Ravenloft Settlement in IRONA | Developed by nordman84 | World Anvil
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Ravenloft is usually home to travelers, adventurers, and the occasional knowledge seeker; Leaving it a incredibly diverse town. You can find just about every race, as well as nearly any job here. But even with all this it remains a very poor town, people don't live in poverty but they certainly don't live in luxury. Life is hard for the Pitch, but they all find one way or another to get food on the table or wine in the belly.


Ravenloft is ruled by a mysterious council, it is not a official government but rather a shadow that keeps things in the order its wants but its true form is never seen. The members are unknown, wearing masks at all meetings, and it is rumored that they members have lived for hundreds of years.


A magical ward surrounds the city in the mundane form of a black iron fence.

Industry & Trade

Ravenloft often uses its vast wealth of knowledge as trade, this includes using books as payment for shipments of wheat or other needed supplies.


Ravenloft is home to few noticeable structures. Farms dot the outside of the town, and two mercenary companies, the Black Guard and the Crimson Tide , have constructed fortresses nearby. Besides this Ravenloft is just houses, taverns, shops, and the mansion at its center.


Ravenloft does not have a wealth of weaponry, or a hoard of gold, but what it does have in abundance is knowledge. Having libraries with many books about the many unnatural entities that walk the realm, undead, devils, demons, they are the experts in the supernatural.

Guilds and Factions

Both the Black Guard and the Crimson Tide have built fortresses nearby Ravenloft. The two are constantly fighting for contracts and power.


As settlers moved into the north they found the land to be extremely dangerous, filled with carnivorous wildlife, the occasional warlock, and even undead. Near the same time a noble, The Lord of the Manor, constructed a mansion in the area. The population , when in great times of need would, beseech the noble for help. Food, laborers, guards, anything they needed to survive the noble gave them. So they built a town around the mansion, which eventually became safe and capable of sustaining itself. Just withing the past few decades the noble has died, with his heir unknown and unconcerned about the town The Dark Council took control and rules to this day in secrecy.




Ravenloft is built in a heavily forested area with slight hills.

Natural Resources

There are many farms surrounding Ravenloft, as well as the vast forests. Both supply food, and the forest supplies much needed wood. Raven loft also makes use of a odd reoccurring event, since the town was first built hoards of undead have attacked the town. Clad in armor and weapons in hand. But the hoards are small enough to be dealt with with a medium group of trained fighters, and they have been dealt with in this manner for many years. When the undead are slain the metal from their arms and armor is collected and sold to be used in various ways.
Alternative Name(s)
Large town
Inhabitant Demonym
The Pitch
Characters in Location


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