Moon's Blessing Species in Ithan | World Anvil

Moon's Blessing

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Moon's Blessing is a common herb in every apothecary's arsenal thanks to its ability to relieve and prevent both pain and cramping associated with the menstrual cycle. It is a flowering shrub that produces small, edible berries in early winter. The berries are mostly gathered and dried by apothecaries who have collected the leaves of the shrub to sweeten the flavors of their more bitter concoctions.



Moon's Blessing is a shrub that grows to be up to 2 meters in height. Its branches are woody with a pinkish pith. These branches divide from the trunk beginning at 3 centimeters above the ground. The leaves of the shrub are serrate with and acute tip. The plant produces magenta-edged white flowers in the early summer, which last until early autumn. Small berries are produced in bunches from all pollinated flowers. These berries ripen to a bright red in early winter.

Scientific Name
Salvia jocasta
Average Height
1-2 meters

Cover image: by Vertixico


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Mar 1, 2021 20:24 by Amy Winters-Voss

What a useful and gorgeous flower!

Author of the Liminal Chronicles urban fantasy series | Author Website