Sauruanian Species in Interstellar Wars | World Anvil
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The Sauruanian are a culturally primitive and technologically advanced humanoid reptilian race native to the swampy marshes of the planet Tíreia. The Sauruanian are a disreputable species that chose to isolate itself from the rest of the inhabited species of Tíreia. The Sauruanian have thrived and developed a rich cultural, architectural, and artistic society. From the early 800s to the late 1980s, the Sauruanian have been known for their skills with technology and synthetic intelligence. However, their way of life shifted to be more militaristic, when they came into contact with the Caniic, another species inhabiting Tíreia's northern continent. This encounter led to a nearly fifteen-year-long conflict, as the Sauruanian attacked the Caniic.   Only after the signing of the 'Treaty of the Marsh' did the Sauruanian begin to realize the advantages and potentials of allying themselves with the Caniic. As they were outmatched and outgunned, the Sauruanian recognized the positive impacts that a coexistence and partnership with the Caniic could bring. While they have managed to align themselves with the Caniic, their relationship remains strained and occasionally hostile.


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Anatomy & Physiology

The Sauruanian, are bipedal reptiles, and share common features with crocodiles. They are cold-blooded and, despite their reptilian DNA, give birth to live offspring instead of through eggs. With their four fingers, including an opposable thumb, Sauruanian are able to utilize a wide range of hand tools for a variety of different tasks. The sauruanian's circulatory system contains a heart and blood vessels, much like humans and most other species. However, they have only two aortas. Their blood contains hemoglobin giving it the color of red. Sauruanian possess two lungs that primarily function in a nitrogen-oxygen based atmosphere.   A Sauruanian's head is 76 cm (30 in) long and 48 cm (19 in) wide near its base, with 98.3 cm (383⁄4 in) long mandibles. Adult males tend to have shape-thin spine-plates on their backs. A Sauruanian's whole body is completely covered in a thick scaly hide that is nearly impenetrable to all standard ballistic ammunition. Because of the position of their eyes, ears, and nostrils on the top of their head suaruanian have a wide range of perception. Their field of vision is almost 360 degrees, and they are able to see clearly at night though they have a middle field of sight. They are able to see things more clearly at a certain range. Sauruanian are able to smell very well both on land and in the water.


The genetic makeup of the sauruanian is a complex mix of reptilian and humanoid DNA. It is believed that they share common similarities with Earth crocodiles, but over time, they evolved to become more humanoid in appearance. One of the main differences between sauruanian genetics and those of other reptiles is their ability to walk upright. This adaptation allowed them to use their hands for other tasks, leading to the development of tools and technology.   Another unique aspect of sauruanian genetics is their ability to give birth to live offspring. While most reptiles lay eggs, sauruanian females carry their young while they develop and give birth to fully formed babies. Genetically, sauruanian also possess strong regenerative abilities. If injured, their body will quickly heal. This allows them to quickly recover from injuries that would be fatal for other species.

Life cycle

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Biological variation

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Psychology & Intelligence

The sauruanian are a highly intelligent species with complex thought processes and advanced problem-solving skills. They possess a deep curiosity and an insatiable thirst for knowledge, constantly seeking to understand the intricacies of the universe around them. This intellectual capacity is reflected in their technology and societal structures. However, this intelligence also comes with a downside. Sauruanian have a tendency towards arrogance and can be quick to dismiss those who they deem intellectually inferior. As a result, they often struggle with forming relationships with other species and have a reputation for being aloof and unapproachable.   Their intelligence also manifests in their use of manipulation and deception in order to achieve their goals. Sauruanian are skilled at reading others and using that information to their advantage, making it difficult for others to outsmart them. Despite their tendencies towards aggression and manipulation, sauruanian are not inherently evil or malevolent creatures. They simply prioritize intellect over emotion, leading them to make decisions that may seem cold or callous by other species' standards.   Sauruanian also have a strong sense of self-preservation, making them willing to do whatever it takes to protect themselves and their society. This drive can sometimes lead them into conflicts with other species, as they will not hesitate to defend themselves if threatened. In terms of social structure, the sauruanian value hierarchy and respect for authority. Each individual has a defined role within their society based on their strengths and abilities. This structured system allows for efficient functioning of their communities but can also lead to inflexibility in adapting to change.


