The Fae Courts Ethnicity in Isidoro | World Anvil
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The Fae Courts


Seelie and Unseelie, Summer with Spring and Winter with Fall, Light and Dark, "Good" and "Evil". There are many names for a Fae Court, but above all, it is one thing:   Dangerous.   All Fae Courts are horrifying in their each way, silver tongues and charming eyes can lead way to terrible grudges and wrath you could never dream of if the Fae are slighted.  

Bloodthirsty and Bloodstarved?

Fae have a very strong image of being both beautiful and barbaric in the same breath. Their funeral rites do not help their image in this case, as some have seen other Fae throwing their brotheren into live volcanoes. In the same instance, their magic can charm and glamour others, pulling them under their sway. If a fae wants something, they typically are known to stop at nothing to get what they want.  

Silver Tongues and Careful Minds

  While not the stereotype of war crazed or similar, fae are chaotic in their own way. They seem to have a natural charming magic to them, allowing them to twist magic and mana with their words, and any contracts or agreements seen over by a fae should be regarded carefully; they are highly likely to contain loopholes and workarounds that benefit only them.   One should often take great care when interacting with them, and if you figure out their tricks, be prepared for a very displeased fae who may resort to violent acts in their frustration. Fae usually get what they want, and it isn't pretty otherwise.   Specific courts have different reactions of course, and in the end it varies fae to fae. The Seelie Court will often grant favours and boons to those that figure out their tricks, though they will be displeased about being caught and may hold a grudge. The Unseelie Court, however is far more likely to act out, and refuse to give boons; they are incredibly likely to hold grudges and most assume that if a Unseelie Fae doesnt have a grudge on anyone, it's that they've just cleared out their list and are waiting for that next slight...    

The Courts




  • Light
  • Spring
  • Summer



  • Dark
  • Autumn
  • Winter


Funerary and Memorial customs

All fae funeral rites involve volcanoes or dragon fire. The fair folk and members of the Fae Courts all believe they should return their mana to the earth as quickly as possible, and this method is by Devbasta's flames.
Parent ethnicities
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Jul 29, 2019 18:06

This is a really well formed article, with some amazing ideas and a fun light-hearted tone all the way through. I do think, however, it could be developed a bit more. I'd love to learn more about the social structure/hierarchy of these groups, as well as the kinds of clothing they wear. It would also be a good idea to use the sidebar, as it looks almost comically small. Other than that, great article! The CSS really shines, and it almost makes me want to meet one! Happy camping! Hotdog

Aug 20, 2019 17:13 by Terry-Lynn L

Thanks! It'll be edited once summer camp is over and the awards are all figured out. Thank you for the comment. : )