Mantle Character in IRONA | Developed by nordman84 | World Anvil
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Honorary Talon Cnut Aegis Blackwood (a.k.a. Mantle)

Tall and slender with radiant vermilion magic flowing from out an iron skull into the darkness beyond, Mantle stands over the small mutilated bodies before him. Dropping to a knee Mantle eyes the bloody remains, hulking black metal plates and concealed worn, twisted ebony boring into the earth. Their scaled hides ripped, tails twitching, and mouths stretched in a silent scream while their eyes stare in horror at the past.

Mantle looks to the forest surrounding him with a soft click, a symphony of color hangs above him and peppers the ground. Mantle stops and nods to the figure in the distance. It nods, stark white hair draping it's long flowing emerald robe and pierced by small black horns sways gently. White, empty eyes smile and consider the abomination before them. Perhaps within them lies a glint of acceptance, a speck of trust, a grain of joy. No, why would the mothers children accept a being without life? Why would they trust a creation of man? And how could they be joyful with such a monstrosity?

Mantle clicks and stands slowly, metal once again sliding against wood with a soft scraping sound, and looks to the flames flickering within a stone circle behind him. Scattered around its unfelt warmth are the men and woman he came with. Once they were the only living things Mantle had come to trust in this world, and still Mantle would guard them with his life. Yet, Mantle had something more valuable to protect now. Something he once coveted, and now ponders its vitality in confusion. Mantle watches as the fire dances in a wild frenzy. "Mother... what is it you wish of me." Mantle whispers, voice cracking and changing pitch erratically. Mantle waits for her, as he has waited many months now in anticipation and understanding. Minutes pass, Mantle lowers his head and steps toward the fire. "Kill the heretical, kill the creations of man and their wickedness.". Mantle stops and waits for the voice to quit echoing through his body then looks for its speaker. Nothing. Mantle looks once more to the fire, and clicks.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mantles body shape is leaner than the average warforged who is normally shaped to resemble peak humanoid physique. Mantles eyes glow vermilion. The wood and metal used in the construction of Mantle is Ebony and Steel.

Body Features

Mantle is constructed with a wooden core and a steel shell, both are colored black.

Facial Features

Mantles head resembles a odd mask more than a face, with the top of his head being flat. His yes are a glowing vermilion.

Identifying Characteristics

A chair leg peg leg

Physical quirks

Mantle now waddles because of his peg leg, it was slightly shorter than his other leg.

Special abilities

Mantle has magical talent.

Apparel & Accessories

Mantle wears anything available if he must, but he prefers not to wear anything.

Specialized Equipment

Mantle carries his quarterstaff, a symbol of his beginning on the path of a druid.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Mantle was born in a small fishing town, his father was a boat builder and his mother a former paladin. He was given the name Cnut Aegis Blackwood at birth from an unknown force, though his mother strongly believed this force to be Helm, god of protection. But the name came with a price, Mantle's mother was granted a vision of her son being murdered.   From that point till her untimely death at the hands of an illness she protected Cnut fanatically. After her death Cnut went to see the birthplace of his mother, a grand city to the East, it was here that his mothers vision became a reality. Cnut was killed and robbed in an ally. But this was not his end, his brutal fate was observed by an unseen figure who swiftly took action. Taking Cnuts lifeless body to a cave deep in the wilderness the man used ancient and forgotten powers to place Cnuts soul in the metallic shell of a warforged. Cnut awoke in the cave to the man who saved him, who preached the power of The Deep Ones and their growing cult; Ancient and forgotten gods who rule the caves and deep recesses of the earth. Cnut abandoned his old name, and his old gods. Taking upon him the the name of Mantle, to represent the burden placed on his shoulders by taking up the cause and worship of The Deep Ones.   Mantle begins to hear voices telling him that the cult of The Deep Ones was incorrect in its many gospels, Mantle followed the directions of this voice and left the cult. Soon after leaving the cult a group of paladins raided the headquarters of the cult, killing all of them. The paladins spotted Mantle sporting the garb of the cult of The Deep Ones and decided to leave his fate in the hands of the gods. They sold Mantle into slavery in the hope that he would suffer enough to be forgiven for his great sin, heresy.   But Mantle never abandoned his gods, they began to speak to him more than ever. The Deep Ones instructed Mantle to become an agent of nature, a druid, in order to gain the domain of nature and more power. As Mantle ponders this new assignment the driver of the slave caravan, named Hessup, speaks with a troublesome Tiefling. And a halfling in the wagon ahead of Mantles begins to converse with the occupants of his wagon. An old man, a half orc, a frigidity human, two dragonborns, two elves, an oddly bright woman, and a strange old man who sung constantly.

Gender Identity



Cnut had feeling for a local girl named Minimere. But Mantle does not feel physical attraction anymore seeing as he is unable to reproduce anyways.


Mantle has never received any combat training or formal education. Though his father taught Mantle how to craft a mean boat.