The harsh Sauruanian swamplands conditioned the Sauruanian psychology for toughness just as it did the body. Sauruanian have always had a tendency to be selfish, unsympathetic, and blunt. Sometimes, when Sauruanian disagree, one of them will jaw-punch the other to show dominance. They respect strength and self-reliance and are neither surprised nor offended by treachery. Their worst insult is to call someone "not worth killing". The weak and selfless do not live long. In their culture, "looking out for number one" is simply a matter of course. Sauruanian have powerful territorial instincts which serve them well in combat, but can create problems; when traveling on starships, for example, Sauruanian find sharing quarters nearly impossible.   The Sauruanian live with a generally violent and short-sighted attitude of personal gain. Their version of cooperation is reflected in one of their sayings: "Seek the enemy of your enemy, and you will find a friend."   The Sauruanian's top priority is the survival and sustainability of the Kingdom. Most of their laws and customs revolve around this goal. It is illegal for couples to have more than one child, so that the kingdom can maintain zero population growth (if the population begins to shrink, this rule is temporarily lifted, and incentives may be provided to encourage multiple births). Families are thus exceedingly small and close-knit. Sauruanian also place an extremely high value on social caste and appearance and overstepping one's place is frowned upon. Effective caste status can be bought on an ongoing basis like a subscription service, allowing the buyer to worm their way into the elite circles of Sauruanian society given enough funds. Casting aspersions on the monetary worth of a social better is considered a serious insult.   Slavery is an integral part of the Sauruanian caste system, despite being illegal according to Caniic law. The custom is so deeply ingrained in Sauruanian culture that Sauruanians consider the Caniic's anti-slavery standing to be discriminatory. Rogue Sauruanian slave rings are feared throughout the Thilt System, especially among colonists on Anzion, Nitis, and Drotonerth which are often raided by Sauruanian slavers. Victims of such raids are usually implanted with control devices in their skulls, a painful operation since the slavers rarely make use of anesthetic; Tethora, abducted from Anzion was a victim of this practice. The Sauruanian are also known to enslave addicts of the drug ‘red sand’ when they can no longer afford to support their habit.   Body language is an important part of Sauruanian society. For example, tilting one's head to the left is a sign of admiration and respect. When a Sauruanian tilts their head to the right, however, it is a sign that they consider themselves to be superior to the person whom the gesture was directed towards. Therefore, this gesture can easily be interpreted as an insult by Sauruanians due to the high value that they place on social caste.


The sauruanian have a highly complex and unique language that is nearly impossible for other species to understand or pronounce. This is due to the fact that their language has no real sentence structure compared to the languages of other species. Instead, it relies heavily on context, tone, and inflection to convey meaning. The sauruanian language is also known for its vast vocabulary and intricate grammar rules, making it difficult for outsiders to learn. They have words for concepts and emotions that other species may not even have words for, reflecting the depth and complexity of their culture.   Due to the complexity and uniqueness of their language, sauruanian often struggle with communicating with other species. This can lead to misunderstandings and misinterpretations, further isolating them from other races. However, most sauruanian have managed to learn and speak other languages in order to commune.

The arts and architecture

In ancient times, the Sauruanian constructed pyramid structures known as Hjiaril. These grandiose pyramids served as their homes and symbolized their power and prosperity. However, the once flourishing Sauruanian civilization experienced a catastrophic event known as the Great Collapse, which occurred approximately four thousand years ago. Following this disaster, the Hjiaril pyramids were abandoned, and much knowledge about the Sauruanian way of life during that era was lost.   As time went on and the middle ages dawned upon the Esox Islands, the Sauruanian's architectural practices underwent a significant transformation. Their dwellings transitioned from the grand pyramids of the past to humble huts made primarily of mud. Some settlements were constructed using woven reeds, providing a bit more stability and protection against the elements. These new constructions reflected the modest lifestyle and limited resources available to the Sauruanian during that period.   In modern times, Sauruanian architecture has evolved considerably. While reed and mud structures still exist in certain regions, modern constructions have become much sturdier and more advanced in design. The Sauruanian have adapted to new construction techniques and materials, incorporating a variety of elements to ensure durability, functionality, and aesthetic appeal. Nonetheless, reminders of their humble origins can still be found in the traditional dwellings that continue to dot the Sauruanian landscape, providing a glimpse into their rich architectural heritage.

