Shattering of the West Physical / Metaphysical Law in Isesda | World Anvil
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Shattering of the West

Late in the second godswar there was a brutal struggle between the myriad forces of Upe in the seas and the beasts of Krumas upon the shore. Though at this time in the war the children were constantly rising against each other, Krumas' desire to command the powerful leviathains of the seas as his own desipte Upe's lordship over all the ocaens and everything in them grew to a point where they began dragging other gods into their dispute. Krumas convinced Krodis and Gimmias to join him against Upe quickly as they had their own conflicts with the sea-god, but when he gained the alliance of Akumo he had the power he needed to overthrow the Weaer of Waves even if they met within his own realm. Akumo dredged rich, black earth from the depths, extending the shores of the westermost lands out into the midst of the great ocean. Blood-soaked demons and the greatest beasts under the sway of Krumas and Krodis swamrmed onto this new land, rending and devouring all the servants of Upe that had been caught on the surface in Akumo's sudden alterations. Blood seeped deep into the still-ocean-wet new land and ran like rivers out into the waters. In answer to Krumas alliance against Upe, the powerful children Aurou and Rugiai aided their submarine brother in his battle against the arrayed beasts and demons of Krumas and his allies. Rugiai brought deep chill, frosts that hardened the new earth Akumo had crafted until the beasts slid and staggered upon the ice. As the temeratures plummeted Aurou brought hosts of birds and angels screaming in from the gathering clouds above and Upe released his mightiest horros from the abyss which crashed upon the shores. The oceanic titans were yet malleable and their forms shifted and warped as they charged upon the land and did battle with the greatest demons. The hosts of the merian crawled upon the shore and Upe gifted them strong legs. Thick chitin crept along some, others were enfolded in angelic arms from Aurou above, while yet more were wrapped in shadow and mutated as the great titans leading the charge. The great hordes battered against one another. Some of Akumo's demons erupted wings from their twisted backs, foul mockeries of the avian hosts above crafted with splayed bones with waxen flesh and the glistening sweat and bile of the dark one's craft. These abominations leapt to the heavens and Gimmias cursed their claws, fangs, and nightmarish weapons so that they struck deeply and tore the vitality from their victims leaving starved husks plunging down and scattering as dust upon the ice. Spined tentacles latched onto demons and ripped them in all directions, showering the armies below with entrails and filth. Some of the beasts drank deeply of this foulness and hurtled themselves in madness at their foes, demonic spirits taking hold in their mortal flesh. With every wave of battle it was clear that the hosts of the heavens and seas were losing this battle and would be driven back to the waters. It was then that the brothers crafted their dire plan. Avians dove for the seas as gills spread across their sides. The hosts of Upe retreated from their vicious opponents and slid back from the shores. The chill grew even deeper and winds grew strong. Undisuaded the monstrous host bore down into the water, led by Akumo's demons who boiled away the water as they ran cheering with voices that echoed from within their deep, hateful chests. The waters of Upe seemed to retreat before them as if even the oceans had surrendered to the might of Krumas' alliance. But they were decieved. With winds driving behind the waters swirled in, battering the demonic beasts with surging waves and massive, razors of ice. The attackers caught in the waves were shredded, reddening the dark waters with their deaths, but the rising storm only grew in ferocity. Lightning and hail smote the flying demons from the skies and mixed ice and stone rushed about, picked up by the winds. Bodies of the fallen and the weapons the'd left behind began to race across the lands, smashing into the stunned hordes still standing upon the land. The hatelord smashed debris about him, but there was always more to strike his demons. Krumas and Krodis soon had their servants retreating to the continent, abandoning the demon-raised lands across which they'd so recently charged. Still the strom grew mightier. The lands Akumo raised began to sink to their watery origin once more, but the brothers' tempest had consumed so much more than that. Mortal beasts died endlessly as the combined fury of Upe, Aurou, and Rugiai ravaged the continent, tearing from Isesda's surface living thing and creations of many of the Children and the very stones placed there by the All-Mother herself in the story of creation. The lands were scattered across the oceans, leaving none large enough to gather such a host upon again. Akashia records that the storm sundered the continent for four days before abating. In the aftermath Akumo abandoned his alliance and Gimmias retreated to the eastern lands. Where once had stood the hunter's throne now a storm remained in the water, driving it's fury so deep that waters from Isesda spewed forth in Tyn. Krumas raged against his defeat while his sibling Krodis did his best to rebuild some life upon the scattered islands that still sat above the waves, now utterly at the mercy of Upe's realm. He found that the land, though broken, was incredibly fertile and the remains of the conflict made this islands incredibly diverse. As life returned it was found that many islands welcomed unique and incredible creatures and vegetation. Still, the echos of the storm of wrath are felt throughout the islands where now is found the Reman Empire. Within the Federation of Advent this tale is called a great victory and is known as The Precursor, for after their devotion and sacrifice Upe would bless the denizens of his realm in the event they call the Advent.
Metaphysical, Divine


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