.”
History states that the first Cimmerians existed upon the planet before Moon, Sun, and Darkness was out of adolescence. They are one of the oldest species of Jiwenia Intro, rivaled only by the Kre species. All legends and stories point to Darkness as being the maker of the Cimmerian race, though the reason differs depending on the legend.   Compared to the other species, Cimmerians have a relatively short lifespan. The species typically only live to see about 150. This is primarily due to the fact that present-day Cimmerians have constant exposure to the sun, those who stay in the darkness see a much longer life, averaging close to 250. Also, Assassins and Reapers see a more extended life than Elites and normal Cimmerians, though the exact reason is not known.   All Cimmerians can blend in with the shadows, save for Blood Assassins, other abilities range from the simple ability to turn into a shadow to being able to glide and manifest as one. Some Cimmerians even see greater power than this. The species can come in various pale and dull shades of grey, white, and brown. The Cimmerian sclera is typically white, black, red, or gray, and very rarely but not impossible a golden-brown. Instead of round pupils, Cimmerians have slits. Their hair is typically the opposite of their skin tone: lighter shades for darker tones and darker shades for lighter tones, though the exception to this is that of the Assassin race.

Additional Information

Social Structure

One can figure out the status of a Cimmerian in their own culture based off of two things: their hair and their surname. All Cimmerians have their surnames registered and are never repeated. Those who don't, which isn't as rare as many presume, are not recognized in Cimmerian culture and are known as Faders by Cimmerians. Hair wise, a Cimmerian's hair length says most as well. If a Cimmerian has long hair but has a record of being a criminal or is a farmer then it can be assumed that they are no longer part of Cimmerian culture. On the other hand, if a Cimmerian has long hair and is a noble, or medium length hair and is a merchant, then it can be assumed that they are still part of Cimmerian society.   Cimmerians who have left the society are not welcomed back, as it is believed that they have lost their way and can never find their way back. They are shunned and can potentially face worse punishments than other outsiders.  


The Cimmerian army is the largest globally, purely because the Cimmerians have dominated the world and do not allow any town or city to grow an army large enough to come anywhere close. All Cimmerians are permitted to join the military, but promotions and ranks depend on the individual’s abilities. Most wish to see themselves as part of the elite group of soldiers but little actually get this wish. Many who join are nothing more than foot soldiers, sent to guard and to end petty rebellions. There are little to no elite soldiers in towns; most can instead be found in the capitals protecting rulers or aiding Commanders.   The ranking process of the Cimmerians is simple yet long. The lowest soldiers are called foot soldiers, and they are used on the front lines, to squash rebellions, and as guards or escorts. They are treated with hardly any respect, and many of the higher ranking Cimmerians wouldn’t bat an eyelash if one was killed in front of them. This is the area that most Cimmerians find themselves with little hope of ever leaving. Other species that are drafted into the Cimmerian military also find themselves here. Unlike Cimmerians, they have no hope of leaving this area. The next step is Marshal, which isn’t much better than foot soldier as many exist in this rank, and the following Sergeant rank. Despite being a higher status, they are treated the same, and Sergeants usually have the same benefits and restrictions as Marshals, a ranking difference not truly existing.   If a soldier is lucky enough to pass these ranks, they are faced with the next position of Captain. Five Captains exist in each kingdom, each named after their navigation zones, i.e., North Captain, West Captain, South Captain, Central Captain, and East Captain. After this, there is Taskmaster; there are only two of these in each kingdom, and they oversee all of the captains. They have split command of the sections, North and South, or East and West, with the Taskmaster of most seniority taking on the Central area.   After this, the veteran is granted the title of Lieutenant. Only one of these exists in each kingdom, two in Pryce. This is mainly to dictate who will later become Commander. The last rank that a soldier could hope to find themselves occupying is Commander. There can be up to three Commanders in each kingdom. Commanders get their orders straight from the Great King and have the power to burn down entire cities if needed. Though it is rare, Commanders can dethrone appointed Kings and Queens and establish a new one if they feel they are not doing their duty.

Facial characteristics

The species is a bipedal race that skeleton wise is very similar to the Alyrian people. The two species differ more in appearance and abilities than they do anatomy. They have unusually flat noses and smaller eyes and have vertical slit pupils. Their hair color is usually the opposite of their skin color and comes in a variety of natural shades. So, if a Cimmerian is lighter-toned, they will darker colored hair such as black, dark brown, or red. If they are a darker shade, they will have lighter colored hair such as white, blonde, and light brown.   Cimmerians come in pale and dull shades of white, grey, and brown. There are a few exceptions to this, namely those of the Cimmerian Assassin lineage have been reported to have dark skin and dark hair. Another exception is those in the Great King lineage, all of which have the same general appearance. They are dark grey or pale white with jet black or crystal white-colored hair, and their eyes are always a form of red or black, giving them the nickname the ‘Pale Demons.’

