Delayed Fate Onset Technology / Science in IOM | World Anvil
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Delayed Fate Onset

When Seers becomes Fates, in almost all cases the users end up becoming obsessed with their visions and withdrawing from society. While their magic abilities have increased and they have more control over the visions they receive, it comes at the cost of their sanity. This is worrisome not only to Seers who are aware of their eventual destiny, but also the coteries they belong to that rely on their visions.    Recently there has been a push to determine a way for Seers to either delay their inevitable turn to Fates or to make their transition and subsequent loss of permanence less severe. Thus far, using spellwork and hardcore mental training, younger Seers have been able to stretch out their transition instead of the instantaneous switch into a Fate's ability. The longest transition stretched just under five years.    In this in-between state the Seer is able to more consistently control their visions while remaining lucid and present enough to relay them in concrete terms. This does not mean they are exempt from side-effects such as getting lost in a loop of visions, but it becomes possible for them to recover and withdraw from the endless loops they lose themselves in by falling back on their earlier training. There seems to be no way to determine the length of time a Seer will be able to delay their change as it does not seem to be based on spells used, time training, or magical ability.    This delay tactic has resulted in increased accuracy in prophecies and more accurate reporting of details pertinent to upcoming battles. More time and research are currently being put into these endeavours due to its usefulness to Kingdoms and coteries.    While the training and spellwork are able to slow the descent into Fate status, it has not been able to stop this process, and as such should not be considered in the same vein as Script-Keeper work.

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