Catfolk Species in Ixen | World Anvil
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The Catfolk, also known as tabaxi, are a race of intelligent, feline creatures from the world of Rochull. They are known for their architecture and their advancements in healing through herbs and natural methods, as well as strong religious following in their pantheon the Decharrod. They live mostly on the isle of Ichatual, though other colonies have been created on other islands (however, none of them were truly notable).    


  The Nation of Catfolk on Rochull is ruled by a single, hereditary emperor, that resides in Tulan (the capital of the nation). However, recently the people of Rochull have been suspecting the amount of power that the emperor truly has, believing that they may just be a puppet controlled by the High Priests of Rochull.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

The Catfolk are known for cunning and logic. They are quite intelligent compared to other humanoid species.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

The main religious group in catfolk civilisation worship a pantheon of Gods known as the Decharrod. However, there is rumours of a cult who seek to disrupt the Eternal Song and bring back Litel. They call themselves Litelites, or alternatively the Champions of the Flame.


An old catfolk legend tells the story of Litel, an evil, oppressive god that ruled over Rochull through fear and threats. In 3396, the god was lulled into a deep slumber, sung to sleep by a chorus of priests. In order to keep the god asleep, the song could never end. The Eternal Song. Until recently, the Catfolk made humanoid sacrifices to the gods (typically Gy'an or captives of the catfolk) but this was stopped when their most recent ruler deemed it as inhumane and evil.
70-80 years
Average Height
Average Weight
110-220 Ibs

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