Common Idrasaur Species in Jíātakum | World Anvil
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Common Idrasaur

The main method of transportation, these elegant little lizards reserve a special place in your heart.

Basic Information


They have beaks like a triceratops, heads are round at the back and extend out like a cone until the start of the beak, occasionally they have two horns at the back, they have large, strong torsos, long tails, and four muscular legs, they run on their hind legs

Genetics and Reproduction

They lay 4-5 eggs which they are extremely protective of, they hide during procreation to avoid predators, eggs gestate for about 4 months

Growth Rate & Stages

Within a few months they walk freely separate to their mothers although still dependent, they grow at a mostly consistent rate that gradually levels off, they reach maturity at about 13 years

Ecology and Habitats

They naturally occur in forested areas and grassy plains

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are herbivorous and eat leaves off trees or grass.

Biological Cycle

They deteriorate as they get older and become less effective as steeds.

Additional Information

Social Structure

They are herd animals


They are very timid as wild animals but when tamed they welcome their masters, they are usually bred in captivity and wild ones are rarely domesticated.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

They are used as steeds.

Facial characteristics

Beak, long face, sometimes horns

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They are found in most warmish areas with lots of foliage.

Average Intelligence

Intelligent enough to form a bond with.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Average sight, average hearing, extraordinary sense of smell

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Scientific Name
Dinosauria idranus familiaris
They are descended from the wild idrasaur
50 years
Conservation Status
Average Height
1.5m when on all fours
Average Weight
Average Length
2m from beak to tail
Average Physique
Very strong
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their colours are very diverse, they are very pretty creatures

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