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

In Cimmerian culture, naming traditions are not largely important, and it is not uncommon for a Cimmerian to branch away from typical traditions in favor of other cultures. To Cimmerians, titles and appearances are far more critical and telling, as a name rarely tells the history and journey of an individual1.   There is no official naming system in Cimmerian society, but many do participate in what Cimmerians call the 'split decision' naming process. This process calls for one parent to name the child while the other passes on their surname. Typically, the parent with the most titles or the highest rank will pass on the surname, allowing the other parent to name the child. Naming the child can occur at any time though mostly will happen before the child's first year. Surnames are not officially reused, meaning that one would not go out and hear Cimmerians, unrelated, possessing the same surname. Any Cimmerian with a reused surname means that their family is not officially part of Cimmerian culture and society and has few rights and liberties within the culture. This typically means that the Cimmerian bloodline in question did not originate in Pryce.   Both the given name and surname in the culture are mainly short and have few syllables. Those with five or more syllables in their name are seen as half-breeds or strangers to the Cimmerian people. The same can be said about surnames since all Cimmerian surnames are short. Though one will be seen as a stranger, there is little repercussion to having an unusual name. The more popular Cimmerian names end with -in, -an, -yn, and -en and typically hold three syllables max.

Major Organizations

  • The Shadows

Beauty Ideals

Ideals of beauty typically surrounded one's ability to do their job and how well. Work ethic was seen as beautiful, and in the Cimmerian culture, one of the first things sought after when finding a potential partner. Another aspect is the red and golden brown eyes. Though beauty is hardly a deal-breaker, those two eye colors are known to many as being the most beautiful.

Relationship Ideals

Marriage and Partnership
Marriage for Cimmerians is unimportant for the most part. The average Cimmerian actually is not married and see’s such formal titles as unimportant. It is far more likely that one will see a family with no true ties to one another besides their word. For nobles, the majority have many lovers disregarding gender as a factor in what makes an ideal partner. When a marriage is had, there is little celebration. The wedding traditionally includes the immediate family on both sides and is conducted at an altar of Darkness.
Family Relationships
Family bonds exist but are not heavily cared for. Children will sometimes leave their parent’s homes as early as fifteen, going to make a name for themselves or to move in with a sibling. Sibling connections are, by far, the most important bonds in Cimmerian culture. This is typically why parents will have at least two children. This is another reason why names are not as important as much as surnames. Three families in three different locations can exist, but if they all share a surname, it informs an individual about their history and story.

Common Etiquette Rules

Unlike in other cultures, etiquette amongst Cimmerians typically does not vary based off of class and status. Merchants are expected to behave the same as soldiers, soldiers the same as farmers, and farmers the same as lords.
  • It is seen as weak and borderline rude to show too much of one’s emotion while in public.
  • Speaking of the taint while in polite company is frowned upon. It’s even rare for it to be a choice of gossip at events.
  • Upon entering one’s home or business, it is customary to speak to them immediately before doing anything else. There are few exceptions, such as being a family member of the owners, entering a Lord/Lady’s estate, or being called upon for business.
  • Though not exactly frowned upon, speaking of the High God Sun, even to insult his name, is considered rude.
  • Bow to none but the Great Lord. Bowing to others removes Cimmerians' belief that they are all equal, even when they are not.
Popular Phrases and Sayings
  • "Sift through shadows that should be left alone": is a popular phrase against someone who is nosy and finds themselves inserting themselves into business not their own.

Common Dress Code

In Cimmerian culture, longer hair symbolizes nobility and royalty. The longer the hair, the higher up your social status. Criminals and petty thieves were bald, while farmers, peasants, and some merchants had short, above the neck, cut hair. Wealthier merchants, craftsmen, and soldiers had haircuts that ranged from the neck to the shoulder. The military usually keeping their long hair up in high buns and/or braids. All others were allowed to grow their hair out as long as possible. If a person of nobility had shoulder-length cut hair or shorter, it is known as public shaming, and their family name was forever stained. If those of lower status had longer hair, they could be fined, imprisoned, or executed.  
In fact, Cimmerians care little for clothing when compared to their care for their hair. Their hair is one of the most important things in regard to appearance. It’s common to see accessories adorning hair, and extravagant hairstyles, the more extravagant the better as it tells others that the individual has a great deal of hair, which means they are of noble status. Dyeing one’s hair is seen as a monstrous deed, defacing something so important.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Clothing in Cimmerian culture is mainly random and unimportant to most. A peasant could wear the same clothing as a Lord, and others would still know the difference between the two purely because of the hair.   The most important Cimmerian clothing piece were hair accessories, especially for nobles. Cimmerians would decorate their hair with an array of accessories, helping to style the hair and decorate it. It was not uncommon for Cimmerians to appear in public with adornments all through their hair, the more extravagant, the better.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Mooj’ bii B’owod (Day of Darkness)
The Day of Darkness marks the last few days of Hat’ein and can span from anywhere between two days to a week due to Hat’ein’s unreliability. Day of Darkness, also referred to as the Celebration of Darkness, is held to mourn the events of Darkness. It starts with the mourning of Darkness’s imprisonment, followed by the celebration of the Cimmerian people and Moon for the deal she created with Darkness.   The celebration itself rests on the last few days of Hat’ein where the sun is absent from the sky. Though Cimmerians believe this is a symbol of Darkness’s return, scientists claim that it is merely due to the high levels of magic and Chaoxian in the air, blocking out the sun entirely. It is the only celebration that most Cimmerians take and one of the only ones that non-Cimmerians are not allowed to. Though the festival can occur anywhere, the pure festiveness that happens in Eperit, the Heart Lands, puts all of them to shame.



