Orc Species in Ithan | World Anvil


Orcs are a species of burly, tusked, and naturally camouflaged creatures.



General Appearance

Orcs are usually built far wider and taller than an average human. Their bones are much larger, and this is only accentuated by their easily gained muscle mass and fat reserves. An orc's skull is shorter than a human skull, but wider. Orcs have smaller eye sockets than humans, but a larger nasal cavity. This is in part because the nocturnal genetic ancestors of the orcs (as well as the genetic ancestors of goblins and trolls) relied more on smell than sight to navigate places and identify things.


Dental Appearance and Tusks

An orc's tusks are their elongated bottom canine teeth. The tusks most commonly begin to protrude from the mouth around age 6. Despite the common belief of all orcs having severe underbites, they most likely have well-aligned teeth with the upper teeth fitting slightly over the non-tusk lower teeth. This is thanks to the unique angle of the tusks, which grow straight out before growing upwards. The most common dental alignment issue with orcs is, in fact, having an overbite, which can cause tusk erosion.



An orc's skin coloration has been shown to be directly linked to the temperature of the area in which an orc is raised. Orcs who are raised from birth to age 4 in an area which has a maximum temperature of under 55 degrees Fahrenheit tend to have skin coloration that is more blue than green, where orcs who are raised in an area which has a maximum temperature of over 85 degrees Fahrenheit tend to have skin coloration that is more yellow than green. Orcs raised in areas between those two temperatures tend to have a dusty green for skin coloration. Once an orc reaches age 4, their skin color changes over a much longer period if the temperature changes.


An orc's skin is normally quite dry and leathery-feeling in comparison to a Human's. The skin is also said to be far thicker than Human skin. Despite these two things, an orc's skin needs more care than a Human's, and various lotions, fats, and oils are needed for orc skin to stay healthy and uncracked.



An orc's hair normally matches their skin tone, but is normally more vibrant and less "dusty" in color. The hair of an orc tends to grow with surprising speed in comparison to a Human's. Orc hair can grow, on average, up to 3 inches per 30 day period - three times the growth of Human hair. Orcish hair tends to be thicker than human hair and produces less oil.



Aligning with popular belief, orcs are mesocarnivores, with roughly 60% of their diet needing to consist of meat. Contrary to the same popular belief, though, an orc's diet rarely consists of more than 75% meat, and is usually supplemented with insects, fungi, and certain types of plant matter.


Biological Cycle

Orcs have a biological cycle that is slighty faster than that of Humans.


Pregnancy and Birth

An orc's gestation period is 195 days long on average. 76.2% of all successful orcish pregnancies result in only one offspring. 20.2% of all cases result in two offspring, and the unaccounted for 3.6% of cases produce three offspring.



Orcs remain in an adolescent phase of rapid growth for roughly 14 years for female orcs and 12 years for male orcs.



Orcs reach sexual maturity at 14 years old if female and 12 years old if male, but they are not considered adults until their 16th birthday in most areas with a large population of orcs. Orcs remain in their adult phase of life for roughly 90 years.



As an orc ages the colour degradation causes a whitening of the skin and hair. An orc's average lifespan is roughly 103 years.



Ithan is home to roughly 40,500,000 Orcs. This is 8.1% of Ithan's current population of 500 million sapient beings.


Male orcs make up roughly 50.1% of the population of orcs in Ithan, and female orcs make up roughly 49.9% of the population. The difference is largely considered to be a result of pure chance.

Scientific Name
Homo dentele
103 years
Average Height
6 to 7 feet
Average Weight
300 to 450 lbs

Cover image: by Vertixico


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Dec 7, 2020 00:05

Wow! You added a lot of detail here. I can really see your orcs in my mind. I am interested in their culture as well. And why do they choose 16 as the age of maturity?

Dec 7, 2020 02:14 by Makenzie Turney

It is honestly dependant on the culture of the orcs in question, but, generally, it's about the age between 12 and 16 being considered a transitionary period between child and adult
