Caniic Species in Interstellar Wars | World Anvil
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Caniic (Homo Canis Sapien) are the most abundant and widespread species of canine, characterized by bipedalism and large, complex brains. This has enabled the development of advanced tools, culture, and language. Caniic are highly social and tend to live in complex social structures composed of many cooperating and competing groups, from families and kinship networks to political states. Social interactions between caniic have established a wide variety of values, social norms, and rituals, which bolster caniic society. Curiosity and the caniic desire to understand and influence the environment and to explain and manipulate phenomena have motivated the caniic's development of science, philosophy, military strategy, engineering, and other fields of study.   Caniic have also developed a diverse range of religions, art forms, and entertainment, reflecting their complex emotional lives and their desire for meaning and pleasure. However, caniic society has also been marked by conflict, inequality, and oppression, with some groups dominating and exploiting others. This has led to the development of social movements and political struggles aimed at achieving greater justice and equality.


See: Caniic History

Until about 20,000 years ago, all Caniic lived as hunter-gatherers. The Agricultural Revolution first took place in North western Hazura and spread through large parts of the continent over the following millenniums. It also occurred independently in Acluth (about 7,000 years ago). Access to food surplus led to the formation of permanent caniic settlements, the domestication of animals and the use of metal tools for the first time in history. Agriculture and sedentary lifestyle led to the emergence of early civilizations.   An urban revolution took place in the 9th millennium BCE with the development of city-states, particularly Oraziic cities located in Southern Hazura (modern-day Andractiic). It was in these cities that the earliest known form of writing, runeiform script, appeared around 9000 BCE. Other major civilizations to develop around this time were ancient Yu'toriic, and ancient Mytariic. They eventually traded with each other and invented technology such as wheels, plows and sails. There is evidence of a severe drought lasting just under a thousand years that may have caused the decline of these civilizations, with new ones appearing in the aftermath. Andractiicians came to dominate Southern Hazura, while others, such as Poverty Turning cultures, Mytariians, and the Samiten dynasty, rose to prominence in new areas. The Bronze Age suddenly collapsed around 1500 BCE, resulting in the disappearance of a number of civilizations and the beginning of the Hagisian Civilization. During this period iron started replacing bronze, leading to the Iron Age.   In the 4th century BCE, history started being recorded as a discipline, which provided a much clearer picture of life at the time. Between the 9th and 7th century BCE, Hazura entered the classical antiquity age, a period when ancient Hagis flourished. Around this time other civilizations also came to prominence. The Norii'c civilization started to build cities and create complex calendars. In Acluth, the Coshar Kingdom, overtook the declining Mahdar Kingdom, and facilitated trade between Northern and Southern Acluth. In North-western Hazura, the Floniic Empire's system of centralized governance become the precursor to later empires, while the Xuradahn Empire in Amadoriic, and the Zurniic dynasty in Norii'c have been described as golden ages in their respective regions. In 331 CE, marked the first discovery of sentient brings on the neighboring continent of Struyix called Tigriic. These primitive and nomadic peoples, though causious, the Tigriic were very passive and welcoming with trade beginning between Hagis Empire and the Tigriic tribes the following years.   Following the fall of the Southern Hagis Empire in 697 AD, Hazura entered the Middle Ages. During this period, Meritocracy and the Social Tiers would become the source of centralized authority and education. In Floniic, Republicanism became the prominent governance and expanded into Norii'c. It led to an Republican Golden Age, inspiring achievements in architecture, the revival of old advances in science and technology, and the formation of a distinct way of life. The Meritocran and Republican Worlds would eventually clash, with the Kingdom of Hirura, the Kingdom of Viranii, and the Empire of Corga, declaring a series of wars to regain control of the Land from the Floniicans.   Throughout the early modern period (1400–1700), the Corgans controlled the lands around the Turden Basin, and Acluth entered the Jul Period. Hazura underwent the Renaissance, starting in the 15th century, and the Age of Discovery began with the exploring and colonizing of new regions. This period also marked the Scientific Revolution, with great advances in mathematics, mechanics, astronomy, advanced military strategy, and physiology.   The late modern period (1800–2000) saw the Technological and Industrial Revolution bring such discoveries as imaging technology, major innovations in transport and energy development. Andractiic underwent great change, going from a small group of colonies to one of the global superpowers. The Acluthean Wars raged through Hazura in the early 1900s. New Coshar lost most of its colonies in Struyix, and Hazureans continued expansion into the South Durton Ocean lands and Struyix. A tenuous balance of power among Hazureans nations collapsed in 1908 with the outbreak of the Last Emperor War, and the formation of the Caniic Hierarchy. In the 1980s, a worldwide economic crisis led to the expancion into the Esox Islands and the first contact of Tíreia's third sentient race known as Sauruanian. The new racial contact was less than peaceful as it resulted in a war between the caniic and sauruanian that lasted for 15 years and ended with the Treaty of the Marsh with sauruanian becoming a client race of the caniic. Following its conclusion in 2001, The Caniic Hierarchy, and the Esox Kingdom saw a struggle for global influence, including a nuclear arms race and a space race. By 2005, the Hierarchy had constructed it first ever starship and was mounting missions to Tíreia's moons within the next two years, and colonizing them by 2010. This eventually led to agression among the sauruanian in a series of small hit-and-run style attacks known as the Colonization Wars. Just prior to the Colonization wars, was the Acluthian Civil War which was a rebellous upraising among the states of Acluth and an attempt to break away from Hierarchy governing. The Civil War lasted from 2003 until the surrender of Acluthian forces on 19 Sebtimbar, 2009.   By 2020, the Caniic Hierarchy began increasing its research into adopting photon energy production for wartime applications in the form of weaponry for enhanced defense. The project saw success little over a year later with the creation of the BX-01 prototype pistol.

