Tiefling Species in Ixen | World Anvil
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The Tieflings, also known as the Voidchildren, are a rare occurrence when a human child is born in an area with many Demonics, or a location infused with their magic. The child often has horns, skin coloured purple or sometimes red, and possess infernal supernatural power. They are shunned by most communities, and their birth is seen as a failure of their parents. They are seen as rabid, monstrous and unintelligent, or generally unfit for society. However, they are the same level as humans.

Civilization and Culture


Originally, Tieflings were incredibly feared, and in many worlds were exiled from society, to live in the wilderness - or die. However, in 6564, a movement began to happen universally, across the worlds, for the rights of the races such as Tieflings and Dragonborn. Most worlds allowed them to live, and removed the laws against them. However, they still face racial discrimination, and the All-War occurring shortly after threatened to undo all the work for equality they had worked so hard to achieve.

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