Squidboyle Condition in Jíātakum | World Anvil
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Woe is ye who be grasped by the Death Bringer

"I watched as the lumps spread and grew over my friends body, I watched the fear grow in his eyes at each new sore. I walked into the room as the final stage took hold and that dreadful disease ended the life of my best friend" - Suyine the Fletcher

Transmission & Vectors

The disease is transmitted by a plant found in certain forests, one must be careful that the boyles don't break off and infect food or water.


Never go near the plant with a large, purple pod with four green stripes running up it, even a slight breeze can cause it to release its toxic gas. This is the Death Bringer.


It begins with paleness and a slight fever, but after the first day small boyles will appear and quickly spread and grow into grotesque tentacles, after about a week the tentacles will burst to life, crushing the victim to death.


A special moss can be be turned into a paste and rubbed on the boyles which will shrivel them and cause them to fall off, bury them in the moss to eliminate them permanently, the only issue is that the moss grows around the plant.


Death is almost certain without treatment and it is a very unpleasant and painful disease. Stage 1 is a fever and paleness, stage 2 are small boyles all over the body, stage 3 the boyles begin to grow, stage 4 they grow into tentacles, stage 5 the tentacles strangle the victim.


After the boyles are removed the victim can become infected due to the open wounds, ensure you have plenty of bandages before treatment.

Affected Groups

Anyone can be affected, even animals, and sometimes plants, the moss is immune, which is probably why it grows near it and can cure the disease.

Hosts & Carriers

The plant known as the Death Bringer is the cause of the disease and is to be avoided at all costs.


Avoid forests where the plants are known to occur.


If victims are not delt with correctly their bodies can infect food, water and even the air.


A pandemic once swept through a city because no one cared when a beggar was infected, the city was nearly destroyed, since then procedures for dealing with the affliction have become very strict.

Cultural Reception

People naturally pity the sorry state of the victims and authorities will essentially arrest them and take them for treatment or if it is unavailable will execute and bury their body deep in the ground.

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