[more coming soon]


Anatomy & Physiology

Caniic, are mammals, and share common features with wolves. They are warm-blooded and give birth to live offspring, providing nourishment through milk. With their five fingers, including an opposable thumb, allows for an advantageous hand structure that facilitated early tool-making. In terms of circulatory system, caniic have a closed network consisting of one heart and blood vessels. Their red blood is due to hemoglobin, which contains iron. Caniic possess two lungs that primarily function in a nitrogen-oxygen based atmosphere.   Average height for an adult caniic male is about 193.04 cm (6 ft 4 in), while the average height for adult caniic females is about 172.72 cm (5 ft 8 in). The average mass of an adult is 85 kg (187 lb) for females and 95.5 kg (210 lb) for males. The skull of a caniic has remained largely similar to normal wolves; however there are some minor changes such as a slightly rounder shape and larger cranial capacity, indicating higher intelligence. The snout of a caniic is shorter than that of a normal wolf, with larger nostrils and flatter teeth for easier speech.   Caniic possess a thick fur covering their body that varies in color, ranging from shades of brown, black, white, and grey. The fur is coarse and serves as a natural protection against harsh weather conditions. Beneath the fur, caniic have a layer of fat that helps to regulate their body temperature. Caniic have highly developed senses, especially their sense of smell. Their olfactory system is more powerful than that of a human, allowing them to detect scents from far away and even identify individuals based on their scent. They also have excellent hearing, able to hear sounds at a higher frequency than humans, and their eyesight is similar to that of a wolf with excellent night and colored vision.


Caniic, like other mammals, are a diploid and eukaryotic species with two sets of 52 chromosomes, each set is received from one parent; gametes have only one set of chromosomes, which is a mixture of the two parental sets. Among the 52 pairs of chromosomes, there are 51 pairs of autosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes. Like other mammals, caniic have an XY sex-determination system, so that females have the sex chromosomes XX and males have XY. Genes and environment influence caniic biological variation in visible characteristics, physiology, disease susceptibility and mental abilities.   Caniic display both sexual dimorphism and secondary sexual characteristics spurred by hormone production from reproductive organs such as testicles or ovaries after puberty. These include growth spurts usually associated with physical changes such as deepening voices in males or menstrual cycles in females as well as increased libido or aggression levels due to changes in hormone levels caused by pubertal development among many more aspects associated with maturity.

Life cycle and reproduction

Caniic, like other mammalian species, reproduce via internal fertilization through sexual intercourse. The male's sperm is transferred to the female through copulation, and the female then carries the developing offspring in her uterus until birth. The average gestation period for caniic is 28 weeks, typically giving birth to one child, though twins or even triplets are also possible.   Caniic reach sexual maturity around 12-15 years of age when they enter puberty. At this time their hormones become active and they develop secondary sexual characteristics such as breasts in females, and a deeper voice for males. During puberty, the caniic's body undergoes several changes which include increased height and muscle development, and changes in fur texture.   Most caniic generally live up to 80 to 90 years, depending on the individual's health and lifestyle. As they age, they may experience a decline in physical abilities, such as mobility or eyesight, and may become more susceptible to diseases. However, caniic also have a strong sense of community and often receive support as they age.


The diet of a caniic is similar to that of their wolf ancestors, with meat as the main staple. They enjoy any kind of red meat and organs such as liver, heart and kidneys. To supplement their protein intake they also consume fruits and vegetables such as berries, apples, pears and carrots. Early caniic hunted for their meaty meals, in more recent times, they have since started to breed the animals for which their meat came from in farms and slaughter houses as recreational hunting is now illegal in modern caniic law.   In order to stay healthy and for balanced nutrition caniic need to have a varied diet including plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits as well as nuts and seeds. Fruits provide important vitamins A, B complex, C and E while vegetables provide nutrients like folic acid and fiber which are essential for proper digestion. Nuts provide omega-3 fatty acids which are important for cognitive development. Caniic also need plenty of water each day in order to stay hydrated which helps keep organs functioning correctly. Additionally, they should be provided with regular exercise or activities that help maintain muscle mass and bone density; this helps ward off diseases related to aging such as arthritis or osteoporosis.

Biological variation

Caniic experience varying levels of biological variation, with such features as blood type, genetic diseases, cranial and facial features, organ systems, eye color, fur color and texture, and height and build all varying across Hazura and Acluth. The average caniic stands 5ft 10in to 6ft 5in tall at adulthood. Body size is determined by a variety of factors including genetics and is also significantly influenced by environmental factors such as diet, exercise, sleep patterns etc.   Like humans, caniic are prone to genetic defects and disorders. However certain genetic diseases are more common in caniic due to their unique ancestry. These include Wolf-Hirschorn Syndrome (WHS), a rare Mendelian disorder that affects the development of organs, especially the heart; Canine Ataxia (CA), which affects the nervous system; Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA), an eye disease that leads to blindness overtime; Hemolytic Anemia (HA) whereby there is a decrease in red blood cells; Hypoglycemia (Low Blood Sugar and Hyperthyroidism wherein the thyroid gland becomes overactive.   Caniic have three primary blood types: A, B and D. Type A is most common in Hazura while type B dominates in Acluth however both types are present in both subspecies. Blood type D is the most rare and is found in only a small percentage of caniic population. It is believed that blood type D originated from a separate lineage or possibly a mutation within the caniic gene pool. The importance of knowing one’s blood type when transfusing blood cannot be overstated as it helps to ensure that the right type of blood will be given to the recipient; if incompatible blood is given, then it could cause a potentially fatal reaction. Additionally, it helps to prevent disease transmission as different blood types are at higher risk for certain infectious diseases. For example, those with type B blood have been observed to be more susceptible to heart disease than their counterparts with type A or D blood.

