The Grand Eminence Character in Intergalactic Alliance | World Anvil
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The Grand Eminence

The Tolana have a complex and complicated religious system that intertwines family dynamics, clan relationships and hierarchies, and an intense focus on appeasing ancestral energies. The leader of Tolana society- The Grand Eminence – is the head of the top clan in the Tolana hierarchical structure. Rankings of clans are set in the great Tolana debate halls. The debaters are not members of any clans, rather highly educated and trained civil servants whose job is to interpret laws, rules, side in legal disputes or criminal cases. They award promotions or demotions to clans. Most importantly, they consult the ancestral planes for advice and guidance, having a direct pathway to the energies.   The Current Grand Eminence is a member of the main T’ylana clan, which is been in power for almost a century. The T’ylana are said to have a direct line to the ancestors allow, due to their karmic energy from generations of sacrifice and service. A military family by trade, they produce many children that are highly trained and skilled for battle. Earning many prestigious honors in the debate halls, the family rose to power until the T’ylana leader, General Uto, challenged the Grand Eminice nearly 100 years ago. In a bloody arena battle to the death, Uto emerged victorious. The family has held their power since.   But the T’ylana can has taken the role of Grand Eminence to the next level. Claiming an ancestral desire for galactic domination, the clan has led the way to Tolana galactic domination, invading lesser species and demanding the Rhonians be reduced to labor-driven status, stripped of basic rights. Since Tolana law gives the dominant clan ruling authority, nothing was to be done, especially as the ancestral plane was consulted and viewed the regime favorably. No one has challenged the T’ylana clan in the time that they’ve ruled. Pictures of the Grand Eminence are in most Tolana homes, inspiring the people to work hard and to build stronger relations to their ancestors.

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