Isz'Maiz Species in Jíātakum | World Anvil
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They are highly in tune with nature and the stars, the best astronomers are found among them. This simple race is mysterious and stealthy; dwelling in the most natural parts of the world. They value nature, friendship, astronomy and knowledge.

Basic Information


Humanoid, thin, same height as humans, distinctly inhuman characteristics such as fur and luminescent gem-like things known as eui covering their skin, they have prehensile, 3-toed feet, their hands and feet have good grip, they have two dewclaws on each ankle

Biological Traits

Both genders are very similar, the females tend to have slightly different colours on their heads compared to the rest of their bodies, older individuals tend to grow a bushy mane around their heads

Genetics and Reproduction

They lay eggs, which incubate for about six months

Growth Rate & Stages

They develop after hatching slightly faster than humans but tend to live several decades longer

Ecology and Habitats

They live in places with a lot of life as they make their homes among them, usually forests or jungles

Dietary Needs and Habits

They feed on fruits and nuts as well as small animals, they can be persuaded to eat other foods, although this has little effect on them

Biological Cycle

They deteriorate similarly to humans but not to the same extent, they are still fully capable at the ends of their lives which contributes to them living so long

Additional Information

Social Structure

Have complex communities, observation is difficult


They are independent creatures and cannot be tamed

Facial characteristics

They have protrusions on the tops of their heads which look like a cross between ears and antennae, these give rise to their radar, they have glowing eyes that vary between cat-like and round pupils which can be of any colour, their facial structure resembles the Na'vi from the movie Avatar

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Found anywhere that has plants

Average Intelligence

Highly intelligent, some say more than humans

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have keen sight as well as a unique radar-like sense that allows them to detect the energy given off by living things. They can also sense non-living things in their immediate environment by detecting the reflection of their own life energy

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

They have three names; one denotes an individual, the second denotes family, and the third denotes tribe, as gender is not that important in their culture all their names are unisex.   eg. Nuyito Insata Ulumo: the individual Nuyito was born of the family Insata as a member of the tribe Ulumo

Beauty Ideals

The placement of their luminescent gems is very important, a dynamic arrangement denotes a free spirit which is a desirable quality, colours are meant to represent personality types in their culture so the perspective of which one is beautiful depends on opinion and desire, traditionally they are attracted to others with the opposite eyes to them, i.e. round attracted to cat and vice versa.

Gender Ideals

Both genders share all roles, the distinction is only made during courtship

Courtship Ideals

An individual of either gender may court a friend they like when they have known them for a long time, usually they will give a gift to their potential partner that proves how well they know them, they will make it official by taking a stroll through the forest together

Relationship Ideals

They are monogamous, relationships should be open and free of secrets, partners are expected to regularly do fun things together, especially when they have hatchlings

Average Technological Level

They live simple lives, but their knowledge of the stars vastly exceeds what humans could ever hope to accomplish.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Common Etiquette Rules

Those of higher rank enter a room first, traditionally so that if there is an emergency the leader is inside to direct; those of higher rank leave a room last in case an emergency breaks out as they leave, it is seen as rude to leave a guest alone

Common Dress Code

Clothing is unimportant, however certain positions in a tribe wear items denoting their role, such as healers and the tribe leader

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

The sun and moon feature heavily in their mythology, as such they celebrate the full moon, the equinoxes and the solstices, they view the sun and moon as being in eternal rivalry and see eclipses as one getting the upper hand, they believe you must be weary of stray blows during this.   When an Isz'Maiz dies, their property is not inherited by their family. Instead the resources are used for the betterment of the tribe as a whole.

Common Taboos

Abandoning a partner, damaging nature


They have been around for a long time and no one really knows where they came from. Some believe they were born of the stars themselves because of their connection to them. They are very mysterious and as such very little is known about them. In the past their services have been called upon through broken, indirect conversations to act as navigators, astronomers and trackers.

Historical Figures

Yulito Insata Ulumo

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

They are very sneaky and like to steal from humans.
Scientific Name
Ulara Hindrura
120 years
Conservation Status
Their population is stable
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Physique
Relatively strong, very fit and agile
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Dark tints of blue, green and purple, glowing stones covering their bodies

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