Psychology & Intelligence

Caniic are widely regarded as one of the most intelligent species on Tíreia. They have demonstrated extremely high levels of problem solving, technical aptitude, and intuition. Caniic are adept at strategizing and often possess a vast knowledge in military strategy, engineering, medical and weapon sciences. They are also skilled in mathematics, philosophy, and sciences such as anatomy and physics. While not quite on par with human intelligence, caniic are exceptionally cunning; able to think quickly and accurately when under pressure or in difficult situations. They also possess an advanced level of creativity and imagination which enables them to come up with unique solutions to problems. Caniic have also been known to maintain their composure even in times of distress or anger. This ability helps them remain relatively calm throughout stressful events even if they find themselves faced with a particularly difficult situation or decision. Moreover, staying calm helps caniic make more rational decisions instead of rash ones that could potentially cause more harm than good. By remaining level-headed in tricky scenarios, caniic are able to think through the problem carefully before making a final conclusion or choice.   Caniic have developed a strong emotional intelligence, which when paired with their excellent problem-solving skills, helps them understand and empathize with the emotions of those around them. This skill is beneficial in social interactions as caniic are able to better relate to others and engage in meaningful conversations. Caniic are also known to be quite crafty and creative, often coming up with unique solutions to problems that others may not have thought of. Lastly, caniic are known to be highly adaptable creatures. Their intelligence and problem-solving skills allow them to quickly learn and adapt to new environments and situations. They are able to assess their surroundings and make necessary adjustments, making them valuable in a range of occupations from military to scientific research. This adaptability also means that caniic are not commonly bound by tradition and are open to change and innovation. They are often the first to embrace new technologies and ways of thinking, making them strong candidates for leadership roles. However, caniic still have their limitations. Their highly analytical minds can lead to overthinking and a tendency to be critical of others. Additionally, they may struggle with emotional expression and sense of humor, often appearing too serious to those around them. This can make it difficult for others to connect with them on a personal level, leading some to feel intimidated or put off by their seriousness.


Caniic culture is centered around a military-industrial complex, with a strong emphasis placed on discipline and honor. Caniic society is highly organized, with a strict hierarchy and code of conduct that governs their actions. The military is often seen as the pinnacle of success in caniic society, and those who excel are highly respected by their peers. The caniic are also known for having an intense sense of honor and justice. They have a deep respect for traditions such as the Chain of Command, where each individual must obey orders from those above them in rank. They also believe strongly in upholding the laws of their people by punishing those who commit transgressions. This dedication to justice has earned them the admiration of the Tigriic and even the Sauruanian throughout Tíreia.   Caniic also place great value on their families and friends, believing that these individuals should be provided for at all costs. This sentiment carries over into the workplace as well, where loyalty to one's employer is held in high regard. Caniic show great respect for authority figures and are willing to go above and beyond to meet their expectations while following any instructions given to them without hesitation or complaint.   Education is also highly valued by the caniic, with a heavy emphasis placed on technical proficiency, strategy, tactics, engineering, and mathematics. Many caniic universities offer courses dedicated solely to educating caniic students in various scientific disciplines as well as honing skills related to combat training or strategic thinking. Caniic have a deep appreciation for art and creativity, which they express through music, stories, poems, visual arts such as paintings or sculptures. This passion for the arts has allowed many caniic individuals to find success in both traditional artistic arenas.


Main Articles: Hjaldrvargr mál and Torgvargr

The caniic primarily speak Hjaldrvargr mál, also known as simply Hjaldrvargr. It is a traditional language that has been passed down from generation to generation and is still spoken today.   Hjaldrvargr mál is, in many ways, similar to Old Norse. Hjaldrvargr mál has around twenty-five runic letters and several known dialects: Southern Hjaldrvargr mál, Central Hjaldrvargr mál, and Northern Hjaldrvargr mál. Southern Hjaldrvargr mál and Central Hjaldrvargr mál form a dialect continuum, with no clear geographical boundary between them. In addition to their native tongue of Hjaldrvargr mál, caniic also speak various trade languages such as Torgvargr. This allows them to interact effectively with other cultures in different parts of Tíreia.   Caniic place great value on education and it is expected that everyone learn at least one language in addition to their native tongue. As such, most caniic understand multiple languages when they come of age, allowing them to better communicate with foreign cultures they may encounter during their travels or career pursuits.

Naming Conventions

Caniic have a deep reverence for their ancestors, and this is reflected in their naming traditions. It is common for parents to name their children after a deceased relative, particularly a direct ancestor such as a grandparent or great-grandparent. This practice is believed to bring luck and honor to the child, as a part of the deceased person's essence is believed to live on in the child.   In the event that a relative passes away while a child is still in the womb, the child is always given the name of that relative. Similarly, if a boy's father dies before he is born, the boy will receive his father's name. This ensures that names remain within the same families for generations, creating a strong sense of continuity and connection to the past. Surnames among caniic are often taken from the father’s given name with either a ‘sǫgr’ for sons, or ‘jóttar’ for daughters at the end, example: Ovaorsǫgr is the son of Ovaor, or Averascernjóttar, daughter of Averascern, etc.   However, the Caniic's naming traditions are not limited to formal names alone. They also have a tradition of giving nicknames to people based on their physical or character traits, occupation, place of origin, or habits. These nicknames are usually derogatory and are given by people who know the individual well. While the person themselves may not use their nickname, others will refer to them by it.
Common male names

Andractiic: Kiver, Ovaor, Kova, Borac, Ithin, Averascern, Aspe, Gaer, Xannc, Zannax, Daavik, Karrig, Waviir, Mascir, Iveer, Vrac, Rooi, Laven, Sacherather, Laevenair, Airre, Chakcoal, Xavieax, Oenurerr, Vazixarein, Skurfa, Frømund, Guthhere, Meldun, Sigegar, Dhigstuskar, Nikolas, Steinbjorn, Nasi, Byrnjolf

Corgan: Galerius, Arsinius, Trebius, Fitus, Ocilius, Bespillo, Nullus, Carius, Monius, Sextus, Nepius, Biocletianus, Tiberius, Sempronius, Censorinus, Appius, Caristanius, Erenus, Kuintis, Saesulenus Austus, Servius, Sertorius, Laurentius, Vaeso, Nigilius, Gavrus, Jitus, Atertinius, Wentor

Floniican: Wulmar, Gocelin, Claudio, Lebuin, Leufred, Tassilo, Sunnegisil, Hildeprand, Ricfried, Wulfhard, Panteleon, Reolus, Enurchus, Chrodegang, Taurin, Evroult, Berchar, Gereon, Brogo, Imnachar, Aldedramnus, Chlodmer, Enguerrand, Lanfranc, Cassyon, Ageric, Guadulfus, Dreux

