Lyvona Character in Iosis | World Anvil


Lyvona (a.k.a. Mother Goddess)

Lyvona (pronounced Lee-vu-na) is the goddess of the moon worshiped by the inhabitants of the island nation Kimiri. They view her as the mother of everyone and the reason humanity is where it is today. Much like the moon, she has eight different phases. Each different phase is linked to different ideas and abilities Lyvona presides over.

Divine Domains

Main Doman


New Moon Domain

Life, Sex, Fertility, Childbirth, Pregnancy

Waxing Cresent Domain

Harvest, Agriculture

First Quarter Domain

Knowledge, Language, Communication, Writing, Tools

Waxing Gibbous Domain

Protection, Strategy, Combat

Full Moon Domain

Trade, Wealth, Craft, Travel

Waning Gibbous Domain

Medicine, Herbalism, Wellbeing, Health

Last Quarter Domain

Kindness, Happiness, Peace, Meditation

Waning Cresent Domain

Death, Fate, Winter, Darkness

Holy Books & Codes

The Tome of the Mother Goddess

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Her most common symbols are the various phases of the moon. Though some represent her with a bow or arrow and others combine a phase of the moon with a bow. Moon and Bow Sigil  
Lyvona Pendant
by yukimoda
Lyvona Waxing Crescent pendant made of obsidian and sapphire.

Tenets of Faith

  • Everyone dies, that is the natural order of things but, sometimes the death of one is needed to preserve the fate of others.
  • Offer aid to all those who need it but, do not circumvent the laws of nature by healing them with rune magic.
  • Love is a natural part of life and no one should be shamed for who they love. Nor should anyone be shamed for having more than one partner in their lifetime or at one time.
  • Everyone, no matter what social class they are born into, should receive as much knowledge as they need or desire.


Festival of Bliss

Physical Description

Body Features

Lyvona's skin is a silvery color, identical to the color of the moon. She is depicted as being very tall, curvy, and plump.

Facial Features

Lyvona is depicted as having a heart-shaped face with kind yet sad eyes.

Apparel & Accessories

She is depicted as wearing a gown with the phases of the moon running along the hemline at the bottom and stars encircling the ends of her sleeves. She is typically barefoot and the color of her dress varies in color depending on which faction has painted or commissioned the painting. Upon her head, she wears a gossamer veil that shines with twinkling stars.

Mental characteristics

Personal history


Long ago, when humanity was still new and the world was a dark and scary place the only thing that existed was Sedum the Divine Chasm. It was from this mass of writing darkness that the Goddess Lyvona first emerged. For eons, Lyvona wandered the stars looking for a purpose or role she could provide for the universe. It was during one of these wanderings that Lyvona stumbled upon mankind. At the time, mankind was a wretched race that was struggling to survive in the dark world that was nearly devoid of life. The other deities tended to concern themselves with only their own pleasures and interests barely sparing humanity a passing glance. Lyvona, however, looked upon this struggling, scared, species and saw great promise. But, despite her power, she could do nothing except open the hearts of men and women to love, a small comfort in the dark scary place the world once was, and allow them to have children at a higher rate. She realized, that if she could convince the other gods to do even the smallest thing to help the race of man would prosper.  

First Phase

The first god Lyvona approached was Rinera, Goddess of the Sky, and though it was a necessary task, it was done with great reluctance. Rinera was as arrogant and proud as gods came but, Lyvona knew it was necessary for Rinera controlled the sun and the clouds. It took a bit of effort, as Rinera seemed to do nothing but chase the various goddesses she was seeing, but, eventually, Lyvona was able to pin her down. Literally cornering Rinera and making the other goddess listen to what she said. As bad as their first conversation started, it only got worse when Rinera literally laughed in Lyvona's face when she mentioned helping the race of man. As lazy as she was arrogant, Rinera would not do anything that did not benefit her in the short term and helping man would require a lot of time and patience to receive any kind of reward.  
Despite this incredibly negative interaction, Lyvona persisted as she knew any other benefits she might give man would be for naught if the fledgling race could not see anything around them. And Rinera's ego was big enough she might be insulted and work against the race of man instead of ignoring them. So, Lyvona continued to ask Rinera repeatedly for the sky goddess' help regardless of how many times the other goddess mocked her idea or immediately lost interest in favor of chasing after a conquest. Eventually, their interactions became almost teasing as an attraction developed between them and Rinera finally gave in and agreed to help on the condition Lyvona started a relationship with her. Lyvona, despite knowing Rinera’s habit of being unfaithful to her lovers, agreed. Both because it helped man and because she wanted to explore their mutual attraction.  
Per their agreement, Rinera commanded the clouds to part and the sun to rise and the world was filled with light for the first time. As man adapted to a world filled with light, the meager bits of vegetation that had grown on the nearly dead, dark world, bloomed into full life eventually covering the world in grass, trees, and other plants. Plants that became food for the herbivore animal species that had also clung to life which became food for the carnivorous animals that had relentlessly hunted man. It soon became clear, however, that man suffered just as much, if not more, from constant sunlight as they did from constant darkness and the two goddesses eventually figured out a system of having the sun rise and set once per day.  
As the whole world thrived the affection between Rinera and Lyvona evolved into genuine feelings of love and Lyvona gave birth to three children; twins Oion and Ledis (God of Sunset and Goddess of Sunrise) and Xawer (God of Summer). Eventually, Rinera’s eye began to wander and though she loved the Goddess of the Sky, Lyvona gave Rinera permission to pursue other lovers as Lyvona wanted her focus to be solely on the race of man. Knowing Rinera could, and likely would get distracted from her job Lyvona recruited their children Ledia and Oion to make sure the sun rose and set every day. Despite the abundance of vegetation, the race of man was still struggling as they kept moving from place to place to keep up with the edible food in bloom.