Tools and technologies

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Religion and spirituality

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Science and philosophy

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Sauruanian society is a highly complex and stratified society that developed among the Sauruanian of the Esox Islands in the centuries prior to the Great Collapse, and which is built on the cultural foundations of the larger region of the Esox Islands. Politically, the society is organized into city-states, composed of smaller divisions, which are again usually composed of one or more extended kinship groups. Socially, the society depend on a rather strict division between nobles and commoners, both of which are themselves divided into elaborate hierarchies of social status, responsibilities, and power. Economically the society is dependent on fishing, and also to a large extent on warfare. Other economically important factors are commerce, long-distance and local, and a high degree of trade specialization.

Civilian structure

Sauruanian civilians are divided into four categories: children, women, scientists, and slaves:


Sauruanian children commonly lack any formal rights until they come of age and are considered to be legal adults. Before that day, however, they must remain at their parent’s side or in the presents of a legally licensed caregiver. From the day they start to walk and talk, sauruanian children undergo daily lessons on how to behave, read, write, and some male children are even taught certain martial arts skills.


Commonly in sauruanian society, women are denied all political rights and considered legally subject to their husbands. Women of all classes are expected to perform, first and foremost, the duties of housewife. Though, there are some exceptions made to select individuals that display certain abilities in certain areas of production.


Scientists are considered to be the third highest caste in sauruanian society directly below military personnel, and allotted significant authority and privileges in the discharge of their duties and scientific studies. They answer only to the top officers in the military as well as the current king and queen.


Sauruanian slaves are seen as the lowest within Sauruanian society. They have no rights, and cannot hold any title, possess currency (unless given special permission by their masters), or own dwellings. It is also considered to be illegal for slaves to go out in public without an escort. However, there is one exception to this law, if a slave must be in public for whatever reason he or she MUST wear an identifying pass card around their neck and interact as little as possible with the general population. Violation of this law would result in the death of the slave and massive fines imposed on his/her’s owner.


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Government and politics

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Unlike other races, the Sauruanian do not have multiple military branches. Instead, they have one all included military service known as the Sauruanian Navy.

Sauruanian Royal Navy

The Sauruanian Royal Navy is the military force of the Esox Islands, Drotonerth, and Xagroria. The SRN encompasses sauruanian land forces, naval operations, air and space commands, and Esox Kingdom Intelligence.

Command structure

The King of the Esox Kingdom is the Supreme Commander of the Royal Navy. The Main Command of the Naval Forces, based in the Esox Islands on Tíreia, directs activities. This body was reorganized in 2682 by King Grutiozz who appointed General-Supreme Baacs as the commander of the naval forces and also as a deputy minister of defense.   The Main Command of the Naval Forces consists of the Main Staff of the Naval Troops, and departments for Peacekeeping Forces, Armaments of the Naval Troops, Rear Services of the Naval Troops, personnel of the Naval Troops, Indoctrination Work, and Military Education. There are also a number of directorates which are commanded by the Naval Forces Commander in his capacity as a deputy defense minister.