Norii'can: Manochacyum, Aancum, Thipahua, Kawil, Ticab, Thau-Kin, Zbalanque, Loxlom, Jlom, Joxlom, Xib-Yui, Cakix, Cizin, Ahau-Chamahez, Tzultacaj, Yantho, Hun-Nal-Ye, Cum Hau, Chicchan, Acat, Kukulcan, K'awai, Muluc, Atl, Itzamna, Ah-Cuxtal, Ah-Tabai, Caprakan, Cum Hau, Chipahua

Yu'toriican: Eagab, Assa, Jarai, Juirguis, Thigaru, Assaf, Vael, Asker, Kaisam, Rittia, Nifsud, Zaffy, Assaf, Osman, Sabbagh, Reda, Baba, Samir, Nazari, Kafele, Samaha, Ahmad, Nahas, Ashraf, Maroun, Ossama, Deeb, Ossama, Maalouf, Hosni, Botros

Viraniiese: Ghassaan, Husain, Umar, Mutammam, Abdul, Kader, Hameed, Ridwaan, Amer, Katheer, Waheed, Jasoor, Shuraih, Nazir, Shaheed, Moustafa, Rabi, Faisal Abdullah, Suwailim, Khalil, Sabaah, Jabbar, Thaaqib, Taheri, Qaaid, Arani, Silmi, Hadi, Noor, Imam

Amadoriician: Erwin, Goswin, Leonhard, Wunibald, Till, Guntram, Folke, Volker, Meinrad, Waldemar, Reinhard, Otto, Baldwin, Adelgis, Hasso, Hartbert, Neidhard, Alida, Adelhard, Friedwart, Ludolf, Ivo, Gerwin, Ingolf, Alram, Siegbald, Horst, Giselher

Doractician: Stanislav, Čiernik, Eugen, Cibuľka, Dávid, Kríž, Ivaan, Čuda, Timotej, Dobrovodský, Andrej, Hodža, Denis, Doležal, Dionýz, Pokorný, Šimon, Pekár, Matej, Bartoš, Žigmund, Maliar, Tadeáš, Láska, Vojtech, Jozef, Jeleň, Marek, Dolina, Karol, Čiernik, Augustín, Nedved

Meeradoriician: Berihert, Ealdbeorht, Alhfrith, Burhtred, Mearcred, Beorthmaer, Bardolph, Chaffer, Merefin, Chafer, Brihteah, Turoc, Weorcgyth, Wiohthere, Kenelm, Calunoth, Hildebeorht, Mynyddfoss, Unwona, Bertred, Gage, Eumer, Botolph, Aednoth, Warrer

Surramese: Sandro, Tobias, Schmid, Max, Kasper, Markus, Kugler, Florian, Lang, Luca, Weingarten, Matteo, Kohn, Jan, Kollek, Maximilian, Semmelweis, Nino, Brunner, Nico, Adrian, Moser, Arron, Eder, Emil, Kaplan, Leonhard, Menninger, Jakob, Manuel

Cactiican: Qian, Tian, Zheng, Qing, Zhen, Shi, Chang, Shao, Xuan, Huang, Shi, Ming, Kang, Hu, Jin, Fang, Dai, Qing, Bai, Zhenya, Yuan, Yahui, Su, Heng, Tao, Fang, Peng, Yu, Chin, Yi, Zhihao, Yao, Qiang, Xiang, Xuegang

Acluthean: Etana, Hunhalbida, Allala, Humbaba, Durul, Lu-Bau, Humwawa, Etirum, Puzur-Amurri, Warad-Ishtar, Iter-Pisha, Jushur, Akalamdug, Shallurum, En-Tarah-Ana, Samuqan, Shatamurrim, Zuqaqip, Kudiya, Yahurum

Common female names

Andractiician: Xanava, Vaxicalia, Ivalori, Evii, Sasix, Waxva, Laiven, Ase, Iiwai, Zaavara, Avacaria, Xavieara, Hopeal, Eelie, Valliix, Nori, Yorimarx, Vericaxianara, Sasicha, Dethe, Chakcar, Lore, Bellyavanax, Xaaxi, Zanla, Thorhild, Gjaflaug, Karli, Gudny, Hallveig, Svanhild, Thyri, Geirlaug, Odindis, Bergthora

Corgan: Mepia, Cosia, Hosidia, Mico, Aebutia, Ferentina, Witellia, Ricriboniana, Pecundinia, Qavo, Kurria, Berecunda, Nepia, Pudomia, Rittia, Tamilla, Cettidia, Tecentia, Witruvia, Niniana, Minucia Cremutia, Maria, Caelestia, Caecilia, Anatolia, Plotia, Thlora, Vipstana, Cerviana, Nigidia, Maximinia, Vatinia, Serma, Atia, Magnentia, Tadia, Columella, Vassenia, Arruntia

Floniican: Ruodhaid, Atula, Adalmut, Wihted, Blitekin, Lietgarda, Adalind, Wisigard, Geua, Merofled, Bavin, Reingard, Vualdetruda, Fredeuuara, Ermina, Hildeburg, Madelgarde, Adelaidis, Ermengarde, Guntheuc, Thancuuara, Beriungis, Cunegund, Gersuenda, Thietgarda, Bertliana, Rothin, Alpaide, Rotlenda, Leubovera

Norii'can: Iktan, Xquiq, Tlalli, Xpiayoc, Xoc, Xochitl, Yatzil, Cualli, Chachiuitl, Ixazalvoh, Zeltzin, Ixtli, Akna, Iktan, Sacnite, Ix Kaknab, Cualli, Citlali, Chen, Iktan, Ixcuiname, Colel, Ixazalvoh, Coszcatl, Tecuith, Ihuicatl, Itzamatul, Sacniete, Itzamatul

Yu'toriican: Kakra, Sadara, Mona, Bata, Sania, Daher, Bazi, Nannosa, Issa, Sohaila, B’shara, Dalia, Arian, Shahadah, Naser, Amal, Khouri, Salama, Ghanem, Deoris, Ghannam, Masika, Salida, Mert, Samaha, Kamilah, Srour, Mariam, Maalouf, Olabisis, Atiyeh, Rana, Hadada, Bassma, Shamoon, Masika, Mubarak

