Arktos Settlement in Irkth | World Anvil
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Arktos: Arktos is a single settlement in the northern tundra. The people of Arktos are a hardy and barbaric people who have domesticated powerful and fierce dinosaurs, including dire wolves, to aid in their hunting and battles. The village is made up of simple wooden structures and features a central meeting hall where the village elders gather to make decisions. The people of Arktos are known for their fierce independence and bravery, and are feared by their enemies.   Culture and Society: The Arktosians are a deeply traditional people who hold honor, strength, and courage in high regard. They have a rich mythology and a strong connection to the spirits of the land and animals, often incorporating shamanic practices in their rituals. They are skilled warriors and hunters, known for their expertise in archery and close combat. The tribe is organized into clans, each led by a chieftain who is chosen for their strength and wisdom.   Politics and Governance: The Arktosians are led by a council of chieftains, who meet regularly to discuss important decisions and settle disputes. The council is presided over by a high chieftain, who is chosen from among the council members for their leadership and martial prowess. The high chieftain is responsible for representing the tribe in external affairs and leading them in battle.     Geography and Climate: Arktos is a vast and rugged land, characterized by icy tundras, snow-capped mountains, and dense forests. The climate is harsh and unforgiving, with long, cold winters and short, cool summers. The land is home to many dangerous predators, including wolves, bears, and saber-toothed cats. Arktosians have adapted to these conditions by developing a close bond with their dire wolves, which they ride into battle and use as hunting companions.   Architecture and Buildings: Arktosians live in portable dwellings made of animal hides and furs stretched over wooden frames. These tents can be easily dismantled and transported, allowing the tribe to move quickly across the land. The tribe also constructs more permanent structures, such as longhouses and defensive forts, in strategic locations. These buildings are made of timber and stone and are designed to withstand the harsh weather conditions and the attacks of raiders.   Economy and Trades: Arktosians rely on hunting and raiding to sustain their way of life. They hunt large game, such as mammoths and bison, for food, clothing, and tools. They also raid neighboring settlements for resources and slaves, which they trade with other tribes or sell to outsiders. The tribe also has a strong blacksmithing tradition, producing high-quality weapons and tools using locally sourced iron and other metals.   History and Legends: The history of Arktos is shrouded in mystery and myth. According to legend, the tribe descended from a powerful shaman who communed with the spirits of the land and animals. The tribe has a rich oral tradition, with stories and legends passed down from generation to generation. The most famous legend is that of the warrior king Thorgar Ironfist, who led the tribe to many victories against their enemies and is said to have forged the first iron weapons in Arktos.

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