Some legends state that Darkness created the Cimmerians in anger, to remind himself of the great power he held. While another popular legend says that Darkness admired Moon greatly for both her beauty and her kindred soul. In this legend, it is noted that Darkness created the Cimmerians as a gift to Moon. One legend says that he made the species in retaliation against Sun when creating the Kreani race. Regardless of the legend, all state that something incredibly wrong had taken place during the creation of the species. Darkness had given his people his taint, cursing them for eternity.  
I remember you, my child, I remember all of those who bear my dark origin ...” - Darkness in “For the Crown”
  Before the Era of Divide, the Cimmerians kept to themselves. Little was known about them, and little was ever heard. Even when the Cimmerians began to spread and live in areas that were hit by sunlight, they interacted little with other species.   During the Era of Harmony, Cimmerians truly began intermingling with other species, mostly the Alyrians and Dreolds. Though they had little trouble with other species, they fought amongst themselves more often than not. It was usually between those who had the right to rule and who was currently ruling, their monarchy system was incredibly flawed in all lands other than Pryce.  

Siege of Pryce

During the Era of Divide, problems began to arise amidst Cimmerians and other species. One such example was the Cimmerian and Alyrian conflict that occurred on Pryce. When the Alyrians came, they slaughtered and forced the Cimmerians from the land, pushing them to the tainted steppe area in the center of the continent.   In 132 Blood, the Cimmerians led a strategically planned attack against Pryce to overthrow the ruling family and take back the country. The siege took a total of three days to complete. After dispatching the royal family through execution and imprisoning others, Lord Doran took over and proclaimed himself the new Great King. With him as the ruler, his bloodline still rules over Pryce. The war found the Cimmerians victorious and ushered in a new era for Cimmerians.

Common Myths and Legends

  • Despite the insults and slurs targeted at them, Cimmerians are not demons in any form. Their eye color, similar to the way Kreol's eyes work, is connected to help them see in dark areas.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Before the Cimmerian takeover, Cimmerians had little to no relationships with other species. Most of their interactions dealt with Kreol, Kren, and Alyrians. Once the Cimmerians took over, almost all of the species despised them and for obvious reasons.   Before the Cimmerian takeover, the general attitude towards them was fairly neutral, feeling no way about Cimmerians one way or the other despite the many rumors circulating the species. Hospitality is rare to come by, or at least hospitality without lingering glances and hushed whispers. Feelings towards Cimmerians after the takeover became overwhelmingly negative. Most kept their thoughts to themselves out of fear of being killed or prisoned, but it was rare to find a caring soul.  
On average, Cimmerians and Alyrians maintain decent species relations as one group doesn't need more than the other, and co-existing is easy. This was only untrue when the Alyrians attacked Cimmerians in Pryce, running them off their land and taking it for themselves. Until Doran's takeover, the relations were downright hostile. Many credit Doran for treating the Alyrians of Pryce with kindness, helping the species relation and not souring them. It should be noted that Alyrians, even to this day, still hold some resentment over the actions that happened on Pryce. The same can be said about Cimmerians who have never truly forgiven the Alyrians for slaughtering them as they ran them from their homes.
Genetic Descendants
Avg. 150; powers come during toddler age
Average Height
Average varying
Average Weight
Average varying
Related Materials

Known Characters

  • Lord Doran: Cimmerian Reaper
  • Asher Dhunes: Cimmerian Shadow Assassin
  • Sral: Cimmerian Blood Assassin
  • The Apprentice: possibility
  • Cimmerian blood is black.
  • The Cimmerians are part of the Divine Three, the first three and only races specifically known to be created by the High Gods.
1 Though this is predominantly still true. Great King Doran had a significant role in changing the belief that a family name was not as important as an individual's titles.

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