Viraniiese: Andheri, Fuaada, Karimi, Noora, Masroora, Sultana, Arafa, Adeeba Sadiqa, Zubaida, Turay, Sajaa, Aatifa, Najiyya, Hamsa, Hujja, Sultana, Farag, Fidda, Mahaa, Sukaina, Sader, Hanoona, Aseela, Jumaine, Nawaz

Amadoriician: Lamberta, Riccarda, Runhild, Anselma, Arda, Ottilia, Frauke, Hermine, Adela, Kirsa, Romilda, Bliktrud, Burglinde, Lioba, Rotraud, Bruna, Arnolda, Griselda, Diomira, Klothilde, Waltraud, Veerle, Elva, Herlinde, Carla, Adelheid, Everarda, Cressida, Gundelinde, Ingfried

Doractician: Yalentína, Vojtechová, Darina, Chlebovcová, Ilena, Prešovská, Vanda, Záhorecová, Lýdia, Blahová, Viktória, Novomedská, Renáta, Kráľová, Alexandra, Bartková, Terézia, Botošová, Jarmila, Ondrejová

Meeradoriician: Ceolfrith, Ermenhilda, Hugeburc, Sunnild, Wulburg, Cyniburg, Nothgytha, Hugeburc, Tyrer, Bathild, Aedilthryd, Brictiva, Brictuia, Leofwynn, Ealdgifu, Saethryth, Heahgyth, Beorhtwynn, Ealdgyth, Saethryd

Surramese: Marie, Franz, Rosa, Morgenstern, Laura, Sophia, Pia, Lilli, Lea-Sophie, Clara, Jasmin, Lorena, Bahr, Anika, Franziska, Leonie, Ahmei, Saskia, Larissa, Janina

Cactiican: Zi, Yazhu, Xiao, Fu, Zeng, Shui, Bai, Ming, Shuren, Teng, Chen, Jia, Guanyu, Wang, Ana, Li, Yating

Acluthean: Ninlil, Nintuda, Sin-Nada, Asharru, Humusi, Iltani, Hunabatum, Elutil, Nigbau, Delondra, Gemekala, Nindukugga, Nisaba, Anunit, Ninshuel, Ahassunu, Asharru, Lilith, Sabit, Ilusha-Hegal

The arts and architecture

Caniic architecture is a sight to behold. Its resemblance to ancient Scandinavian architecture is striking, with its rectangular long-buildings that dominate the civic and military landscape. These structures are built to last, with a sturdy Hydronite alloy frame that can withstand even the most destructive forces. The oak sidings, coated with a resin, provide an added layer of protection against energy weaponry, making these buildings virtually indestructible. But it's not just the civic and military buildings that are impressive. The commoner's houses are equally stunning, made of pine logs that give them a natural, rustic charm. The finished wood surface on both the exterior and interior of the building adds to the warmth and coziness of the space. And the large windows that allow for an unobstructed view of the outside world create a sense of connection with nature that is truly unparalleled.   What sets Caniic architecture apart is its simplicity. There are no towering skyscrapers or massive buildings that dominate the skyline. Instead, the focus is on creating functional, practical spaces that blend seamlessly with the natural environment. It's a style that celebrates the beauty of simplicity, and it's one that is sure to leave a lasting impression on anyone who experiences it.   Caniic society has a unique perspective on art, where wall painting is not considered as high art. Instead, the most prestigious form of art is panel painting, which involves tempera or encaustic painting on wooden panels. This form of art is highly valued, as it requires great skill and precision to create a masterpiece on a perishable material like wood. However, the scarcity of surviving examples of panel paintings is a sad reality. Only a handful of such paintings have managed to withstand the test of time, including the Curtain of Bravery from 347 AD, a routine official portrait from a provincial government office, and the famous Jurek mummy portraits from Caniic Acluth. These paintings are not of the highest contemporary quality, but they are still revered for their historical significance and artistic value.

Tools and technologies

Main Articles: Caniic Technology

Of all three Tíreian races, Caniic are considered to be the most advanced with their core focus centered around photon weaponry and liquid nitrogen power generation, which they have utilized in their advancements in transportation. Caniic have developed a highly efficient system of railways that spans across both continents of Hazura and Acluth, connecting their cities and towns with ease. Using liquid nitrogen-powered engines, these trains are able to reach incredible speeds while also being environmentally friendly. The railway system is a marvel of engineering, with intricate networks of bridges and tunnels that seamlessly blend into the natural landscape.   Caniic are proud of their technological achievements, but they also recognize the importance of preserving the environment. However, there is one area where the Caniic are still struggling to make significant progress - artificial intelligence and holographic technology. It's an area they are eager to explore, but one that continues to elude them. As a result, the Caniic have had to rely on their natural intelligence and ingenuity to make up for this lack of progress in the field. But that doesn't mean they can't appreciate the use of technology in other areas. One such area is in communication. The Caniic have developed highly advanced systems of communication that allow their people to connect seamlessly with each other, no matter where they are located. They have a vast network of communication satellites that orbit their homeworld of Tíreia and each of their colony worlds, constantly relaying messages and information back and forth.

Religion and spirituality

Caniic are known for their strict moral code, which is deeply rooted in the belief of individual responsibility. For them, the concepts of good and evil are not absolute, but rather a matter of personal choice between egoism and altruism in any given situation. This philosophy allows them to enjoy absolute freedom of religion, and they are free to practice whatever faith they choose, as long as it does not interfere with their duties. Despite their belief in individual responsibility, Caniic are not solitary beings. They are a community of people who share a common goal of living a virtuous life.   When it comes to religion, Caniic tend to be polytheistic, believing in various gods and goddesses. Their faith is deeply rooted in nature, and they believe that everything in the world is interconnected. They see the gods and goddesses as powerful forces that govern the natural world, and they often offer prayers and sacrifices to them in order to gain their favor. Despite their polytheistic beliefs, Caniic are not dogmatic in their approach to religion. They are open-minded and tolerant, and they respect the beliefs of others. They believe that everyone has the right to practice their own faith, and they do not judge others based on their religious beliefs.

