Kesaran Pasaran Species in Iralex: Kyo's Passion Realm | World Anvil

Kesaran Pasaran

The Kesaran Pasaran (or Keresaran) are soft white balls creatures which can be found in Iralex.  


  Many mysteries surround these little creatures. In folklore, keresaran are creatures born from plants and would be inhabited by a spirit of good fortune. But a legend holds that if one supports the gaze of a keresaran, our soul is then carried into dark abysses.  


  Despite what mythology reports, the kesaran pasaran are the most innocuous creatures that exist. Anyone can have it without any worries.  


Keresaran are like balls of dust, a simple gust of wind can make them fly away. They are usually not very heavy and even the biggest ones are very light. It sometimes happens to see piles of keresaran. With static electricity, they attract each other and form small piles trying to separate.  


The keresaran do not feel, they do not feel the pain. But they feel emotions. A sad keresaran can quickly be comforted with a caress or hug. Even if they do not need it, they sometimes eat. It is assumed that it is by greed, but some theories suggest that it is to gain in matter and possibly to split.
They will eat anything as long as it is someone who gives it to them. They have a tendency to prefer sweets and biscuits.  


The kesaran pasaran tend to be quickly invasive. Because they reproduce quickly, we can quickly be overwhelmed. But do not worry, just let them fly out the window to go elsewhere. To reproduce, the largest kereseran split in quarters. When they become too numerous, the little ones are absorbed by the big ones.
A legend tells that the reproduction rate of keresaran increase if they are in the presence of love or strong feeling in connection with love. This would be an attempt at explanation to their large numbers in Iralex.

A kereserans pile

A sad keresaran


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