Church of Tiamat
Founded in the early days before the kingdom of Timara the Church of Tiamat existed to bring the people together. The church was founded in the Tia Lakes region of the Highlands of Timara and worships the dragon goddess Tiamat, Mother of Dragons. It is unclear when the church first began outside of it existing and even helping found the Kingdom of Timara which evolved into the Empire of Timara.
The core tenants of the church are to worship and praise the Goddess Tiamat. They instill in all their followers that Tiamat is the true goddess of all dragons, and by ferocity, passion, ambition, cunning, and the charisma of a dragon they too can achieve their dreams and desires. Donations of anything precious to the church are often lead to a blessing by priests and will often give the individual favor of the dragon goddess herself.
The Church of Tiamat is involved in almost every daily aspect of a citizen of Timara. The church is responsible for collecting taxes for the Empire and is also responsible for teaching the children of the empire in learning how to speak and read draconic as well. The Church of Tiamat can be found in all the major cities and in quite a few communities. Often if there is not a church one is not too far behind as freshly graduated acolytes are often sent to the developing areas to create new churches and bring the burgeoning town into the greater economic and social fold of the Empire.
Priests are usually welcomed within the empire itself but face extreme persecution in every region outside of the empire. Often a cleric of the church is attached to a dragon flight to take care of their religious and medical needs.
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