Lithshrooms (Mycena Indigo) Species in Ivranai | World Anvil
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Lithshrooms (Mycena Indigo)

(Glowing Mushrooms)   These glowing mushrooms line the paths to the caverns beneath the Diminishing Realms. In areas where the ground has fallen away to reveal the depths below, these mushrooms gather in large concentrations. They are covered in bio-luminescent bacteria that are native to the Realms, and have begun forming their own symbiotic relationships with other plants and animals in the region.   The mushrooms themselves are small and only noticeable because of their vibrant colours. They mostly range from sky blue to a deep indigo, giving them the name Mycena Indigo   These mushrooms are also edible and they affect all species in a similar way. For a limited amount of time after consumption, they are able to see hidden paths. Other beings that have consumed these mushrooms are able to track each other, as the bacteria lingers on the lips or mouths of the beings that eat them.

Basic Information


The cap of these mushrooms is bell shaped, with small ridges across the top. The stems are long and fragile, with the gills beneath exuding a sweet, syrup smelling aura.

Growth Rate & Stages

The main stages of growth are germination, sprouting and propagation.

Ecology and Habitats

These mushrooms are found in sparce numbers across the Realms, except near openings to the caverns beneath, where they are found in large groups.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Fertile soil, namely found closer to the cavernous places beneath the Realms where they originate from.

Biological Cycle

Unaffected by seasonal changes. As they grow older, they simply either break or fall from the ground and decompose into the soil/

Additional Information

Social Structure




Facial characteristics


Geographic Origin and Distribution

Mainly to the South and South East of the Diminishing Realms.

Average Intelligence

Plant life.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

After consuming the mushrooms, beings are able to perceive luminescent paths that are invisible to the standard eye.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Symbiotic relationship with bio-luminescent bacteria.
Scientific Name
Mycena Indigo
3 months
Conservation Status
Least Concern (LC)
Average Height
Average Weight
50g at its largest.
Average Physique
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Mainly in lighter blues, but can range up to indigo.


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