Bearing Rite Tradition / Ritual in Jiwenia | World Anvil

Bearing Rite

Known to many as the Bearing Rite (but also referred to as the Fertility or Labor Ritual), this ritual is used in order for two people of the same gender (anyone besides a biological male and female) to produce offspring. A witchdoctor with either expertise in body, fertility, or an exceptional ludá is needed as well as the two who wish to conceive. This ritual is different from getting a surrogate as the genes are tailored specifically and genetics are far more precise. In the case of neither partner being able to carry a child (female) then a surrogate is still needed but the ritual still allows for the genetic tailoring despite a third body needing to be had for the development.   A darker and far more illegal technique is using the forming fetus from a pregnant woman. This woman is typically an Alyrian due to their ability to intermingle with almost every other species and thus, further issues with birthing is easier to avoid. Similar to the more legitimate way, this way will see the transfer of genetics to the woman's forming baby and alter it. It should be noted because the fetus is already beginning to grow and develop, this sort does a poor job of 'wiping the slate clean.' The child can easily become mutated if the ritual is done incorrectly or if pre-exiting issues that carried over from the biological parents, exist in the child.


Before beginning, the parents will detail who wishes to give what to the baby. The ritual is unique in allowing for parents to choose the exact gender and genes and to pass on, and in Phaizarn, if the parents are not of the same race, can even specify which race of the two the child should be. This was fairly popular amongst Houses like Great Stag.   When ready to begin, a witchdoctor will lay both parents down in a large spirit and body activation symbol. If a surrogate is needed then they are laid between both parents. The doctor will always keep a hand on the surrogate or the carrier, known as 'maintaining a connection.' This keeps a spiritual connection open and their other hand goes to the first biological parent and begins to use magic to sort through the specific genetics that need to be transferred. During this process it is critical that the witch and bodies in the connection are not disturbed. A disturbance can lead to severe issues pertaining to both body and soul for all those undergoing said procedure.


A witchdoctor (sometimes simply referred to as a specialist, doctor, or a witch) is needed to perform the ritual. An inexperienced witch can easily ruin the ritual, putting all in danger. Patience, experience, and a deep understanding of the body is needed so many in this field are masters of body and spirit with understanding of healing, body, and spiritual magic. Some also find themselves possessing specific ludá that allows them to become even more understanding of the practice.   The second most important thing is the carrier or surrogate. For couples that don't possess a biological woman or for those who don't wish to carry, a carrier is needed to hold the baby for however long the gestation is (differs from species). Typically, this is the hardest part to find as it is possible to have an incompatible surrogate. Even though magic is involved, an Alloth could not carry a child for two Alyrians due to the body composition and the babies needs. The best surrogate would be one of the same species (i.e two Alloths should have an Alloth surrogate). The next best option is that is an Alyrian, though it should be noted that this itself still holds dangers. Unless one of the biological parents are Alyrian, the baby has the potential to kill the surrogate due to magic and then be born prematurely. This is quite rare, but still possible. Due to this, most doctors will not allow an Alyrian surrogate unless one of the parents are Alyrian as well.   Lastly are the biological parents that wish to go through with the ritual. It is best for both participants to be healthy as the ritual saps a large amount of energy from the two and has been known to kill.


Though not proven, it is believed that performing such a rite on a full moon will increase the chances, make the ritual easier, as well as bless the child due to Moon's guiding eye. The ritual can be done on any day besides the season of Hat'ein. Because of the shifting magic and the strange influx, performing the ritual on a day that falls in this season is extremely dangerous and prone to failing and even if working, causing disorders in both the doctor, surrogate, and child.
  • There is a 0% chance of getting twins, triplets, etc. in this ritual.


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