Second Phase

This time, Lyvona turned towards the world itself and began a search for the god of the earth itself to gain his help as well. Zonir , the god of Earth, Mountains and the Plains was known to be solitary and standoffish to the point of being shy so, Lyvona knew it would be difficult to find him. However, the world was a big place and Lyvona, though a goddess, was just one being and after years of looking she still had not found him. However, Lyvona was too determined to give up and eventually was rewarded for this stubbornness as the Goddess of the Air, Ayara, pointed her towards the world’s highest mountains which Lyvona found Zonir deep within. Zonir, unlike Rinera, listened to Lyvona with respectful silence, only speaking when she was finished explaining the plight of man. Zonir revealed that he had been watching the world after Lyvona and Rinera’s actions and though he still considered man to be a barbarous race if Lyvona believed they deserved a shot he would lend her his help. But, he would require her help as what he had planned was quite extensive. Thrilled at not having to fight Zonir to consider help point of view, Lyvona happily agreed.  
Together the two traveled the world, teaching the race of man how to grow and harvest crops. It was as slow going as Zonir had said it would as he refused to move on from an area until he felt the humans living in there fully understood how and what food to grow. Lyvona, at first was exasperated by Zonir’s stubbornness, but, as she came to realize just how many different types of fruits and vegetables there were in the world and how some did better or worse in different areas. This allowed men and women to settle down in settled areas that soon began to expand with growing families.  
As Lyvona’s role grew to include Goddess of the Harvest and Agriculture, she and Zonir grew closer. Had Rinera, who could look down upon the world and see everything, been the jealous type Lyvona’s new relationship might have caused issues. But, as Rinera was also pursuing other romantic interest the budding relationship could bloom into a full-blown romance. As these feelings deepened, Zonir began to come around to Lyvona’s view of man and opened the mountains to them, granting them access to the precious gems and metals that could be found within. The relationship between Zonir and Lyvona resulted in the birth of only one child, a daughter named Lyuna (Goddess of the Rivers and Lakes).

Third and Fourth Phase

As Lyvona and Zonir’s work ended and before Lyvona could think about which god or goddess to approach next, she was approached by Ayara, the Goddess of Air once more. Ayara had been watching Lyvona even before she helped her find Zonir and saw how the race of men thrived with each bit of help the gods gave them. She also saw how they had no clue what to do with the metal, stone, and wood that surrounded them and offered to use her control over the wind to help Lyvona bestow upon the race of man knowledge of how to properly use these items. Thus, Lyvona added Goddess of Knowledge to her repertoire as she, with Ayara’s help, filled the ears of man with whispers of tools, how to create them, and how to use these tools.  
While on their journey they were soon joined by Ayara’s lover Cagire, Divine Being of the Hearth, who wanted to impart the knowledge of how to build buildings on the race of man. Soon, the forests and mountains around the world were filled with sound as the race of man used their new knowledge to build sturdy homes that protected them from the elements far better than the caves, trees and open areas man lived in. The grateful race of man added Goddess of Protection to Lyvona’s growing list of titles. That was not the only thing growing as Lyvona number of romantic relationships grew to include both Ayara and Cagire. She also had several children with them; Alous (God of Communication), Eena (Goddess of Marriage), Omir (God of Family), Edarr (God of Loyalty), Lyxius (God of Support), Evtia (Divine Being of the North Wind), Eara (Goddess of the North-East Wind), (North-West Wind), twins Iros and Eros (Gods of the East and West Wind), Ophone (Goddess of the South-East Wind), Votia (Goddess of the South Wind) and Jitix (Divine Being of the South-West Wind).  

