Drake Species in Issolum | World Anvil


The drake is a creature found across the continent of Qey. It is similar in nature to the dragons, but it is not a dragon. Their anatomy differs in their longer snouts, longer and lankier legs, and duller teeth.   Nobody knows where and when drakes were first discovered, but they have appeared in even the most ancient of history. In older myths and legends, they were revered as divine beasts, lesser than the dragons but still highly praised for their existence. They lack the sentiency of dragons, however, and slowly, their reputation decreased.   Now, mostly due to their small stature and build, they are used as a work animal. Mainly, their labor is used in farming and agriculture, but they may also be used in travel to pull wagons similarly to horses, and can be trained for police and security needs as well.   It is fairly easy to acquire one for its labor, as they are very common. They are regularly hunted, but their numbers remain high. With the rise of the The Empire of Kanskownpqey, restrictions were imposed to avoid over-hunting and extinction of these creatures. They can and are bred for quality.   There are several variances of the drake within the species, each having differing characteristics from the 'typical' and 'most common' drake. The biggest example of this are the aqua-drakes, who are capable of undersea hunting and farming. Many use them to catch a bounty of fish, usually by tying a fishing net to their tail and allowing fish to get caught in the ropes. They are trained to return on a call, such as a whistle.   Another drake that is commonly found yet is different from your typical drake is the mini drake. These variants grow no bigger than two or three feet in length, and many stay even smaller than that. These drakes are often kept as pets, much like dogs or cats.


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