Mantle is part of The Black Guard, a mercenary company with wide influence and a need for slaves willing to risk their lives to erase their brands.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Mantle encountered an agent of nature who set him on the path of a druid, though The Deep Ones had instructed him to become a druid, that plan had seemed so far away to Mantle. It was at that moment that Mantle truly committed, and threw himself into the arms of mother nature and her many children.

Failures & Embarrassments

While fighting an imp Mantle was caught off guard when a spined devil flung its spines into one of Mantles legs. With a loud crack and the shriek of twisting metal Mantles leg was torn free. It was replaced with the leg of a broken chair.

Mental Trauma

Mantle died due to his inability to defend himself and his fear, this trauma has left Mantle scarred. He finds himself needing to protect all those around him, even at the cost of his life. Mantle has also purged all fear from himself, he may be cautious but he will never fear again.

Intellectual Characteristics

Mantle isn't one for intellect, he will think things through but in the end he prefers a strait forward answer.

Morality & Philosophy

Mantle feels that though he is now a lifeless shell his soul remains and that he will be judged for his actions like all men, and thus fears the judgment of his old gods as well as the judgment of nature. Mantle will always help those in need, no matter the personal cost.


Mantle makes a point to avoid dark alleyways.

Personality Characteristics


Mantle feels he needs to find another family, one he can protect from the dangers of the world. Mantle also desperately wants to please The Deep Ones by becoming a druid.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Very good at fighting and protecting. Mantle feels a disconnect from humanoids and sometimes doesn't understand their emotion.

Likes & Dislikes

Mantle hates large cities or towns, he can live in them but he much prefers the solitude of nature. Mantle likes a good joke, especially directed at an enemy. He also likes the company of good friends. Mantle does not like being around strangers or particularly grouded places, unless his friends are with him he will most likely try to find a way out of that place.

Virtues & Personality perks

Mantle is patient, cautious, kind, caring, brave, and loyal

Vices & Personality flaws

Mantle does not care for religion as a whole and would desecrate one of their holy sites on a dare, as long as he didn't get caught. Mantle also doesn't understand many human taboos, such as respecting the dead, not talking with demons and devil, and lying. Mantle can and will lie if he must, but that is his LAST resort. Mantle will deceive if it means only revealing part of the truth, but not the whole. Mantle does not eat, drink, sleep, defecate, or get sick and he sure enjoys telling other humanoids.

Personality Quirks

Mantle will makes a odd clicking noise originating from his head when he is deep in thought.


Mantle does not understand hygiene. He cant get sick, why be clean?


Contacts & Relations

Mantle was once in a cult, quite a influential cult at that. He has good relations with other cults, though he has no contacts within their ranks as of now, it would not be an impossibility to establish them later. The cult of The Deep Ones was affiliated with many other demonic, devilish, and eldritch cults.

Family Ties

Mantles mother is dead, he does not know if his father lives or is also dead due to old age. He has no brothers or sisters, and his family in the cult of The Deep Ones was eradicated. The closest thing to family Mantle has now are his brothers and sisters in bonds, Pie, Elros, Gurgi, Mort, Kthrona, Ghost, and Dulcinea.

Religious Views

Mantle is not a fan of the gods and their religions. He believed that there were MANY other powers in this world that deserved to be seen as gods and respected. But his recent deal with nature has changed this, he now only believes in the power of Nature and The Deep Ones, all other gods do not deserve their godhood and their religions are actually evil cults.   He does NOT talk about this view openly and always pretends to accept religion.

Social Aptitude

Mantle likes to think things through, thoroughly. And likes to avoid combat if possible. Mantle also enjoys etiquette, he likes to please his superiors. Mantle also has a large ego, he is better than an average humanoid after all. Mantle is often to brave but also cautious.


Mantle likes to think, about everything. He doesn't like to make snap decision unless the choice has an obvious benefit. Mantle always walks with perfect posture and steps with authority, sometimes a spring in his step if he is in a particularly good mood. Mantle also clink when thinking deeply.

Hobbies & Pets

Mantle enjoys speaking to animals, he has never understood why but since his change to a warforge he has found animals better than most humanoids. They wear who they are on their sleeve, they don't lie, or judge others, and they are the literal children of nature.


Mantles voice cracks, changing pitch and volume erratically whenever he speaks. The volume does not change too much as to switch from a whisper to a shout, but volume does change slightly.

Wealth & Financial state

Mantle along with his company have lost all wealth, or claim to wealth they may have had before becoming a slave. He does have access to the many facilities of the Black Guard though, besides this he only owns the coins in his pocket, the clothes on his back, and the weapons at his side.
By the name of the mother I purge thee from this land!
Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Honorary Talon
Circumstances of Birth
His birth was average. His rebirth was odd and unexpected, but greatly appreciated.
Circumstances of Death
He was murdered. In his second life he has not been killed.
Current Residence
Glowing vermilion.
No hair.
Quotes & Catchphrases
It shall be done.
Aligned Organization
Black Guard
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Mantle can speak common, and primordial fluently. This includes Aquan, Auran,Ignan, and Terran dialects.

Character Portrait image: by Concept Art House


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