Fifth and Sixth Phase

As man built homes and worked the land from the shores to the mountains, they began moving out onto the sea. Only to be immediately thrown back onto shore and watch their boats be destroyed. Lyvona, concerned that the sea god was actively working against man, sought out Zielia, Goddess of the Sea and Storms in her underwater palace. Zielia, as it turns out, was actively working to keep man from entering her domain and stubbornly refused to think about changing her mind. Reminded of her first lover, Rinera, Lyvona continued asking again and again for Zielia to change her mind. Unlike, Rinera, however, Zielia had a very short temper, which Lyvona found out very quickly as during their third meeting Zielia lost her temper and blew up at Lyvona. As her shouts grew louder, a gigantic storm began brewing on the surface and reigned destruction down upon every continent on Iosis.  
Horrified, Lyvona returned to the surface and began helping the people devastated by the storm. As she was helping the devastated people, Lyvona ran into another god Artix, the God of Order, Law, and Justice. Artix, though kindhearted was known for being stern and serious. While Lyvona worked to help people heal and rebuild, Artix was working to maintain law and order as some people had started using the destruction to steal and swindle goods from other people. Though Lyvona initially, did not want to believe the race she had been helping for so long could possibly have ill intentions after she saw a group of men hoard food and refuse to share even with starving children she could no longer deny the truth. And so, she allowed Artix to impose justice upon those who broke the law and did wrong by others. Lyvona, however, continued to help man by imparting the knowledge of which vegetation could be used to tend wounds as well as how to use and make other healing supplies, thus adding the title of Goddess of Medicine to her list of titles. A strong friendship grew between Lyvona and Artix as they worked together but unlike the other partnerships, it never progressed further. Partially because of the daunting amount of destruction and partially because Lyvona noticed Artix looked at her with the same amount of interest as everyone else, none.  
As the rebuilding finished, and Artix announced he was going to stay and help men establish written laws and organizations of law and order, Lyvona ventured to the underwater palace once more. This time, as she approached the goddess of the seas and storms, a fury began building within Lyvona. How could this powerful being justify harming a race that was utterly helpless against her? Her fury was met by Zielia’s fury but this time the only storm created was the one made up of Zielia and Lyvona themselves that destroyed Zielia’s dining room and some of their clothing. Afterward, when both were calm and basking in the afterglow they finally discussed the matter in its entirety. Zielia, in addition to being stubborn and short-tempered, turned out to be an avid animal lover. In fact, her love for animals rivaled Lyvona’s affection for man and where Lyvona saw man’s improvement as an achievement, Zielia saw a threat to the animals. And though, Zielia couldn’t do anything for the animals on shore, she could do everything she could to protect those in her domain.  
Lyvona felt a pang of sympathy for the other goddess but, there was little she could do about the animals man killed for food and clothing. The two went back and forth several times and eventually settled on Zielia agreeing to let man travel across the sea if Lyvona convinced them to limit their hunting and fishing to specific seasons. As Lyvona, with the help of Artix, created laws that would limit hunting and fishing unless there was a shortage of food and supplies, she gained the mantle of Goddess of Trade and gave birth to a daughter, Atyx (Goddess of Wealth). With the help of her daughter, Lyvona taught men how to shape the precious metals and gems they’d previously discovered into jewelry and introduced the concept of coin and marketplaces. There were a few incidences of misunderstanding that caused Zielia to rain storms down upon those responsible but, Lyvona was able to calm her down. Lyvona gave birth to three more children Zaemis (God of Summer), Erena (Goddess of Autumn) and Hocra (Divine Being of Commerce) who helped enforce the laws and the times of year man was able to go hunting, fishing, and whaling.  

Seventh Phase

As trade and commerce prospered, Lyvona noticed some of the people seemed incredibly unhappy with the jobs they were being made to do. As she fretted that she may have erred in her efforts to get the various races of men to trade and communicate with each other, she came across a small group of people who were using the knowledge they had been given to create works of art. As she observed them, she realized there were two divine beings amongst them, though neither interacted with each other. It took her a bit more observation to realize the god and goddess were the same being, with their appearance being more feminine or more masculine on any given day. Her observations did not go unnoticed as the God/Goddess, approached her after helping the group put on a play. The younger goddess introduced herself as Des Goddess of the Vocal and Written Arts. The two discussed the unhappiness that was prevalent amongst the race of man and Lyvona, who had experience spreading ideas across the world offered to help Her.  
As they journeyed Lyvona became acquainted with Des and her other identity Phy the God of Visual and Crafted Arts, both identities were cheerful, outgoing and a bit on the naïve side. She learned that her new-found friend had emerged from Sedum’s depths while Lyvona was busy helping man learn how to communicate using the written word. In fact, Lyvona had inspired Des/Phy to figure out how they could help man as well and it was only recently they had begun teaching the arts to them. Lyvona, incredibly flattered, began to view Des/Phy as a combination of her protégé and her adopted child. Through spreading music, pottery, dance, and various other forms of art they were able to witness joy and relaxation spread and thus Lyvona was deemed the Goddess of Happiness, Kindness, and Peace.  