Science and philosophy

The Caniic have developed a deep love for both science and philosophy. They firmly believe that knowledge is the key to unraveling the mysteries of the universe, and as a result, have made significant advancements in the fields of astronomy, biology, and physics. By applying a rigorous scientific method, the Caniic effectively test and verify their theories through experimentation and observation.   In addition to their scientific pursuits, the Caniic are avid followers of the Tigriic's philosophy. This philosophy is firmly rooted in the principles of balance, virtue, and personal responsibility. According to the Caniic, leading a virtuous life entails living in perfect harmony with oneself and the natural world. As a testament to their belief in environmental sustainability, the Caniic prioritize the well-being of their planet and actively engage in conservation practices. They recognize the vital role of a healthy environment in their species' survival and strive to ensure that their actions do not harm the delicate ecological balance.   The Caniic's dedication to both science and philosophy is evident in their approach to life. They have attained a level of intellectual prowess that allows them to delve into the depths of knowledge and make significant contributions to various scientific disciplines. Simultaneously, they maintain a profound understanding of their interconnectedness with nature, humbly acknowledging their responsibility to preserve and protect the environment. The Caniic's pursuit of knowledge and commitment to virtue serve as a shining example of the harmonious coexistence of science and philosophy in their society.


Caniic exude a sense of duty and selflessness. Their society is built on the foundation of public service, and every citizen is expected to contribute to the betterment of their community. From a young age, Caniic are taught the importance of personal accountability and the concept of Caniic honor. This sense of responsibility is ingrained in their very being, and they take it very seriously.   Their military is the backbone of their society, and it is not just an armed force but an all-encompassing public works organization. The Caniic military police also serve as the civic police, and the fire brigades serve both the civilian population and military facilities. The corps of engineers builds and maintains essential infrastructure such as spaceports, schools, water purification plants, and power stations.   Caniic are not easily provoked to violence, but when conflict is inevitable, they only understand the concept of "total war." They do not believe in small-scale battles or skirmishes; they use massive fleets and numbers to defeat their adversaries so completely that they remove any threat of having to fight the same opponent more than once. They do not seek to exterminate their enemies, but rather to devastate their military so completely that the enemy has no choice but to become a colony of the Caniic. Other species view the Caniic as "men of action," and they are generally regarded as the most progressive compared to the Tigriic or Sauruanian. Their society is highly regimented and organized, and they are known for their strict discipline and work ethic. Changes and advances accepted by the leadership are quickly adopted by the rest of society with minimal resistance.   While Caniic are individuals with personal desires, their instinct is to equate the self with the group and to set aside all personal desires for the good of all. They are poor entrepreneurs due to their strong inclination toward public service and self-sacrifice. Caniic are taught to own every decision they make, good or ill, and lying about their own actions is considered the worst sin they can commit in the eyes of their people. Even those who commit murder will try to get away with it, but if directly questioned, most will confess the crime.


Caniic societies typically do not divide gender identities and gender roles beyond basic masculine and feminine characteristics and prescribe the acceptable behaviors and attitudes for their members based on their sex. In both higher and lower echelons, men and women often have the same responsibilities, roles and expectations placed on them. Although caniic society is commonly male-dominated, caniic women are independent and possess the same rights as men. Though men are meant to be manly, and women feminine, both are regarded as an honorable warrior and/or farmer, and often share housekeeping duties. Challenges to predominant gender norms are rare in many societies. Little is known about gender roles in the earliest caniic societies.


All caniic societies organize, recognize and classify types of social relationships based on relations between parents, children, descendants, ancestors, and relations through marriage and military service. There is also a third type applied to adoptive children. These culturally defined relationships are referred to as kinship. In many societies, it is one of the most important social organizing principles and plays a role in transmitting status and inheritance. All societies have rules of incest taboo, according to which marriage between kin relations are prohibited, and some also have rules of preferential marriage with kin relations.


Caniic ethnic groups are a social category that identifies together as a group based on shared attributes that distinguish them from other groups. These can be a common set of traditions, ancestry, language, history, society, culture, nation, religion, or social treatment within their residing area.   Ethnicity is separate from the concept of nationality, which is based on geographical characteristics, although both are socially constructed. Assigning ethnicity to a certain population is complicated, as even within common ethnic designations there can be a diverse range of subgroups, and the makeup of these ethnic groups can change over time at both the collective and individual level. Also, there is no generally accepted definition of what constitutes an ethnic group. Ethnic groupings often play a powerful role in the social identity and solidarity of ethnopolitical units. This has been closely tied to the rise of the Caniic Hierarchy and nation state as the predominant form of political organizations in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Government and politics

The Caniic government, known as the Caniic Hierarchy is a constitutional meritocracy, individuals are recommended and appointed into governmental positions based on their achievements and abilities. This creates a system where those who are the most competent in their respective fields are given the greatest responsibilities and authority. At the top of this hierarchy is the Governor General, who governs and leads the Caniic. While this has potential for misuse, the Caniic place great emphasis on civic duty and personal responsibility; and are taught from a young age that it is their duty to serve their community and to strive for excellence in their chosen fields.   Most caniic are conservatives in nature, and changes throughout their societies are slow, taking generations to take effect, however, their society is highly educated, especially in political scenarios, and although they are not governed by an electoral democracy they have developed specific channels where they can communicate any issue to the hierarchy and the bureaucracy of their civilization, and due to their stoicism and sense of duty, these problems are generally considered a high priority. Nepotism, while present, is rare and looked down upon by the caniic, most of whom instead espouse and practice meritocracy in regards to the handing of positions of power.

