Eden Geographic Location in Infinite | World Anvil
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There are no gods among mice and men


Roughly the size of Molhaven, if not a bit smaller, the center is a beautiful palace surrounded by hanging gardens. Gravity is warped, allowing small objects to appear to be floating or swaying in invisible winds/drafts, and the exterior of the palace is nothing but a thick garden. The perimeter is a band of thick, dark trees, which are impassible as they serve as a marker for the edge of the world. The gardens themselves have long become overgrown, and paths are difficult but not impossible to find. The forests grow mostly from a floating tier system that goes down from the palace before balancing out, and the forests and creatures there are directly connected to the spirit realm.

Fauna & Flora

The flora are incredibly diverse and are easily grown here, but fauna are a tad harder to find. Most are creatures like deer or hawks, but a few more mythical creatures take residence here as well. Usually the only creatures that can access it are the dead through the spirit realm (plants included), but it can be accessed by regular animals with some effort. Most looks like a combination spirit world and the forests from Annihilation

Natural Resources

The parallel is coded to automatically provide for the needs of its inhabitants by converting pure energy into other things, but this process makes it difficult for living creatures to survive there long unless they're gods or something similar, since the dimension will begin feeding off their energy after a little while and even begin to rearrange DNA to fit the needs of the parallel.
Dimensional plane
Characters in Location

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