Eighth Phase

Lyvona’s path split from Des/Phy when they stumbled upon a village suffering from a disease. Wanting to spare Des/Phy the horrible sight of people suffering, Lyvona sent them on ahead while she stayed and did what she could for the sick. Despite her knowledge of healing and determination, Lyvona found she could not ease the suffering of everyone.
One night after doing her best to treat a little girl and at a loss for what to do for her, Lyvona took a stroll through the nearby forest to think and clear her head. Finding herself in a more open part of the forest, she sat down on a fallen tree and began weeping. Both for the girl but also all the other people who were ill whom she could do nothing for. As she wept, she didn’t notice that she had been joined by another god until a hand was placed on her shoulder. Looking up, she met the solemn gaze of Aqmus the God of the Forest. Aqmus, like Zonir, was known to be solitary but Aqmus was also soft-spoken and often spent long moments before speaking. She immediately found herself opening up to him, explaining how useless and ineffective she felt at not being able to save everyone. Aqmus, gently explained that her view was slightly naïve as everything mortal eventually died and that sometimes the best thing a hunter could do for an animal that was injured was end the animal’s suffering. The same had to be true for healers and humans as well. Lyvona’s heart broke at the thought of ending the little girl’s life but she saw he had a point and so she returned to the village with a draft that could ease the girl into a painless, dreamless sleep from which she could leave her pain behind. The girl’s parents, though upset at the loss of their daughter were glad she was no longer suffering.  
When the disease was finally gone from the village, Lyvona began hearing whispers about the illness being purposefully spread by a nobleman who lived nearby. After some direct questioning, she learned that the noble had wanted to take over the village due to its location between the base of a mountain that had multiple prosperous mines and a river that brought lots of trade and fish to the people of the village. The people, however, refused the nobleman’s multiple attempts to take over. Eventually, he seemed to give up and conceded gracefully by gifting the town with several beautifully made blankets. It was shortly after this that the disease had arisen.  
Infuriated by the thought that one of the humans who had prospered most from her gifts was so evil and cruel as to harm others, Lyvona set out to find this man. As she passed through the forest, she was once again approached by Aqmus who offered to help her track the man down. She accepted his help though she also asked to borrow his bow. When they found the man in his lavish house with more food or drink than he could go through in a year stored in his cellar Lyvona’s fury reached an all-time high. How could this man live with himself knowing he had condemned many to death? Using Aqmus’ bow, she drew an arrow and brought an end to this wretched monster’s life.  
On their journey back, both gods were silent and though Aqmus never said a word, Lyvona sensed he did not judge her harshly for what she had done. In contrast, Lyvona felt disgusted and horrified with her actions. She had just killed one of the beings she had worked so hard to protect and help. How could she face them after what she had done? They were sure to be frightened of her.  
When they returned to the village and she explained to the people what had happened instead of reaching in fear or anger they celebrated her actions and seemed to love her even more even as they began calling her the Goddess of Death. She felt sickened by that title. All of the others she had allowed to be used as it was a way for the people to thank her for what she had done and now they were thanking her for killing one of their own? Especially after she had brought an end to the suffering of many within the village. Feeling like she didn’t know the race of man anymore, she wordlessly accepted Aqmus’ offer of staying with him for the night.  
Lyvona remained silent, stewing over her thoughts until Aqmus had brought out dinner. Suddenly, with an intensity that shocked even herself, she burst out and began asking allowed if she had been mistaken from the beginning if the race of man could be so coldhearted to celebrate her murdering someone. Aqmus, silently listened to her words and when she was done and answered her questions by saying who else could the race of man trust to gently ease their suffering when things got bad? Him? Rinera who still flitted about from lover to lover? Zonir who hid away in his mountains? Artix who was so rigid when it came to the law he seemed emotionless at times? Zielia who frequently drowned sailors and destroyed coastal towns? Des/Phy who humans had only just met and didn’t know what to expect from? Or Lyvona, the goddess who had been taking care of them since the beginning? And if she killed someone who she said was a monster why wouldn’t they believe her or thank her for making their lives safer yet again?  
Lyvona recognized the truth in his words and she did feel a bit better but, she still wasn’t fully at peace with the idea. In the morning, she thanked him for his kind words and left to travel the world once more.  


After centuries upon centuries of helping man, Lyvona realized she had done all that she could and would have to trust man to take care of themselves from here on out. Plus, she was tired of traveling and found that though she enjoyed the company of her lovers and children and the race she had helped for so long she enjoyed being by herself more. So, her final gift to the race of man was given by transforming herself into the moon so she could illuminate the night and watch over all of man as they triumphed, failed, loved and lost and if they needed her they could just look up at the sky at night.


Pansexual and polyamorous
Divine Classification
Upturned eyes, that are multicolored
Long, calf length, wavy black hair


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