Citizenship Tiers

Caniic society consists of 35 different tiers of citizenship, with the first tier being granted at birth. Military service is mandatory during the second tier while the third tier requires completion of boot camp to be formally conferred citizenship. Clients of the Caniic are granted citizenship after they have been discharged from service. Those with higher are expected to lead and protect those beneath them while those with lower rankings are expected to obey and support their superiors. Promotion to a higher tier is decided by the assessment of superiors and co-rankers.   Caniic citizens may ascend to higher tiers or occasionally be "demoted" to lower ones. A demotion is not considered to be a negative reflection on the individual, but rather on those who promoted them before they were ready for additional responsibilities. This helps to prevent individuals from being promoted to positions beyond their capabilities. Caniic value knowing their limitations more than ambition.   At the top of the hierarchy are the Governor-General, who rules a colonization cluster of Thilt, along with Representative politicians and administrators. The Governor-General, and Representatives, vote on matters national, international, and colonial importance but otherwise maintain a "hands-off" policy, trusting citizens on each level below them to carry out their duties competently.
Tier List

1. Governor-General: is the highest obtainable tier within the Hierarchy's tier system. As such, the Governor-General is spokesperson of the Hierarchy and the leader of the entire Caniic race. This is the only tier in the Hierarchy which can only be occupied by one individual at a time, currently Jaal Vaniisǫgr.

2. Króttnahafudą: is the second highest obtainable tier within the Hierarchy. This tier houses caniic politicians which includes Governorate department heads, governorate officials, Representative Assembly councilors and senators, United Chiefs of Command, and the top judges of the Court of Justice.

3. Unknown: Though unnamed, this tier commonly houses those employed in a governorate department, not including the administrators, assistant administrators, other governorate officials, whom are tier-2 level positions.

4. Unknown

5. Unknown

6. Unknown

7. Unknown

8. Unknown

9. Unknown

10. Unknown

11. Unknown

12. Unknown

13. Unknown

14. Unknown

15. Unknown

16. Unknown

17. Unknown

18. Unknown

19. Unknown

20. Unknown

21. Unknown

22. Unknown

23. Unknown

24. Unknown

25. Tīrakin: the 25th tier, is a highly significant level for Caniic military personnel, often serving as a transition point for many individuals. It is common for Caniic to retire from military service upon reaching their 35th birthday at this tier. However, rather than being the end of their journey, Tīrakin serves as a vital stepping stone towards other career paths and higher education. Many Caniic individuals choose to remain at this tier as they search for new opportunities in their lives, using their skills and experiences gained from military service to forge new paths. As such, Tīrakin is a vital tier in the Caniic societal hierarchy, representing both the end of one chapter and the beginning of another.

26. Unknown

27. Unknown

28. Unknown

29. Unknown

30. Unknown

31. Unknown

32. Unknown

33. Oatni Eusa: Oatni Eusa, the 33rd tier, is a crucial level for Caniic service personnel following their completion of boot camp. This tier primarily includes ground forces and enlisted personnel, making it an essential part of the Caniic militaristic and societal structure. Here, young caniic are expected to take on specific responsibilities and duties, demonstrating their capability to carry out their tasks effectively and efficiently. As one of the early tiers of the hierarchy, Oatni Eusa signifies a significant advancement in the Caniic military career path, marking the beginning of a new chapter of every caniic's journey.

34. Fenja: is considered to be military boot camp for young caniic. Caniic Recruits stay in this tier until they formally graduate and became official soldiers in the Armed Forces. The military training can take up to one year for basic training and two to three for officers and NCOs. Upon induction into boot camp, each caniic recruit are randomly placed into a service branch based on skills demonstrated.

  • Cinteinnvellir: is a sub-branch of the Fenja tier reserved for elderly citizens who are no longer physically capable of preforming their duties as they did before. These citizens are, in a sense, retirees and are relieved of all official jobs and duties to be taken care of for the remainder of their days.

35. Bairnalicarl: The Bairnalicarl Tier is the lowest tier within the Hierarchy consisting of young children and client races. Caniic children remain in this tier until their 10th birthday when they join the military. For client races (Tigriic and Sauruanian) military joining is not required for advancement, but it doesn't hurt. Basically, Client races only really need to show loyalty and dedication to the Hierarchy as well as taking a written test on the basics and funtionality of the Hierarchy System.


Although they lack the brutality of the Sauruanian, or the adaptability of the humans, the Caniic military has formidable discipline. Officers and NCOs are "lifers" with years of field experience. Enlisted personnel are thoroughly trained and stay calm under fire. Caniic units rarely, if ever, break. Even if their entire line collapses, they fall back in order, setting ambushes as they go. A popular saying holds: "You will only see a Caniic’s back once he's dead."   Boot camp begins on the 10th birthday. Soldiers receive a year of training before being assigned to a field unit; officers train for even longer. Most serve until the age of 35, at which they become part of the Reserves. Even if they suffer injuries preventing front-line service, most do support work behind the lines. Command and control is centralized but flexible. Individual squads can call for artillery and air support. They make extensive use of combat drones for light duties, supported by overhead gunships. Strategically, they are methodical and patient, and dislike risky operations.   Tradition is important. Each battalion has a full-time staff of historians who chronicle its battle honors in detail. The oldest known records date back to the Caniic Medieval Age.

Fashion and dress

Caniic fashion and dress is synonymous with their impeccable sense of style and disciplined lifestyle. From a young age, Caniic children are taught to prioritize formal attire, leaving no room for casual wear. This emphasis on dressing well from an early age sets the foundation for the Caniic's commitment to military precision and attention to detail in all aspects of their lives.   One of the most striking ensembles worn by Caniic military commanders and government leaders is their black uniforms. These uniforms are meticulously designed, with a focus on sharp lines, tailored fits, and pristine black fabric. The black color symbolizes power, authority, and seriousness, reflecting the Caniic's commitment to their responsibilities. The uniforms are adorned with service medals and ribbons, proudly displayed on the left side of their jackets, symbolizing the achievements and dedication of these individuals to their duties.   The Caniic's military-inspired attire not only represents their commitment to formality and precision, but also serves as a visual reminder of the importance of discipline and order in their society. The crispness and cleanliness of their outfits further accentuate their attention to detail and high standards. By adhering to this strict dress code, the Caniic convey a sense of professionalism and seriousness, emphasizing the value they place on duty and honor.