Cultural and political titles

King of the Esox Kingdom - is the leader of the Esox Islands on Tíreia, and the Sauruanian colonies of Drotonerth and Xagroria.   General-Supreme – General-Supremes are the highest obtainable ranks and are considered to be the commanders of the entire sauruanian navy, both planet-side and in space. General-Supremes answer to NO ONE but the current sauruanian king and queen. General-Supremes are extremely violent, arrogant, and some even hold criminal bounties among the caniic and tigriic for their tactics. For this reason fewer than 5 General-Supremes are ever promoted in any given generation.   General-Elite - Sauruanian General-Elites are the second highest ranking officers of the Sauruanian Navy in command of large fleets and battle groups. They are commonly identified by their use of heavy shotguns and power armor.   General - Generals of the Sauruanian Navy are often overseers of sauruanian scientific fields and labs that develop new sauruanian technologies as well as research those technologies of alien cultures.

Fashion and dress

An important part of the Sauruanian culture is the clothing that the people make and wear. The clothing of the Sauruanian is similar to most pre-Columbian Mesoamerican groups on Earth, since they share relatively similar cultures and styles. With that said, there are a few key points in relation to the clothing and dress of the Sauruanian. First, Sauruanian society is divided between distinct classes, and the different classes wear different types of clothing. For example, the nobility and royalty often wear very ornate clothing while the lower classes do not. Second, the basic item in Sauruanian clothing for men was the ‘Kjienkirl’, which was a type of loincloth. Men would usually wear the Kjienkirl with an outer garment that resembled a cloak called a ‘Tjikgarirl’. The Tjikgarirl is stylized differently to distinguish between the different classes in Sauruanian society. Third, Sauruanian women are known to wear a type of blouse called a ‘Surjiarl’ along with a long skirt called ‘Anjirgil’. For footwear, the Sauruanian nobility wear a sandal which they called ‘Gjilari’. Commoners in Sauruanian society are not allowed to wear these as they are viewed as a sign of status. As well, all Sauruanian are required to be barefoot when they enter a sacred building or when they are in the presence of the King. Lastly, Sauruanian slaves, are often seen in a type of garment known as a ‘Ragjil’. A ragjil is a long robe-like garment of old torn cloth with no design. All Sauruanian slaves are bare foot.   Jewelry and accessories were also popular in Sauruanian society. For instance, both men and women are known to wear necklaces and bracelets made of gold and different types of stones. In general, jewelry is a status symbol for the Sauruanian, with the upper classes wearing more and the lower classes wearing less. Also prominent in Sauruanian jewelry and dress are feathers and shells. In fact, the red-yellow feathers from the Qujinkel bird are highly prized and worn exclusively on the headdresses of the Sauruanian royalty.


Their wet, swamp-ridden homeland and the dangerous predators that lurked within it have historically made the Sauruanians rely on heavy armors of metal though enough to grant a significant defense over themselves and due to custom and substantial skimming from barons, foot soldiers often wear archaic metal armors.   Modern carapace armor and combat suits see some use for the Sauruanian navy, especially as a means to distance themselves from the lower classes when on parades and demonstrations. Power armor is seen on elite units and generals but has proven too expensive to outfit ground troops.

Trade and economics

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Relations with Other Species

See: Caniic and Tigriic

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Sauruanian Male Military Soldier by Thach

Biological overview





Physical information


280 years

Average Height

5' 4"

Average Weight

300 lb.

Average Physique

Sauruanian range in size and commonly grow to around 5 feet tall. Sauruanian have large, broad bodies with short arms and legs and long, muscular tails. They have thick, leathery skin with bony, plate-shaped scales. All sauruanian teeth are pointed, cone shaped and located on the outside of the jaws. Sauruanian heads are long and pointed with the eyes and nostrils located on the top of the head. Their eyes are commonly a deep brown. Most sauruanians have a dark green to an almost gray hide with a pale off-white to tan-yellow. Some, though extremely rare, may be a pure white (albino) in their coloring with red eyes.

Sociocultural information

Homeworld & Population

Tíreia (native; 120 million)

Colonies & Populations

Drotonerth (non-native; 6 million)

Xagroria (non-native; 3 million)

Home System

Thilt System


Esox Kingdom


Esox Kingdom Royal Navy

Official Religion


Official Currency

Iron Coin

Official Language(s)


Technological Level

Native Tier 5/adopted tier 3


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