The Bard From Between The Sun Myth in Isgáry | World Anvil
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The Bard From Between The Sun


The Bard From Between the Stars is a figure of myth and legend who supposedly appears on moonless nights, stalking the streets while playing a music so strange as to not be of this world. The music captivates and repulses those that hear it in the wee hours driving some to go mad, others to flee into the quiet solitude offered by a locked door and others still to seek out this aberrant music.   Those that seek out the source of the music are never seen from again, with no sign nor hint of what happens to them during their pursuit.
Those that go mad under the assault of gentle notes, speak of horrors beyond description and develop a most violent phobia of any form of music.

Historical Basis

Those that dare to study The Bard From Between The Sun generally point to Zann Son of Eric as the source of this bizarre occurrence, though often scumming to the madness themselves soon after.   Zann Son of Eric, for what is known of him, was part of a royal orchestra. The scraps of knowledge point towards Zard being obsessed with the perfect performance, siting Pelor as his muse. His obsession drove him to excess and devastation. One source proclaims that during a ball, Zann brutally murdered a rival performer with his own instrument. Another proclaimed Zann to be the culprit behind a series of child abductions, luring them away with his music to sacrifice them to some dark entity in return for the perfect performance.
The truth may be lost to the ages, but all who claim to know it, speak of death and madness. Driven by his talent and twisted into something vial through obsession.

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