Other Customs and Traditions

Birth and coming of age

Much like other species that have live births, is seen as extremely dangerous for mother and newborn. Thus, rites of birth are common in many pre-modern and modern societies. In both ancient and modern times, people pray to the god and goddess, Ava and Avan, and sing ritual Swaki-songs to protect the mother and the child. Fate plays a huge role in most caniic cultures and is determined at the moment of birth by the Chorn. Five nights after birth, the child has to be recognised by the father of the household. He places the child on his knee while sitting in the high seat. Water is sprinkled on the child, it is named and thus admitted into the family. As stated above, children are often named after deceased ancestors and relatives, and the names of deities can also be a part of the name. Caniic believe certain traits are connected to certain names and that these traits are carried on when the names are re-used by new generations. This is part of ancestor worship. Putting the child on the knee of the father confirms his or her status as a member of the family and bestowed the rights connected to this status. The child can no longer be killed, or exposed by the parents, without it being considered murder. Exposing children is a socially accepted way of limiting the population. The belief that deities are present during childbirth suggests that caniic do not regard the mother and the child as excluded from normal society as is the case in later times and apparently there are no ideas about female biological functions being unclean.   Caniic children are often considered to be legal adults upon their tenth year when they are eligible to enter military service. While their is no real ceremony for the passage into adulthood, children are given a family heirloom (usually an arm ring for boys and a neck ring for girls), children are also given a modest starting allowence by the Hierarchy upon graduation from boot camp.

Trade and economics

Trade and economics play a significant role in Caniic society, reflecting their meticulous attention to detail and high standards not only in their appearance but also in their business transactions. The Caniic, thanks to their Tigriic allies, have perfected the art of commerce, establishing an intricate system of bartering and trade routes that span across their vast territories.   The Caniic have a complex system of bartering that allows for the exchange of goods and services with the use of currency. The process is highly regulated by the Hierarchy Department of Financing and Budgeting, which ensures fair pricing and quality control. Each nation has its own treasury, responsible for the printing and minting of Hierarchy currency, and the management of government and civil funds, ensuring economic stability and prosperity. Though many caniic nations still print their own currencies, they are being quickly overtaken by the Hierarchy's international currency as the primary form of payment.

Relations with Other Species

See: Tigriic and Sauruanian


The Caniic and Tigriic have a bond that has stood the test of time. Their relationship is one of mutual respect and admiration, born from their first meeting over 2500 years ago. The Caniic hold the Tigriic in high esteem, recognizing their role in their growth and development as a unified people. It is a relationship that has endured through the ages, with many Tigriic holding important governmental roles within the Caniic Hierarchy.   At the heart of this relationship is a deep understanding and appreciation for each other's culture and traditions. The Caniic have learned much from the Tigriic, and vice versa. They have shared their knowledge and expertise, building a strong foundation of trust and cooperation that has allowed them to thrive.   One of the most notable examples of this relationship is Kou Stamatiliskinji, who holds the highest Tier-2 level administration head for the Department of Financing and Budgeting. His appointment to this important role is a testament to the trust and respect that the Caniic have for their Tigriic counterparts.


The relationship between the Caniic and Sauruanian is a complex one, fraught with tension and unease. From a political standpoint, the two groups have had a distant and sometimes hostile co-existence, with their interactions often marked by a sense of estrangement and delicacy. The roots of this strained relationship can be traced back to the late-1980s, when the Sauruanian first came to the attention of the Hierarchy. A lengthy war ensued, and the two groups have struggled to find common ground ever since.   One of the key issues that has kept the Caniic and Sauruanian at odds is the Sauruanian's insistence on maintaining slavery as a cultural necessity. This practice is deeply ingrained in their society, and they have been reluctant to give it up, even in the face of pressure from the Hierarchy. Despite this, the Caniic have allowed the Sauruanian to continue practicing slavery within their own territory, as long as they do not attempt to traffic or sell slaves in or through Hierarchy territory. This compromise has helped to maintain a fragile peace between the two groups, but the underlying tensions and mistrust remain.


The Caniic are not strangers to violence. Despite their peaceful nature, they have a long history of engaging in wars and conflicts. However, the Caniic have specific beliefs and values when it comes to violence, and they try to avoid engaging in it whenever possible.   Caniic also have a strong belief in negotiation and diplomacy as means to resolve conflicts. They recognize that violence only leads to more suffering and destruction, and so they prioritize finding peaceful solutions whenever possible. Their diplomatic protocols are well-established, and they have skilled negotiators who are able to navigate complex political situations with finesse. However, there have been instances where Caniic have had no choice but to engage in conflict.   In terms of external conflicts, either as the contact of the Sauruanian of their homeworld or extraterrestrial species, Caniic have always been vigilant in protecting their borders and territories from outside threats. They have strict protocols for dealing with outsiders who may pose a threat, including thorough background checks and negotiations before allowing any foreign entities into their territory. These deals typically involve exchanging goods or services in order to maintain good relations with all sides without having to resort to bloodshed and destruction.


Male Caniic.png
by Thach
The female lineart.png
by Thach

Biological overview

Scientific Name Homo Canis sapien

Classification Mammal

Diet Omnivorious

Physical information

Lifespan 90 - 100 years

Average Height 5' 10" - 6' 5"

Average Weight 180 lb. - 225 lb.

Sociocultural information

Homeworld & Population

Tíreia (native; 892,168,256)

Home System

Thilt System

Colonies & Population

Atis (non-native; 47,790,498)

Anzion (non-native; 109,075,639)

Nitis (non-native; 21,094,678)

Corth (non-native; 23,849)

Surniic (non-native; 7,822)

Colonized System

Xeviron System


Caniic Hierarchy

  • 13 National Governments:

    • Yu'toriic

    • New Viranii

    • Amadoriic

    • Doractic

    • Meeradoriic

    • Surram

    • Cactiica

    • Mytariic

    • Allied States of Acluth

Colonial Governance

Hierarchy Colonial Administration


Caniic Hierarchy Armed Forces

Official Religion


Official Currency

Hierarchy ðõllars

Official Language(s)

Hjaldrvargr mál


National Languages regional lesser languages

Technological Level Tier 3

Technologies (native) Ion Drive, Nitrogen Power Cell, Nitrogen Reactor Core, Photon Nitrogen Energy, Tactical First Aid Apparatus, Medical Bed, Data Pad, Weapons Scanner

Technologies (Shared) Artificial Gravity, Energy Shielding, Habitation Domes, Inertia Damping Generator, Terraforming


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