The Joining of Time and Space Myth in Jíātakum | World Anvil
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The Joining of Time and Space

The first step to creating the universe.


Before the world came into being, the forces of nature were out of balance. The gods were still forging the components that would go into it. During this period, the god of space, Uriila, fell deeply in love with the goddess of time, Suma. He courted her, but she was uninterested; how could such different forces come together? She focused on aligning the events of the world. He tried to concentrate on forming the universe and placing the things the other deities had created in their proper place, but he was distracted and accidently knocked the nymph, Ria, into the sky where she became trapped. Eventually, Uriila began to grow on Suma. She reciprocated his love and they were married. This brought the universe into order and made it possible for life to exist.


It is central to the creation myth.

Variations & Mutation

In some versions, Ria was trying to court Uriila and he locked her in the stars to keep her out of trouble.

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