Nightlesbyy Glade Settlement in Isle of Melas | World Anvil
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Nightlesbyy Glade (NITE-uls-bye GLADE)

Nightlesbyy Glade is a resort, gaming and pleasure town near the east coast of Melas. It is located in a cleared region where the Debas Forest meets the eastern shore, so it is not precisely a glad unless the ocean is counted as a part of the forest. The town was constructed to support nearby mining interests, but grew once Blekendelph racing became a popular sport and gambling interest.

The town consists of three main sections:
  • Nodtown (government, services, law enforcement)
  • Spilletown (gambling, pleasure, shops - also wealthy residential)
  • Trakettown (poorer, residential)
There is also a large resort section slightly separate from the town along the beach area. Along with the occasional swimming and recreational activities, this is the primary venues for blekendelph racing, containing dwelling containers, training areas, grandstands, betting dens and competition courses in the water.

It is not uncommon to see violence in the street, as the various Pleasure Guilds compete for territory, businesses and influence. Most all wealthy visitors are accompanied by protective security. Crime is rampant, especially among the lower class servitors, with the constabulary serving primarily as muscle for the Guilds in power.


Humans are the predominant species in Nightlesbyy Glade, although a number of others such as goblins, kobolds, halflings and dwarves are resident as servitor classes and those of almost every sentient species can be found at one time or another as a customer, host, entertainer or slave.


The town is run by a figurehead town manager, who is appointed by whichever Pleasure Guild is in power at any particular time. The town manager mainly oversees the necessary arrangements to keep the economic interests running, such as road repair, tax collection, etc. They also oversee the constabulary, which is notably corrupt and can typically be bought off at any time. Whenever a particular town manager falls out of favor, they typically "retire" and are replaced by another.


The constabulary of the town are a force of men paid to enforce the laws, what little of them there actually are, and carry out the directives of the mining guild in power, through the town manager and the Head Constable. As Pleasure Guilds in power do not tend to stay in power for long, there is often turnover all down the line when a new guild takes over.

Industry & Trade

All gambling parlors, casinos, restaurants, shows and anything remotely connected with the hospitality industry are run by multiple rival Pleasure Guilds. People from all up and down the eastern coast of Melas and even stretching across the Wildlands come to visit, to gamble, to eat, to relax and most of all to spend money. The best restaurants outside of Kryla, Aerost and Tenyla can be found in Nightlesbyy Glade.


Whatever kinds of pleasure can be bought can usually be found here: gambling, drugs and alcohol of dubious safety, liaisons with those of most any race and gender, even slaves, or "servitors" can be found here for the right price.

Guilds and Factions

The Pleasure Guilds control the gambling and other paid recreational activities throughout Nightlesbyy Glade and the region, and are tied directly to the mining companies as sources of income. The current Pleasure Guilds are:
  • The Forbers - an old, traditional human crime family. At the present, they own most of the territory and gambling establishments in town and control the town manager and the constabulary. The current fahr, or head of the family, is Orlan Nickelby Forber.
  • The Brody Brothers Guild - two dwarf brothers who recently acquired power through their own rented muscle. They also control the shoreline property, which means they control the actual Blekendelph racing facilities. The two brothers are Oskar (elder) and Derrak (younger) Brody (their actual family name is Broadbasket but they changed it to avoid embarrassment)
  • Murder Snegles, Inc. - a group of hobgoblins that have had influence for many years, until they fell upon hard times recently. They are currently being aided by Draconians from across the sea which is helping them regain their influence. Their fahr is a large, misshapen hobgoblin named Torvan, who is protected by a pair of Draconians the locals refer to as the Dracon Vact.
  • Kokkas - mixed partnership of humans, half-elves and goblins who have their hands in most illicit substances. They are also run the finest restaurants in town. The current fahr is a half-elf named Blendleaf Riorden.
  • Hoydor Unvask - guild that controls slave trade and a majority of the escort business in town. They are universally despised by the other guilds out of general aesthetic principles as well as business ones, although they are allowed to do their business in the spirit of fair trade. They are led by a goblin named Blea.
There are also multiple smaller guilds that own negligible business interests in Nightlesbyy Glade, but they are usually temporary - either they are taken over by larger guilds, or actually join into partnerships of their own free will.

All the guilds own a stable of blekendelph and race them often for bragging rights and cash winnings against the other guilds. Other stables exist and race their own animals themselves.

While the Pleasure Guilds are often ruthless in their business practices, especially against each other, they are protective of their town and while at times band together to defend it from powerful outside interests. The The Wondrous Order has attempted multiple times to extend its influence all throughout Southern and Eastern Melas, but to this point has been unsuccessful, primarily due to the influence of the united Pleasure Guilds.


Wealthy gamblers and pleasure-seekers are the primary tourist trade in Nightlesbyy Glade, although the area does attract its share of more modest dwellers around the area seeking their fortunes in the big city.

High-priced hotels compete with lower-priced inns and taverns to house tourists, and some offer enticement packages for free food, gambling and other pleasures with their stay.


The town of Nightlesbyy Glade is surrounded on its north, west and southern sides by the edges of the Debas Forest, and the Great Sea to its east. Numerous mining camps surround the town inside the forest, connected by transport roads that bring the ore to processing centers to the north. Trade routes extend north to NiChow and south to Kovsholm, connecting it to the wealthy communities nearby.

Natural Resources

Minerals and other resources found in the forests and hills surrounding Nightlesbyy Glade include diamonds and other precious gemstones, platinum, steel and mithril.
Large town
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